Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

My Automobie Is A Piece of Crap My Fashion Sense is A Little Wack

The next day I was getting ready to meet the other Avenged girls, Michelle, Gena, Lacey and even Leana. I was preparing myself to tell them about Jimmy. Speaking of which, he was sitting on the counter pulling faces at me while I was putting my mascara on. "James Owen Sullivan I will kill you if you make me get mascara on my new white blouse!"

"Jimbo come on don't piss off my fiance'. She's going through alot today." Matt called from our bedroom.

"I'm just trying to make you laugh love. I'll show myself to them if things get too out of hand. Plus, I really feel like hugging my wife." He said, his aura tainting dark blue with saddness.

"Hey, hey no frownie faces Mr. Angel." I said chucking him under the chin. Apparently now that I know he's my angel I can touch him as if he where in the flesh. Only me though, if anyone else wants to touch him he has to like condense again, even Matt who can now see him.

He cracked the smallest of smiles before pulling me in for a huge bear hug. I let him bury his face in my neck and held him for a few minutes. He and I had come to depend on eachother quite a bit in the months previous. He was the first to congratulate me on my engagement with Matt. "I love you Nickster." He mumbled.

"Love you too Jimbo. Now come on get excited, you get to see your wifey again today! Might even get a kiss outta her!"

He pulled away from me and I slipped in to my red stilettos. "Aww look, now your only a foot shorter than me!" Jimmy exclaimed. I turned on my heel and felt my ass-long hair slap him in the face. he sputtered and flicked it out of his mouth while I laughed. "Eww your hair tastes like fucking perfume!"

"I warned you not to call her short!" Matt called as he threw me my clutch.

"Yeah what he said." I stated, before kissing Matt on the lips.

"Ahhh my virgin eyes!" Jimmy exclaimed covering his pretty blue eyes.

"Virgin eyes? You really expect us to beleive that bull shit?" Matt asked with a laugh.

"...Yes..Yes I do." Jimmy said, feighning seriousness.

"Riiighhht and I'm the jolly green giant." I scoffed.

"No sir! You my little friend are the jolly purple midget!" Jimmy stated. I raised an eyebrow and he dissapeared knowing I would have knocked him over the head.

"Angel my ass." I grumbled as we started walking down the hallway to the garage where Matt's fucking huge Jeep waited. Matt unlocked the door and opened mine, picking me up and helping me into my seat. The damn thing was waaay to high for me to get in by myself. "Thanks lovey." I said as I settled in my seat. Matt smiled showing his cute dimples and shut my door.

"We're going to head over to Brian's. Everyone is already there, except Val of course. Apparently Chelle was super pissed at what she did." Matt stated as he buckled himself up.

"What her coming over here? She shouldn't be mad at that. I'd probably turn all psycho ex girlfriend if you dumped me too." I said with a laugh.

"Well then it's a really good thing I'll never leave you." He stated. I fiddled with the radio and Secondhand Serenade came on with "Fall For You." I sang along with it until we pulled up infront of a large two story white house with a long widing driveway.

"Hmm I can only guess that this is Brian's humble abode." I stated sarcastically. Matt laughed and nodded.

"The man deffinitely likes to flaunt his money."

"Aw well thats my best friend for you!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands. Over tour I had gotten closest to Brian besides Matt of course. I nocked his ego down to somewhat normal and he boosted mine. We balanced eachother out. Matt chuckled and pulled to a stop infront of the door. He got out first and walked around to set me safely on my feet.

"Member, don't say anything about the engagement, I want to see how long it takes them to realize the ring on your finger is all diamonds and not amythist anymore." Matt whispered in my ear as we went to ring the doorbell. I nodded and pressed the doorbell.

It was soon opened by Brian clad in a striped apron and chef's hat. "Beanski!" He exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. I laughed and returned the gesture.

"Yeah it's great to see you to bro. By the way I'm doing peachy!" Matt exclaimed sarcastically.

Brian just laughed and patted Matt on the back. "Is someone on his man rag?" Bri asked sweetly. Matt shot him a death glare and walked passed him in the house. "Hey Bean?Wheres Jimmy?" He asked me quietly.

"No clue but he might just have to make an appearance today. Ecspecially if the girls don't beleive me." I said, nerves bundling in my tummy. Relax baby I'm here for you and so is Jimbo. Matt's voice said calmly in my head. I took a deep breath and tried to relax.

"They will since we beleive you. They know we have good judgement when it comes to people." Bri said soothingly, while rubbing my back. He guided me through the living room that was so him with its black and purple decor and out the french double doors into the backyard. "Hey guys, come meet our drummer." Four female heads turned our way.

I walked tentatively over to the group of females, fidgeting with the ends of my hair. "Uh h-hi I'm Nicolette Bouregard but please call me Nicky." I said, introducing myself.

"I'm Michelle, Bri's fiance he told me alot about you." She said with a grin.

"Likewise. On tour he wouldn't shut up about you." I said jokingly. She laughed as did the other three.

