Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

You Start Shaking at the Thought You are Everything I Want

1 day later

I woke up, nearly ontop of Matt though our bed was big enough for five people. His bare chest was pressed against mine, and our legs where semi-entangled. As last nights events replayed in my head I couldn't help but smile contentedly. Matt cracked an eye open, "You know for being a chick, you think about sex more than I do." He chuckled lightly.

"Ah but you love it. It would be worse if I never wanted to have sex right?" I replied with a smirk.

"Mhm. I have a feeling I'm going to love having you here." He said suggestively. I rolled my eyes and laid my head back on his chest. He brushed my tangled hair aside and started rubbing circles in my lower back. I loved the electric feeling that still sent shockwaves through my system.

"I love you." I whispered against his chest.

He wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace, "I love you too. More than anything in the whole world."

"Even more than Jack Daniels?" I asked with a smile.

"Way more. You get me drunk enough from your presence."

"Well thanks Cheesey McCheesersin." I said with a laugh before he kissed me gently.

"Anytime doll anytime." For some odd reason, the guys had taken to calling me doll. I asked about it once and they said it was because I looked like a porcelain doll. I'm still not quite sure if that was a compliment or not. I dislike porcelain dolls, they're fuckin creepy dude!

I stood up and stretched before slipping on the black silk robe that was haphazardly thrown onto the bedside lamp the night before. "You know, your really lucky this didn't burn up on the lamp Mr.I-don't-dont-care-where-your-clothes-end-up-as-long-as-I-get-to-make-love-to-you." I scolded playfully.

"Hmm odd. I didn't hear you complaining last night.." Matt teased, with a devilish grin. I opened my mouth to retaliate before realizing how right he was. I just rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. He just laughed and stood up. I bit my lip as I tried to control my eyes from straying to his sculpturesque body. Not that he was but he does look like those inhumanly beautiful marble sculptures. Well at least they looked like him before the Great Castration of 1857...He doesn't exactly have a fig leaf down there.. "Uh babe? You have some seriously strange thoughts." Matt said amusedly, while pulling on a pair of basketball shorts, to cover up his 'fig leaf'.

"I told you weeks ago it's better you just don't listen to them. They are waay to strange for anyone else to understand." I said pointedly. He just shook his head laughing before pulling me in to kiss my forehead.

"Hey uh-babe? I kinda want to take you out tonight. Someplace fancy. A celebratory dinner." Matt said, pulling away.

"Okay baby. Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"Di Cicco's. Be ready by six." He said as he grabbed my hand and proceeded to drag me down the hall towards the kitchen.


At around 5:50 I was showered and ready to go. I could sense that Matt was nervous about something but he was very good at concealing his thoughts. "You look absolutely stunning." Matt said as he walked me to the passeneger side of his sleek black Hummer. He opened the door for me and helped me get in. One of the things I adored about him was how much of a gentlemen he was. Rockstar or no he still knew how to treat a lady.

He was wearing a pair of black slacks and a light grey button down shirt. Sadly it didn't show any of his tattoos, but I think he did that purposefully so as to not scare the fellow diners or staff. "You clean up very well my dear." I said, taking in his freshly shaven face and the scent of his Dior for Men cologne. My man had good taste.

"Why thank you. I'm glad I look presentable. I have a feeling if I had shown up in a Harley Davidson shirt with the sleeves cut off and my silver skull belt buckle we wouldn't be welcome."

"Well maybe not. But you'd have all the girls and gay guys drooling over you. Hell even little preppy girls who like preppy boys make an acception for you. Your just that sexy." I exclaimed jokingly. He just growled playfully and pressed his lips to my knuckles. He was so odd sometimes but he was just to cute to find it wierd when he growls.

We pulled up infront of Di Cicco's a few minutes later. Matt parked the car near the front entrance and got out to open my door for me. He offered his elbow once I was safely out and the door was shut behind me. I took it and we walked through the entrance way to the Maitre D table. I took a look around the restaurant. It had high cielings and archways. On the far right wall was a mural of cherubs in flight. There was soft lighting and gentle music in the background. "Ciao. Welcome to Di Cicco's, do you have a reservation?" The male Maitre D' asked with a slight Italian accent.

