Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

Does it Take Your Breath Away and You Feel Yourself Suffocating

We walked towards the huge picnic table Bri had set up on the grass. Everyone had sat by their partners and Leana sat on my other side. Their was food scattered on platters all down the table, along with drinks. Everyone was chattering happily and I whispered, "Babe, when should I do this?" in Matt's ear.

"Now?" He questioned.

"Now?!" I all but shouted. Everyone paused in thier conversations to look at me.

"Well you have their attention." Matt said.

"I really dislike you right now Matthew." I stated with my hand on my hip. He smirked and stood to kiss my cheek.

"Oh my God! Shads! You proposed!" Johnny screeched, pointing at my left hand.

"Ha! I knew he would be the one to notice first!" Leana stated.

"What the hell dudes, your engaged and you don't even tell us?" Brian said with a grin. They where all to happy for us to be angry.

"We where waiting to see who noticed first." I said chuckling, "Good job Johnnycake."

Matt whispered in my ear, "Your not getting out of telling them my dear. Now come on, I'm right here."

I glared at him momentarily before looking to the others, "Girls, I have something I need to tell you. The guys already know about this and I don't want you to think I'm crazy but if we want a friendship to work out, you need to know." I paused and looked around to see everyone giving me encouraging looks, "I can see ghosts as if they where in the flesh. A-another thing is Jimmy came to me, as a ghost. Or well I thought he was a ghost but it turns out he's my Guardian Angel. I can see him, touch him, talk to him, Pretty much as if he where in the flesh." I looked at the girls, Chelle looked shocked, Leanna looked pissed, Gena was surprised and Lacey looked excited. "Uhh Jim now would be the time to prove I'm right." I hissed.

He materealized right next to me and said, "Hiyo!" there was a collective gasp from the girls and the guys all waved. "So yeah, she's not crazy. Hi Leelee." He said softly. He walked over to Leanna and hugged her tightly.

"OhmyGod i-it's true." She stuttered as tears tracked down her cheeks. Jimmy kissed her lips gently and nodded. "I've missed you s-so much JimJammers, everyday."

"I missed you too kid. I love you and I gotta make it so you guys can't see me, it makes me tired to stay like this." He said quietly.

She nodded and kissed his cheek, "I love you too." He faded so only Matt and I could see him.

"Hey tell the other girls I'm sorry for not greeting them, I kinda got caught up." Jimmy said while throwing his arm around my shoulders.

"Jimmy said he's sorry for not saying hi to the rest of you." I stated. The others waved the apology off, clearly understanding why he didn't. Leanna had a small smile on her face. "Well guys as much as I hate to dump so much onto you at once, there's more."

They all looked at me shell shocked. "More than this? Jesus chriminey." Lacey said leaning in to Johnny.

"Nicky and I are soulmates. In the litteral term, we can hear eachothers thoughts, we have the same heartbeat, we cant be without eachother for more than a couple days and we also have tattoos of one anothers names that just showed up on our skin the first week we met eachother." Matt stated.

"Thats fucking awesome!" Chelle exclaimed, "Lemme feel." She got up and walked towards us and put her hands on each of our necks before her eyes widened. "Holy shit!" Matt and I laughed, already used to this reaction. "So what happens if one of you dies?"

"We both do." I said quietly.

"Oh. Well then don't die on us, either of you!" She exclaimed.

I snorted, "Dont worry Chelley I'm anything but suicidal." I looked towards Leana who seemed at a loss, "Hey Lee, you okay? I know it's a lot to take in."

She snapped out of it and nodded in my direction before standing up and wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace. "Thank you for giving me the oppotunity to see my husband again. Even if it was for a short ammount of time, it means so much." She whispered in my ear. I squeezed her back and had to choke back my tears. Now that I knew true love, I couldn't imagine her pain.
♠ ♠ ♠
title credit--21 Guns--Greenday

Blah, I know it's short but this chapter had to end here. I'm unsure now if I want a sequel to this simply for the fact that I now have two other stories besides this one and they will become my main priority once this one is done. I may however make a sequel to this later on, and at the end of this I'll put a link to that page if you want to subscribe to it. I can't promise how soon it'll be up though. What with school starting so soon and whatnot. I have a busy week starting this Saturday so I apologize if I'm not able to get an update up in the coming week.
Love and Busy Schedules,

My other creations:
An original fic

When Love Feels Like its Lost on You
Another A7x fan fic (: