Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

Holy shit its about time you got of my ***

one week later

I was rushing around my hotel room, trying to find my other high-top. "Success!" I said pulling it out from under the bed.
Jimmy popped up, "Yay! You found it." he said with a grin. I smiled back at him and tied it up. After completing my outfit with a silver neclace, I grabbed the portrait and walked out the door. I slipped my Iphone in my bra and my keycard in my back pocket. I pressed the call button for the elevator and tapped my foot, waiting. Of course I had to be rediculous and get an amazing suite on the top floor. It finially opened, revealing two young looking kids, dripping wet. I went past them and pressed the 'lobby' button. Jimmy dissapeared and I rolled my eyes. attention span of a four year old, I swear. I shook my head stepping out of the elevator a it 'dinged' open. Jimmy popped up right infront of me. I rolled my eyes at him and got my cellphone. "Jimmy for God's sake stoptrying to scare me!" I said into the phone but mock-glaring at him.
He put his hand to his ear in a mock phone and replied, "I will try until I succeed misses grumpy pants." I scoffed and put my phone away, walking out the front doors into the balmy summer night. "Come on hurry or you'll miss the signing." He said, running around me in circles. I rolled my eyes and hailed a cab.
I told the driver the adress and sat back listening to Jimmy ramble. Personally I think he liked it better when we where in public, that way he could talk my head off without me yelling at him. We finially pulled up to the venue and I stepped out of the cab, thankingthe driver and giving him the twenty.
I flashed security my ticket and they stopped me, "Well miss looks like it's your lucky day, you get a free backstage pass. You where the first one here." He handed me a pass and I slipped it around my neck. "Just wait here a moment I'll have Taylor come get you." I nodded and leaned up against the doorframe.
"Holy shit! This is going better than I thought!" Jimmy screched in my ear.
I winced slightly and the security guard looked at me, "You all right?" He asked gruffly.
"I'm fine, just a little sore from yoga is all." I lied. Jimmy scoffed and nudged me. I gave him the how-the-fuck-did-you-just-do-that look. He just shrugged and mouthed 'tell ya later'.
Finially Taylor came and led me backstage. She gushed on how amazing my painting was. I smiled and thanked her. She nocked lightly on the door. It was opened up a few seconds later by none other than Brian, or Synister Gates. Whatever. He smiled at me and led me in the room. "Guys this is.." He trailed off looking at me.
"Nicolette Bouregard but call me Nicky." I said wih a smile. Matt had Zacky in a head lock and looked up smiling at me, his dimples showing.
"Hi Nicky!" he said releasing Zacky. Zacky rubbed his neck and grumbled obscenities in Matt's direction. I laughed along with Johnny.
Zacky looke at the framed painting in my hand and pointed, "What's that?" He asked.
I smiled and held it behind my back. "It's a surprise!" I said grinning. All of them looked at me curiously. "Sit, sit, sit!" I said motioning towards the couch. They all did and looked at me expectantly. I pulled the painting out from behind my back and handed it to Johnny who was in the middle.
They all looked at it wide eyed for a moment, "Holy shit!" Matt exclaimed, pulling it towards himself for a better look. "You did this?" he asked looking up at me.
"Well thats my signature on the bottom left corner is it not?" I replied smiling.
"Thankyou, this really means alot to us. Jimmy was like a brother." Zacky said looking me in the eyes. All of there auras darkened slightly, informing me that they where sad.
"Hey guys cheer up, I'm sure Jimmy wouldn't want you guys to be sad." I said softly. Speaking of Jimmy he was standing in the corner watching us, looking sad.
Matt took a deep breath and said, "No, your right. That's why where gunna rock the shit outta this place!"
I chuckled lightly, and Matt looked at me his eyes twinkiling. Suddenly, somone burst into the room, "Guys! Paul can't play the drums tonight! He broke his fucking wrist just now!" The whol room broke into a havoc.
I shouted, "Guys, GUYS! Listen to me. I can play the fucking drums." They looked at me skeptically. I walked over to the drums and picked up the sticks. "Ask me to play one o your songs." I said looking at them expectantly.
"Almost Easy." Matt said. I popped my neck then began.
"Nightmare." Zacky said after thirty seconds. I got into that too, banging it out perfectly.
"Beast and the Harlot." Johnny said.
"Critical acclaim." Matt said. then after I finished the last bit of that they all looked at me wide eyed. "I thought you said you where a painter?!" Matt said in a shocked voice.
I blew my bangs out of my face and replied, "Well yeah, but I also sing, play the guitar, piano, and drums..."
"Dude shes like...the chick version of Jimmy except he can't paint for shit." Zacky said shaking his head. Jimmy threw a balled up peice of paper at his head and I had to contain my laughter. "What the fuck?!" Zacky exclaied looking around. Jimmy stuck his tongue out, and I busted up.
"Anyways," Matt said drawing my attention back to him, "Can you play the drums for us tonight? I know its alot to ask but we need you."
I smiled and nodded at him, "Sure I was in my own band once apon a time, go figure I was the drummer too." I replied grinning.
"Huh why weren't you singing? You shouldn't have been in the back. The lead singers are always the most attractive." Matt said, a smile playing on his lips.
"So I've heard.." I trailed off winking at Matt. He blushed.
Zacky made fake gagging noises and I laughed. "Jealous?" Matt asked Zacky. He scoffed and pulled me into a bear hug.
"Nope, 'cause your not the one hugging her!" Zacky replied. And so began their freaking game of hugging the shit out of me.
I was now, twenty minutes later, on the lap of Johnny with him growling at his band mates. I laughed and stood up. "You guys are fucking rediculous!" I exclaimed. They all cracked up as I sprawled out on the floor. Zacky sat on me and I made an 'oof' noise. "Zacky get your freaking ass off of me!" I yelled breathlessly.
He pouted then said, "Are you calling me fat?"
"Yes, yes I am." I replied with a smirk. He scoffed and got off of me.
"I am NOT fat." He said
"PMSing much?" I retorted. He mock glared at me then tackled Johnny who was laughing the hardest.
"Guys..and chick, your up in ten." A roadie said, poking his head through the door. Jimmy appeared infront of me, smiling and giving me the thumbs up. I smiled back at him and winked.
"Ready?" Matt asked, grinning at me.
"Hell yeah!" I yelled, pumping my fist in the air. I loved going on stage and I felt the excitement bubble inside me.
We made our way to the stage, and walked out, the scream of fans deafening. I took My seat behind the drums and looked over at Jimmy, who was right next to me. "Helloooo Malibu! Are you guys fucking psyched?!" Matt yelled into the microphone, the croud roared in response. "Well as you may have noticed, our good friend Paul isn't behind the drums. He was a fucking idiot and broke his wrist today," The crowd boo'd, "In his place is the lovely Nicolette Bouregard, Nicky Bean for short. Let me tell you one thing this chick fucking rocks on the drums! Let me hear you say Yeah!" The croud roared again and I smiled. "Alright this first one is called Nightmare, written by the well missed Rev." I clicked my sticks together in a one, two three, rythm then started the first song of the night.
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title credit- Hollaback Boy-- Cobra Starship

yeah my computer was being a bitch so here you go :D

chapter three ^_^ thats three in one day :DD I am on fiyaa XD
