Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

Im Not Insane, Im Not Insane

"Teddybear!" Jimmy hissed in my ear, startling me and making me jump.
"Jesus Christ! You can't do that to me when I'm almost asleep!" I mumbled grumpily.
He pouted and sat on my lap, though I didn't feel the weight or warmth of his body. "I'm sorry teddy I just wanted to tell you that I wont be around today or tomorrow, I want to go visit a few people. Check up on 'em ya know?" I nodded and he said, "By the way, you might want to get up, the bus will be here in like twenty minutes."
I groaned and replied, "Thanks Jimmy. I'll see you soon."
He kissed my forehead and replied, "No problem teddy. Love you."
"Love you too. Now go be with your family and friends for a bit. You deserve it." I replied smiling at him. He waved and dissapeared. I sighed and got out of bed, thankful that I had showered the night before. I left my naturally black straight hair down. It fell about to my ass and I was very proud of it. I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, making sure to throw my toothbrush into my bag after. I looked in the mirror at my eyes. My fathers eyes. The black hair was his too. I was him in female form. As far as looks went anyway. Sometimes I wonder if he beat me because I looked like him, he hated himself. I sighed and changed after doing my makeup.
The horn honked and I ran to the door. Matt and Brian jumped out first and came up to me. "Hey guys!" I said smiling at them brightly.
"Hey Nicky Bean." Matt greeted, smiling at me. I hugged them both and had them come inside.
"Hey Beanski." Brian replied. "Want us to help you with your bags?"
"Please?" I motioned to where the bags where and grabbed my guitar case. I walked up to the gigantic black bus and hopped up the steps.
"Hey Nickity." Zacky greeted me. I waved and sat my guitar on the miniature table. Moments later, Matt and Brian came up the stairs carrying two ginormous suitcases each.
"I think a little bit of my manliness just got torn away." Brian said motioning to the hot pink and black zebra printed suitcases with disgust.
I scoffed and went back down the stairs to lock all the doors and windows. As I came back out Johnny asked, "Is there anyone here you want to say bye to? Your parents or something?"
"Nah I don't really have any friends and my mother died and my dads in jail for abuse and rape, so I'm good." I replied quickly. All the guys, except for Matt looked at me first shocked, and then sympathetically. I waved them off, "Don't trip. I-I'm okay now." I lied. I was far from okay. I never would be, my father scared me for life.
"I'm sorry." Johnny said as the bus door closed behind me.
"Don't be. You had no way of knowing what happened." I replied shakily. Matt pulled me into a hug and squeezed me gently before letting go. The shock was still there! I shook my head in amazement and walked back to the bunks. Brian follwed me and told me where to put my suitcases. "Which bunk is mine?" I asked.
"Upper left. Thats J-Jmmy's old one." He said a pained look flashing across his face. I grabbed his hand and squeezed, letting him know silently that I was there. "If you can't sleep in there because you know.. Then you can always jump into a bunk with one of us."
"Thanks Bri. I'm pretty sure I can manage. Ghosts don't scare me." I puffed up my chest and flexed my arm muscles.
"Okay tough guy." He replied laughing at me.
I scoffed and sent him a look, "Why do I have to keep telling you people that I am not a guy? I have lady parts!" I said motioning to my boobs.
He glanced down at them before I smacked his chest. "Ow! Sorry! Sorry!" I laughed at him and walked back to the front of the bus. I looked around and not finding a seat, sat on Matt's lap. He automatically wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I hear wedding bells!" Johnny said, snickering. I threw a couch pillow at his head and Matt cracked up.
"Yeah I think those bells your hearing are a sign that you have officially gone insane." I replied after my laughter died down. I leaned back against Matt and noticed something. My heartbeat was in perfect sync with his. My brows knitted together and I stood up pulling him with me, ignoring the electricity. I hauled him to the back room of the bus and sat him down. "Um Matt, I don't want to freak you out more than I probably already have but feel this." I grabbed his hand and put it against the pulse of my neck and motioned for him to do it to himself too.
After a few seconds his eyes widened. "What the fuck?" He asked incredulously.
"I-I um don't know." I stuttered.
"Your lieing. You know whats going on dont you?" He asked softly.
"Sit down please." He sat and I did too after locking the door."My grandmother, who could see ghosts too once told me an interesting thing. See another thing about me, I can see aura's, you know the energy that swirls around everyone? Anyways, my grandmother said since I was supernatural...odd things could happen to me." I paused looking at him, he motioned for me to go on. "Well one of those odd things is finding a soulmate. Like litteraly, not an Eharmony soulmate but true full blown soulmate. And you know said person is your soulmate because everytime you touch there is an electrical shock like feeling. Your heartbeats become one. And finially, a tattoo of their Name starts slowly apearing somewhere on your body."
I closed my eyes and waited for him to call me crazy or something but it didn't come. I peeked one eye open and looked at him. "So your saying you and I...are soulmates?" He asked looking confused.
"It looks like it but the whole tattoo thing hasn't happened yet so um maybe its just a coincidence?" I replied.
"Nicky you can't honestly tell me you don't feel this." He said pressing his palm to my cheek. The bolts zinged through me and I closed my eyes briefly.
"I'm not saying I dont. I just...don't want to freak you out. I mean we only met yesterday and I'm already talking soulmates? I would think I was fucking off my rocker if I where you."
"Well I might have, if I didn't feel that and the whole heartbeat thing." He replied.
"So your not mad at me?" I asked timidly.
"No, of course not! That'd be rediculous. It's not your fault and besides at least we actually like eachother." He replied smiling.
"Good. So like I know you probably just want to be friends and shit so I'm cool with that." I said, plucking a string off my blouse trying to look nonchalant. I failed miserably.
"Well for right now..I mean I want to take things slow." He said.
"I forgot to mention one more thing that you should be warned about. After the 7th night of soulmates meeting, they have..well they have the unyeilding urge to...mate." I said blushing scarlett.
"What do you mean unyeilding?"
I sighed and put my head in my hands,"Basically they feel like they'll die if they don't fuck eachothers brains out." I'm almost positive he could barely hear me.
"So in 5 days I'll get to fuck you?" Matt said grinning. I rolled my eyes and pushed him over.
"Well if the tattoos start to form then apparently so." I replied. "They usually start around the same time. Black Ink, generally in caligraphy. They hurt like getting a real tattoo too." I said settling back into the couch.
"So..that tingling electricky feeling..Will that ever go away?" He asked after a few moments.
"Nope. You get used to it apparently though. Thats how my grandmother found my grandpa. Bumped into him at school one day and just knew. He didn't yet because well he wasn't supernatural. Been together ever since. Well assuming their together in Heaven now. Soulmates die together because they share the same heartbeat."
"So did you just know when you saw me?" Matt asked a playful sparkle in his eyes.
"Well no, I did feel some powerful vibes but at the time, soulmates never crossed my mind." I replied.
"Since I don't feel like going from a friendly hug to straight up fucking, lets start building up to it.." Matt said leaning forward. I chuckled and kissed the corner of his mouth.
"If your lucky the next time we'll actually have lip to lip contact." I said winking at him and standing up. I felt his eyes staring me down as I walked to the front of the bus.
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title credit--Almost Easy--A7X

tehe I love Matt XD
yay thanks so much for the subscriptions and comments :D
for all my ghost readers pleaaaase with sugar on top comment for me? :DD