"I'm Gena. Zacky's girl. And Misses quiet over there is Lacey." She stated pointing to a smaller girl who smiled at me.

"And you must be Leana." I said towards the shorter of the four with curly dirty blonde hair.

"Yeah. Hi, it's nice to meet you." She said with a small smile. I could tell she was still grieving the loss of her husband and frankly I just wanted to hug her. I'm surprised she didn't hate me for taking Jimmy's place in the band. Jimmy appeared and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek that I swear she felt by her surprised look. Jimmy stood back and watched her with sorrowful eyes. I felt like crying.

"Hey guys! Burgers are almost ready! Chelle can you get the plates please?" Brian asked.

Chelle rolled her eyes and stood up, "Be back." She said before heading inside.

"So how do you like touring- holy shit thats an engagement ring!" Lacey exclaimed pointing at my left hand.

"Shhh! Yes it is but we're waiting to see how long it takes the guys to notice it."

Lacey, Leana and Gena snickered. "Well good luck with that! The only one who might notice is Johnny cause as I'm sure you know, he pays attention to everything." Gena stated.

"Yeah I know, on the tour bus he'd be the only one to notice that I'd cleaned." I said, shaking my head at the memory.

"I personally feel bad for you. The only female on a bus of guys for months at a time? No fucking way." Leana stated.

"Eh it wasn't total hell. It was actually nice to have a couple of friends. I'd never really had many because I was so..different. I made one really good friend in college then she moved out to Florida and became a lawyer for a small firm."

"Really? You seem really nice though, why would people not like you?" Gena asked, clearly surprised.

"Well in highschool I was a cheerleader so obviously the goth/scene/emo kids didn't like me. But I hated the girls on the squad so they hated me so the jocks didn't like me either. Being a stoner was never my thing. And the skateboarders just thought I was odd because I could skate just as well as them. The nerds all hated me because I was a rival as far as getting the highest grades went. Not to mention whenever someone actually did like me and want to be my friend my dad would ruin it."

"Why was he embarrasing?" Leana asked.

"No, he just scared them off, telling them absurd lies about me being mentally ill. He hated me."

"Where was your mom?" Lacey inquired.

"Dead. She died when I was three and my dad passed away, in jail might I add, about a month or two ago."

"I'm so sorry. That totally sucks monkey balls." Leana stated softly.

"Ehh thats life and I've learned to accept it. In the grand scheme of things you have to learn to change the things you can and keep the peace with the things you cant." I replied, smiling slightly.

"Your wise beyond your years my dear." Gena said.

"I always have been," I chuckled at the memory, "I remember my fourth grade teacher being totally dumbfounded by the topics I would bring up in class. I've always been too old for my age."

"Well then I guess you'll balance out Matt's immaturity well enough." Lacey smirked while I cracked up.

"Lord knows thats the truth. I wouldn't want him any other way though. He reminds me to have fun and stop taking life so seriously." A chorus of 'aww's came from the three girls I was truly begining to have a liking for.

"Having fun?" Matt whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek.

"Oh very much so. Why did you keep these four wonderful ladies hidden from me for so long?" I playfully scolded. He raised his hands in defense and smirked at me his voice in my head saying, Told you it woldn't be too hard to tell them I replied quickly with, I havn't told them yet smart one! He scowled at me and said But still, it'll be semi-easy if you like them which you do so ha! I'm right! I'm right!

"Does anyone else get the feeling that they're having their own private conversation?" I heard Lacey ask. Thats when I realized Matt and I have just been staring at eachother for the past minute or so. we need to tell them about us being soulmates too. Y'know rip the whole band aid off quickly. Matt stated

"Huh? Oh sorry, we just uh get like that sometimes I guess." I said while absentmindedly rubbing the Leonardo Davinci signature tattoo I had on the back of my hand. Matt stayed true to his word and took me to get my first and second 'true' tattoos a few days ago. The deathbat was located in the center of my back. It was relatively large too and instead of it being black I had the guy do it in a mixture of dark purple and teal. It actually looked really fucking amazing.

"It's cool. Johnny and I do that constantly." Lacey assured me with a grin. I smiled back just as Michelle came back over.

"Guys come on! Dinner's ready!" Brian called. I took a huge breath in and attempted to calm myself. Matt and I planned to tell them the whole story over dinner. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I encourage myself. Yes you can now stop saying and start doing. Actions speak louder then words my dear lovely fiance'. Matt retorted in my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
title credit--Beverly Hills--Weezer

soo yeah. :o My brother is up in washington state right now with my dad and he placed in the Wakesurfing contest!!! Im soo fucking proud. This story is probably going to have fifteen to twenty more chapters.

heres the link to watch wakesurfing----> wakesurfing
Note::Its different then WAKEBOARDING. Just watch the vid :p

heres another link to my new original fiction----> Angel
Its on the second chapter right now I will be updating more! Give it a chance?
Love and I <3 boobies bracelets,