Status: Again, I wrote this two years ago. Please don't judge me. But, instead, you can give me delicious baked goods. Deal? Or just rate/comment. Whichever.

Beauty in the Breakdown


'One new voicemail.'

Hannah ignored the persistent ringing of her phone, telling her that she had a message. She ignored the pounding of her heart, the light-headedness, and the sudden need to throw up.
When Jack, rushing around the bus, preparing for an interview, paused and asked, "Are you going to answer that?" she ignored him.

She just sat on the cramped couch with her legs folded to her chest, staring out the bus window. Occasionally she would glance at her phone, and when the sick feeling in her stomach became too much, she would shift her gaze to her soggy bowl of cereal.

Oh God. She just found out that she was in love with Jack fucking Barakat. She should be despising herself, or picking out names for their scraggly-haired children. At the very least she should be planning what she would do about her new, intense feelings.

Every normal girl would be doing that. But Hannah wasn't a normal girl, thanks to her ex-boyfriend, Craigery James Durnst.

Instead of mooning over Jack's chocolate brown eyes, she was worrying. Why, after months without contact, would Craig suddenly feel the urge to leave her a message?

They weren't together anymore, but he still managed to increase her heart rate and dominate her thoughts. But it wasn't because of love anymore, it was because of fear.
Hands trembling and a few tears slipping down her face, she began to listen to his message, flinching as the sound of his voice filled her ears.

"Hey, baby, it's Craig. We need to talk."

When the voicemail ended and her sobs couldn't be stifled, she ran to the bus bathroom and heaved up her breakfast.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really think that Jack Barakat is perfection personified. And that I should marry him. And fatten up his skinny ass with cupcakes. Thoughts?