Status: Finished on paper. Now just gotta type it. =] Read, comment, subscribe...much love <3

Following Faith

Welcome To My Mystery

"Maybe today you'll come home before everybody's sleep," I say to my dad as he leaves for work. About a month ago I caught him with a girl that works in his office. He begged me not to tell my mom, so I begged him to stop lying to her. He hasn't kept up his end of the deal. Should I?

My name: Faith Lynn Matthews. My friends call me Faith, and my dad calls me Faith Lynn.

"Dang Faith Lynn keep your voice down, your mom might hear you," he scoles at me.

"I'm serious!"

"Okay, I will try to make it, but majority of the time, when I work late, I'm actually working." I open the door, push it out, and slam it shut. I wish they would hurry up and get a divorice so I could get this guilt off my chest.

I'm 16 years old and the fate of my family rest in my hands. Me, my parents, 7 year old brother Michael, and 3 month old sister Destiny.

I feel my phone vibrate from my pajama shorts. I answer it before I can see who it is. "Hello?"

"Hey baby, goodmorning," a voice says to me. After a couple seconds of thinking, I realize its my boyfriend, Dylan. We've been going out for 9 months, and today is our anniversary.


"Whatcha doing? Do you need a ride to school, or are you going to drive?"

"Yeah I do. I really don't wanna drive today. Can you come around 7:30?" I leave my room and go to Destiny's nursery. I find her siting in her crib waiting for me to come and feed her. I pick her up, grab a bottle and head back to my room. This was normal for me, my mom usually stays asleep until 7, but i wake up at 6.

"What are you doing?"

"Feeding Destiny." I go into Mike's room to check on him. I don't have to wake him up, or dress him. He's usually able to take care of himself, well as much as a 7 year old can.
♠ ♠ ♠
So...My first story...not

Comment, subscribe, give me love, please =] <3

(p.s. chapter title: Almost Alice-Plain White T's-Welcome to my mystery