Sequel: Through The Rain
Status: finito <3 Now go subscribe to the sequel :3

I Must Be Dreaming

There's No Need to Complicate, I'm Yours

Johnny sat back in his seat, a dazed look plastered on his face, "Holy. Fucking. Shit." He finially said. It had taken Matt and I nearly an hour to explain what was going on. They even knew about me seeing ghosts and auras. "So when can we like talk to Jimmy?" he asked suddenly.
"Well today he said he wanted to go check up on a few other friends and family. Once he talks to you guys..he'll be able to go into the light." I replied squeezing Matt's hand gently. I winced as the stinging pain of getting a tattoo ripped through my lower stomach again.
"You alright?" Matt asked.
I nodded and said, "When grandma told me that the tattoo's mature fast I didn't think she meant this fast."
"I still cant beleive you guys are soulmates. Thats fucking wicked!" Brian said grinning. I felt like the biggest weight had been lifted off my shoulders having other people know.
"I think it's even wicked-er that she can see ghosts dude." Zacy said shaking his head in awe at me.
"I'm just glad I can actually make real friends now." I said quietly, twirling a strand of hair around my finger. Suddenly Jimmy popped up infront of me. "Jimskus why are you here? I thought you where checking in on your people?" I said surprised.
"Well maybe I just couldn't stay away from you for that long." He replied, then noticed something, "Oh hey! You told 'em." I nodded.
"Guys, Jimmy's here." I said.
They all looked around and I pointed to the open space next to me. Matt came back into the room after going to the bathroom and said, "Holy shit! I can see him!"
"How many fingers am I holding up?" Jimmy asked, flitting right infront of Matt and holding four fingers up.
"Four." He replied smiling at Jimmy. Jimmy whooped and started doing some form of a happy dance.
"Oh yeah! FInially more than one person can see me!" Jimmy shouted running around in circles.
I pouted and sniffled, "I thought I was enough..."
"Aww doll face you where but it's just Matt is like a brother y'know? By the way whats up with you two?"
"Dude you always where terrible at telling if people where being sarcastic or not." Matt said shaking his head with a grin. It was good to see him happy.
"Err well to answer your question Jimmy, Matt and I are soulmates. Which I think explains how you can see him now Matt." I said looking between the two.
"Soulmates ehh? Well it looks like my job here is done." Jimmy replied smirking.
"What job?" Matt asked.
"Big man Upstairs sent me back down to get you two together. Apparently, I'm little Nicky's Guardian Angel."
"So thats why you can touch things!" I exclaimed.
"Yep. And it's also why I can do this." He materealized and squeezed me in a bear hug.
"HOLY SHIT!" Johnny, Zacky, and Brian said simultaniously.
"Hey no cursing infront of the holy being dudes. Not cool." Jimmy replied sitting next to me. He had a sort of glow about him that even the other guys could see.
"Nice to see you again dude." Brian said smiling at Jimmy.
"Yeah well don't get used to it, this materealizing shit gets me tired." Jimmy exclaimed.
"What so you can curse and we cant?" Zacky asked, grinning from ear to ear at his best friend.
"Exactly." Jimmy said and yawned.
"Go sleep or whatever it is you do Mr. Guardian Angel." I told him smiling. He nodded his head once and faded away. "Well that was unexpected." I said snuggling into Matt's chest.
''Dudes- and chick- I'm gunna go play video games." Zacky said standing up. Johnny and Brian soon followed arguing over who was going to play first.
Matt hugged me closer and I smiled up at him. He leaned down and pressed his lips gently to my temple. I scooted up and sat in his lap, he grinned at me. I couldn't help myself. It was like just knowing he was my soulmate made me breakdown all of my barriers. I felt like I had already known him a lifetime. I felt like I already loved him. I leaned up and kissed his chin. 'I love you' was on the tip of my tongue but I figured we had had enough excitement for one day. "Now about that kiss..." Matt said trailing off. I laughed and pressed my lips to his, loving the explosions that went on behind my closed eyes.
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Title Credit--Im Yours--Jason Mraz

Ohh look another twist :O
Woohoo they finially kissed! :DD
Yay so I'm so happy that you guys are enjoying this story! Feedback would be loved!