"Yes. I have a reservation under Sanders, table for two." Matt replied while patting my hand.

After a second to look through the reservation book, the guy nodded and said, "Right this way Mr. Sanders." We followed him through tables full of people to a small candle lit table right next to the mural. The Maitre D pulled out my chair for me and walked away before I could even say thank you.

"This place is beautiful Matt. Thankyou for taking me here." I said as he held my hand over the table.

"Anything for you my dear. Anything for you." He replied with a grin.

"Hello I'm Antonio and I'll be your server for the evening. What can I get you two to drink?" A tall maybe 20 year old guy asked.

"Yes. I'll have a Hieniken and she'll have your best Chardonay please." Matt stated. Antonio nodded and walked away. I picked up my menu and started looking through it. "What looks good?" Matt asked me.

"I think the calzone looks really good. Or the ravioli with italian sausage." I said thoughtfully.

"I think I'm going to get the rigatoni." He said before closing his menu and putting it infront of him.

"I'll get the calzone. I love them here." I closed my menu as well just as our server came back.

"Your Chardonay, the best we have miss. And your Hieniken in a glass. Are you ready to order?" He asked while pulling a plain white pad of paper out of his black apron.

"Yes I'll have the rigatoni and she'll have the calzone with extra cheese." Matt replied before sipping his beer. I loved how he ordered for me it was so sweet.

"Oh sweetie? Max called me and said that he wanted us to do a benefit concert for breast cancer this Saturday at the Savemart Center." I stated.

"Okay that shouldn't be a problem. Do you still want to get those tattoos done?"

"Yessir. I'm excited." I replied before sipping my chardonay.

"I'm excited for you. First tattoos are always the best because you don't know what to expect."

"Well technically this wont be my first tattoo." I replied.

"It'll be your first tattoo in a shop which is by far a totally different experience."

"Well tha-" I was interrupted by our waiter bringing our plates to us.

"Careful, yours is really hot." He stated looking at Matt, in a flirtatious way. Matt nodded with wide eyes before looking down. I nearly choked on my wine as I held back my laughter. The waiter winked at him before walking swiftly away.

"What the hell was that?!" Matt asked, disgruntled.

"Umm I think that was a gay guy hitting on you...?" I replied sarcastically. I started laughing again once I saw his expression. He looked absolutely repulsed. Don't get me wrong, Matt isn' a homophobe, he just flips a shit when a guy hits on him.

We finished eating our dinner and talked about little un-important things when Matt stood. He came over to my side of the table and grabbed my hand. "What are-?" I asked confusedly.

He got down on one knee. "Nicky I love you with all my heart. I would be totally lost without you by my side. I love all of your little quirks and the faces you make. I love your sense of humor and your strength. I love your independance and your hard headdedness. I just love you fully and completely and unconditionally. If I start thinking about the future I cant even picture mine without you in it. I want you to be the mother of my children, I want us to grow old together. When I'm on my death bed I want to be assured that I'll meet you in Heaven so we can be together for eternity. Your the best thing that could have ever happened to me." He pulled a little black velvet box from his pocket and held it open to reveal the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. "Nicolette Rosemary Hope Bouregard, will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

My eyes had started tearing up and I smiled before saying,"Of course." I leaned down and pressed my lips to his just as he was replacing the promise ring he had given me with the engagement ring.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tittle Credit- Make Damn Sure- Taking Back Sunday

Okay I know I havnt updated in a while but I hope this makes up for it? I've been working on it for a few days because somehow when I first wrote it, it got deleted when I was like two paragraphs from the end. >.< EPIC FAIL Anyways. So yeah I start highschool in like 3 weeks. As a freshman. Yay me? In other depressing news, I have to get like five shots AND i HATE NEEDLES! Wish me luck :(
Love and Marilyn Monroe,


P.S. I have a new story out its an original fic, tell me how you like it?
heres the link ---> Angel
I only have one chapter up now but I should be updating more soon!