Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

Whatever Tomorrow Brings I'll be There

1 month later

the girls and I had become extremely close over the past month. I ecspecially loved them because they where helping me plan the upcoming wedding. I dont think I would have been able to do it by myself. I had already chosen to fly my bestfriend in a week from the wedding so she could be my maid of honour. Gena, Lacey, Chelle and Leana where going to be my bridesmaids.

Wedding preperations have been hectic because we're trying to have the wedding and honeymoon in a month before we're scheduled to go back on tour. I was sitting outside, the waves crashing on the shore the only sound while looking through a few caterer's catalogs. I sighed after putting the third one down, getting annoyedthat I couldn't find one that att and I would both like. We weren't having any kids under 18 at the wedding so we didn't have to worry about having chicken breast. Matt wanted steak and lobster with mashed potatoes, sour dough rolls, a salad, and red or white wine. It was fine by me but it was getting difficult to find a caterer that had quality food and drink. We didn't want an open bar because we didn't want drunken idiots ruining our night.

Matt came up behind me and started massaging my shoulders, knowing I was tense. "Baby you need to stop stressing yourself out over this, if you told me today we where going to Vegas to get married I would agree and hop on the next plane there. Our wedding doesn't need to be extravagant, just good for us." He bent to place a gentle kiss on my forehead and pulled the catalogue out of my hands gently. "Come inside and rest for a bit. Take a nap or something love."

I nodded and grabbed the rest, following him inside. After placing them on the dining table, Matt scoopedme up in his arms and carried me to the plush leather couch. He sat down with me on his lap and turned on "The 40 Year Old Virgin"

Midway through the movie I was dozing on Matt's shoulder despite the funny movie onscreen. Matt was apparently falling asleep to because he laid down and held me to his chest. I snuggled into him and drifted off into a fretful sleep.

An hour or so later I woke up to find a blanket over me and smelled spaghetti in the kitchen. I sat up and stretched my stiff muscles feeling my back and neck crack. I padded into the brightly lit kitchen and found Matt humming to himself and the guys sitting around the island. I was amazed that they had stayed quiet enough for me to sleep. "Hey shortshit numero dos." Brian greeted with his signature smirk. Both Johnny and I narrowed our eyes at him.

"Hey asshole good to see you again too." I stated sarcastically. He snorted a laugh then went back to nursing his beer. I rolled my eyes and jumped up on the counter besides the stove. Matt grinned at me and pecked my cheek before going back to the noodles.

Zacky and Johnny both waved at me and smiled simultaniously. I shook my head and chuckled, loving the feeling of friends. It was so strange how I went from being a nobody to a rockstar with an amazing fiance' and wonderful friends. I took a minute to reflect on the past few months and smiled. It was all thanks to Jimmy. I was pulled out of my thoughts when a warm noodle struck the side of my face. I turned towards Matt with an incredulous expression on my face. He was trying to supress a laugh as well as the others. I narrowed my eyes at him, dipped my finger into the spaghetti sauce and wiped it on his nose.

That did it for the other guys, they started busting up while Matt went cross eyed trying to see the sauce. I laughed at him and peeled the now cold noodle from my face. Matt wiped his nose with his thumb and licked the sauce off. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Awh is the food fight over? I was hoping it'd turn into some kind of kinky cooking porno." Zacky said with a crestfallen look on his face.

"You would want to watch porn involving food V." Bri stated with a giggle. I laughed while Zacky pouted and muttered about 'not being fat'.

"Anyway crazy people, food is done. Unfortunately, it wont be used in Kinky porn, sorry V." Matt said with a chuckle. Zacky scoffed as we all made our way to the table.


later that night

Matt and I where laying in bed together, me cuddled up against his warm chest and him stroking my long hair. "Are you excited about the wedding?" He asked quietly. I looked up at his moonlit face and smiled a bit.

"I am so excited I could bounce off the walls. I cant wait to be Mrs. Matthew Charles Sanders." I replied while grabbing his left hand in mine. He smiled widely and his dimples created cute craters in his cheeks.

"I am too. I love you so much Nicolette." He stated. I smiled and turned so we where spooning. I felt the warm tears track down my cheeks and hit the pillow, I was so incredibly happy at that moment.
♠ ♠ ♠
tittle credit-- Drive-- Incubus

Ahhhhhhhhh so im back :D And I apologize for being gone for so long >.< School has been crazy plus cheer and oh I got myself a boyfriend :DDDD Anyways yeah this story is coming to a closing within the next chapter or two. :) Sad to see it go but I had a good time writing it :3 thankyou to all my subscribers who didn't take me off thier list, I know it was a long wait.
Love and Squiggle Bracelets,

My other creations:
WHen Love Feels Like its Lost on You