Status: Again, I wrote this two years ago. Please don't judge me. But, instead, you can give me delicious baked goods. Deal? Or just rate/comment. Whichever.

Beauty in the Breakdown


"Alright, if you dont stop being a fucker, I'm going to let the rain rust you away and then burn your fucking remains," an angry Hannah told the merch tent she was trying unsuccessfully to set up. She glared at it and stomped her foot.

She was just about to threaten the tent again when Jack came towards her, witnessing her struggle. He had an amused smile on his face and laughter in his eyes, which caused an unfamiliar sensation of butterflies in her stomach.

She narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth. "Any help would be appreciated," she managed to say.

Jack grinned and widened his eyes in mock suprise. "What? The great Hannah Ann Gaskarth wants the measly Jack Barakats help? Well folks. This moment will go down in history as-"

"Couldn't you just help me instead of going off on a boring rant?" she asked, putting on her sweetest smile.

Jack smiled. "Since you asked so nicely." He grabbed the mass of poles and fabric from her.

"Hannah, put these two poles together." Seeing Hannah only fold her arms and look at him expectantly, he added, "All you have to do is jam this in the hole." He smirked and she stuttered as they both realized the sexual innuendo of Jack's instructions.

She glowered at him and did exactly what he told her. After about ten more minutes of setting it up and occasional swearing, the tent was up and stocked with all the necessary merch. Jack and Hannah stood back and admired their work.

"You're hired, Jack. You get to set up the tent from now on."

"That tent is our baby," Jack said proudly.

"Please. I would rather jump off a bridge than have a kid with you," Hannah responded disdainfully. There was a moment of silence while Hannah fantasized about Jack being the father of her child, and Jack fantasized about Hannah being the mother of his child.

Needless to say, when Jack said, "We need a name for our baby," Hannah shook away her insane thoughts and remembered that she hated Jack Barakat with all her heart.

"Let's name it Humphrey," Hannah suggested.

Before Jack could reply, Rian ran up to them. "Jack, we need to get ready. The show starts in twenty minutes. I've been looking all over for you, man."

Jack uttered a very bad word and ran off, but not before waving goodbye to Hannah. She let out a small smile and prepared for hell.

Five hours later, Hannah found herself crying silently in her All Time Low tour bus bunk. Hannah could put up with the bitchy teenagers that had annoyingly high voices. She could put up with the rude comments. Hannah could even put up with fangirls describing just what, exactly, they wanted to do with/to Jack Barakat. Barely. What she could not put up with were memories.

Even in the blistering heat and ear shattering noise, Hannah could still remember the traumatic experience that had left her broken. Numb. Without emotion.

So as soon as the merch tent was closed and packed, the tears streaming down her cheeks were noticeable enough that she had to run to her bunk. Sobs wracked her body, but she didnt cry out. She just lay curled up in a ball and cried.

Jack, who had heard something about "that hot All Time Low merch girl" crying, ran to the bus, and immediately upon seeing her, wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly to his chest. He stroked her hair and made soothing noises, and eventually, her breathing evened out and her tears dried. Neither of them made any movements, they just laid together.

Hannah slowly drifted to sleep, thinking Jack wasn't so bad after all. Jack Barakat had a habit of showing up when Hannah needed him most.

Before sleep overtook him, Jack wished that he could fall asleep every night with her arms around him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Feedback? I know, I'm a broken record player.