Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

Tounges always pressed to your cheeks while my tongue is on the inside of some other girls teeth

I woke up the next morning feeling totally refreshed. I hadn't slept that well in a long time. Sunlight was flooding the room, making everything have a sort of glow to it. Matt was still asleep, he looked so young and not at all like M. Shadows. I started tracing the tattoos on his arm with my fingertip. After a few minutes, he woke up and smiled lazily at me making my heart flutter. That man will be the death of me, I swear. "Goodmorning Nicky Bean." He said after yawning.
"Morning Matt." I replied smiling at him. I looked at the time and groaned.
"Whats wrong hun?" He asked concern leaking from his words.
"Nothing I was just supposed to get up early and get my ass to work. I'll just have to call Monica and tell her I can't make it." I replied
"Where do you work?"
"I own an art studio, I paint and all that stuff." I replied, slipping out of his arms, "Do you want coffee?" I asked.
"Coffee would be amazing right now. So where do you live?"
"Huntington Beach. Very chill town, I love the beach, I've sold alot of the paintings I've done from there."
"Wow thats so wierd. FIrst yor in the same hotel and floor as us, but you also live in the same town? Coincidence much?" He said with a grin that made his dimples show.
"Damn it, stupid coffee maker is busted. Do you want to go down to breakfast?" I asked.
"Yeah sure. Umm you might not wanna wear those infront of Zacky." He replied motioning to my female boxors.
"Huh? Oh okay." I dug through my bag until I found my white sweats and slipped them on. "Come on lazy, lets go get coffee!" I said skipping out of the room.
Matt followed, chuckling, "Are you sure you need coffee?"
"Shhh senior coffee bean will hear you and he will not be pleased that you don't want to have coffee." I whispered to him on my tip toes. He just shook his head and laughed.
once we got on the elevator I started dancing to "Rockstar" by Nickleback because it was stuck in my head.
"Do you have to pee or something?" Matt asked observing me.
I shook my head and started singing, "Im through with standng in line the clubs I never get in. Its like the bottom of the ninth and I'm never gunna win, This life hasn't turned out quite the way I want it to be." Matt and I sang the rest of the song together all the way to the dining area.
"Wow you really do have a good voice." He said to me.
"Yeah yours isn't exactly terrible either." I said grinning at him.
"Oh my my was that a compliment I just heard?" Matt said with his hand cupped around his ear.
I laughed and filled two cups with coffee.We each grabbed a donut and sat at a circular table near the middle. The dining room was filled with business men and families. Jimmy popped up behind Matt and started humping the back of his head. I almost choked on my coffee. "Um Matt, Jimmy's humping your head..." I sputtered, trying not to laugh. Matt's eyes went wide and a grin spread across his face.
"Nice to know hes still the same." Matt said. Jimmy snorted and started doing the conga with random people.
"Ha yeah I guess you could say that." I said, my eyes trailing Jimmy.
Johnny burst through the elevator followed by Zacky and Brian. "Gee where were you last night Shads?" Brian said, his lips twitching into a smile.
"I was-" he started.
"In my room fucking me silly." I said with a straight face. Matt was trying not to laugh while the other three had there jaws hit the ground.
"Yep shes an amazing fuck dudes." Matt said, winking at me. I bit my lip trying to hold my laughter in. Matt and I looked at eachother and lost it. Totally busting up, the other three looked at us like we where crazy.
"Dude you should have seen your faces!" I said, howling with laughter.
"Well then what did you guys really do?" Johnny asked.
"Slept and talked." Matt replied,a grin still stuck on his face.
"Speaking of talking, how long is this tour? I'll need to go home and get everything together and tell my two employees how long I'll be gone for." I said whipping out my Iphone.
"Well we have to head home too today. Tour starts tomorrow and lasts about two months." Matt replied.
I nodded and called Marianne and Monica and told them what was going on. They screeched so loud my ear hurt. "Umm guys the twins wanted me to tell you hi." I said holding the phone away from my ear. They all smiled and shouted "hi" in the phone.
"Shit well I guess I better start packing up, I got a loong drive today." I said standing up.
"Nah don't worry about it, your one of us now. Your more than welcome to ride home with us." Johnny said, smiling at me.
"Okay, I'll be ready to go in a bit." I said walking to the elevator. "Oh yeah, um which one of you has a phone on you?" I asked. All of them whipped there phones out. I gave them my number and stepped into the elevator.
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title credit-Don't Trust Me-- 3OH!3

so wow im super happy, 10 subscribers, 2 comments, and 25 readers :D
keep it up folks ^_^
Lol I love ghost jimmy XD