Status: Again, I wrote this two years ago. Please don't judge me. But, instead, you can give me delicious baked goods. Deal? Or just rate/comment. Whichever.

Beauty in the Breakdown


"Alex, get your ugly ass out of bed," Hannah screeched. "You have an interview, and your stupid manager put me in charge of getting you ready."

Alex poked his head out from his tour bunk and rubbed his eyes. "Huh? It's only eight in the morning," he mumbled.

"Fine, sleep in, and then you can let the reporter just watch you snore!" she told him, irritated.

Alex shot her an indignant look. "I do not snore!" he defended himself, now fully awake to argue with her.

"Dude, of course you don't. Snoring is quiet. You're like a freaking fog horn," Rian remarked, getting out of his bunk. Zack followed him into the kitchen.

"Go wake up Jack," Alex ordered, and stalked off to straighten his hair.

Hannah's stomach clenched. Jack. She denied the butterflies that began moshing in her stomach and started towards Jack's bunk. She stopped in her tracks when she saw his face. He was still asleep, a small smile gracing his face, and Hannah had to frantically search her brain for reasons why she hated Jack Barakat. She didn't find any.

"Jack," she whispered, shaking him gently. "Wake up." He merely shifted towards her and pulled her hand to his chest. She ignored the fluttering of her heart, writing it off as a sign of heart murmur.

"Jack," she said, a little louder. He was unresponsive. "Jack, seriously. You have an interview," Hannah said, her voice rising.

He merely tugged her hand close to him, and because Hannah leaned over to wake him up and also because of her complete lack of balance and grace, she flew into his arms.

Hannah pretended that didn't affect her. She really tried. But no matter how hard she denied it, the happiness pouring through her veins suggested otherwise. Damn. I am not falling in love with the biggest asshole alive.

Jack pulled her closer to him, and heat radiated from him, warming Hannah. She tried to wiggle out of his arms, but he just held her tighter. She told herself that Jack had been known to sleep through anything. She told herself that he wasn't intentionally holding her. But, somehow, she held onto the hope that maybe, just maybe, he wanted her there.

And when he, still asleep, mumbled her name and buried his head in her hair, realization struck Hannah. Shit. I'm in love with him.
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Listening to early Chiodos and eating four-berry pie is the best combination in the world.