Status: Updated slowly


Chapter One

The clouded skies turned darker as the night approached. At the parks, the small children payed no attention to the rumbling of lightning. The shops closed one by one to wait silently for the light of a new day. Under the natural lights of the stars, laying on the grass looking up at the stars, was a normal teenage boy. As he laid there silently, he thought about nature, life, humans, music. Music most of all. He was thinking about what kind of instrument he should buy for music club. A guitar, a flute, a trumpet, a piano, drums, cello, bass, violin, or even a triangle? He didn't know. Actually, he didn't quite care.

"Isn't your brother gifted, Alphonse?" his mother had said to him.

They were at his brother's cello recital and his mother was taking pictures. His father, his mother and even the two friends he invited were all focused on his brother. They didn't even notice him being led out of the way by some stranger he'd just met, and was a bit suspicious. By the time they found him, he was sitting in front of the building, crying and robbed of his candy.

Ever since that day, he's been trying his best to be the best. It was never enough for his parents, of course, but that never stopped him. He's been the best at everything he tried for; spelling bee, dancing, running, gaming, sports, and even workshop. Now it was time to be the best in music. Like his brother.

"Where have you been?" his brother asked once he caught sight of Alphonse entering his room.

"Out," he replied, shutting the door.

Alphonse and him never truly got along. It wasn't at all that he was jealous of his brother, just that because of his talent and all the attention, they never got time to talk. Communicate, spend time together and do stuff brothers do together.

As he laid down on his bed, he said, "Maybe once I find what I'm looking for...we could."

The next morning, Alphonse was already dressed and eating breakfast on the kitchen table. He still didn't know what instrument he was going to choose for music club. Obviously, the cello was out of the list. He didn't want to make it too obvious that he was aiming to be better than his brother at everything. Footsteps came from behind him and looking back, he realized it was just his brother. Claude...

Claude turned to him and sighed. "I heard from mom you're going on your first day of music club today," he informed.

"Yeah, so?" he said, his mouth half full of cheese sandwich.

"So, what instrument do you play?" he asked, tossing an apple from left hand to right hand.

"Don't know yet."

He scowled. "Are you even taking this seriously?"

"No," he snapped. "I'm eating."

"This isn't about you eating, Alphonse!" he said firmly. "Music isn't for you."

Alphonse's temper caused him to stand up, one inch away from punching him straight in the face. He calmed himself, and said, "Says who? Mom? Dad? You? Since when have you ever been interested in what I do?"

Claude scoffed, bitterly and put down his apple. "We have always been interested in what you do, Alphonse! You should know that your family cares about you. Haven't we showed you that we love you?"

Outside the house, a car's horn startled them both. Alphonse's ride was ready.

Alphonse sighed, indifferently, and picked up his bookbag from the seat behind him. As he opened the front door, he said, "Want to show me how much you care? Stay out of my business."

With that, he slammed the door, got inside his friend's car, and drove away.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter.
My favorite instrument is the cello. =)