Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

I'll Spread My Wings and I'll Learn How to Fly, I'll Do What It Takes Till I Reach the Sky

A few hours later, I was at my house packing. After throwing in my boots I was ready to go. I decided to go for one last look at the beach so I got on my swimsuit. I walked down to the beach and arrived just in time to watch the sun set. I kicked off my flipflops and dug my toes into the warm sand. I sighed contentedly, I loved the beach. I gazed out onto the ocean and watched in silent awe as the sky turned from blue to deep shades of red, purple, and pink. The once white clouds where now gold with a halo of bright orange. I felt someone sit beside me, I didn't bother to see who it was, the sunset had me mezmerised. "It's amazing isn't it?" I looked over to see Matt sitting next to me with a pair of boardshorts on.
"Following me Sanders?" I said chuckling.
" Nope. This just so happens to be my favorite beach." He replied, laying back on his elbows. I couldn't help but glance at his bare toned chest.
"If only Matt could hear me, then I could tell him your totally checking him out." Jimmy said, appearing next to me.
"Shut it Rev." I growled.
"Hey Jimmy, Stop pissing the girl off yeah?" Matt said looking at the sky. It felt so good to have someone alive know that I can talk to the dead.
Jimmy scoffed and kissed my cheek whispering, "He's just mad that I can watch you in the shower and he cant."
"For the love of God Jimmy! I told you not to come into my bathroom while I'm showering! If I find out that you have been I will send you to the firey pits of Hell!" I said glowering at him. He put up his hands in defense.
"You can actually send them to Hell too?" Matt asked incredulously.
"No, I wish some of them deserve it but their judgement isn't in my hands." I said shrugging.
"So you do beleive in God?" Matt asked.
"Yeah I do. I mean I've seen so many spirits get surrounded by a nearly blinding white light after I've helped them. When your near it, the light I mean, you just feel this unconditional love, like nomatter what your going to be okay. It's the most amazing thing ever. Thats why I help them, that brief feeling." I replied, looking at him.
"Doesn't that make you want to die? I mean if you know that that's there." Matt asked.
I thought a moment before saying, "I tried to kill myself once when I was fourteen. I couldn't take my dad anymore and I just figured that was my only way to escape. I almost succeeded too. I got out of my body and everything, but one of my spirit friends who was earth bound at the time yelled at me and literally shoved me back into my body. I'll have to thank her for that someday."
"Yeah me too." Matt said smiling at me. I blushed and looked out towards the ocean, just as the sun dissapeared. I started doodling in the sand with my finger, until Matt caught my hand in his. I gasped as a shock ran through my arm, starting from where his hand touched mine. He felt it too, I could tell by the way he froze and just looked at me. soulmates. Something whispered in my conscience. I stood up, pulling my hand from his in the process.
"Er I-I gotta get home. I need to finish packing." I stuttered. great now I'm lieing to him!
"I'll walk you home." Matt said.
"N-no don't worry about it, I only live a block away, I should be fine." I said giving him a forced smile that I'm positive didn't reach my eyes.
"Okay, if you insist." Matt said standing up infront of me, sounding dissapointed. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. I couldn't help but hug him back. The shock that ran through my body at his touch was insane. Since he wasn't wearing a shirt and I was in a bikini top, most of our skin was touching. We where both frozen, as if electrocuted, but it was a pleasant shock. We pulled away at the same time and Matt gave me a puzzled look.
"See you tomorrow Matt." I whispered touching his arm as I walked towards my house. soulmates?! No fucking way, thats fairytale bull shit! Although Grandmere did say something about it occuring every once in a greatwhile. Only to spirit seers and shamans though. Fuck that would be an awkward conversation, "Hey Matt guess what. Where soulmates so do you want to try dating or something? I laughed darkly. like he would ever like someone as fucked up as me I thought bitterly as I walked up the driveway. tomorrow should be interesting...
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title credit--Spread My Wings--Kelly Clarkson

Ohhh soulmates! Thats a newtwist to the story yeah?
Ilikeit ^_^
I apologize in advance for the utter cheesiness thats in all my stories. I'm a helpless romantic. Comments and subscribe!