Status: New&Active

La Tua Cantante

Blank Essay.

The glow of the computer lit up my room with a blueish light, whilst I sat in front of it with a blank word document staring back at me. I chewed on my bottom lip as I racked my brain for any ideas on how to start on this essay for my creative writing class.

How hard is it to write about what you did over the summer? I mentally screamed at myself as I lean back in my computer chair and stared up at the ceiling, Hard if you didn't do anything expect visit your dad in California.

I sighed loudly and click off of Word and turn off the screen before heading towards my bedroom door. I could hear the soft rock blaring from my older brother, Colton's room and the sounds of loud talking coming from Kyna's room.

I decided not to leave the safety of my room and return back to my computer only to be stop when my cell phone went off from my side table next to my bed. I got off of my computer chair and grabbed my buzzing phone to see Stormy's name flash across the screen.

I slide it open and saw a semi-long text grace my screen;

Hey lazy cow,
get your ass dressed because we're heading to the mall to hang on this beautiful saturday and i will not take no or any excuse coming from that pretty mouth of yours, so you better be dressed when i come by to pick you up in two hours. okayy?

I quickly texted her back and set my phone back on my side table. I switch on my stereo and soon the sound of A Skylit Drive flowed through the speakers. I open up my closet and skimmed through it until I had my outfit pick out and lying on my bed.

I quickly got ready and let my hair out of the braid I had put it in the night before. My auburn hair flowed my back in nice soft waves before I ran my fingers through it to get any tangles out. I looked over at my clock and saw that Stormy was going to be here in fifteen minutes.

I quickly dabbed my eyes in both eyeliner and mascara before brushing my teeth. I grabbed my great-great-great-great grandmother's engagement ring, which she had gotten from the love of her life Jasper Whitlock before he had left for the civil war and never return from it, on my right ring finger.

I made sure I had everything in my purse before pulling on my black beanie and racing out of my room and down the stairs right as Stormy pulled into my driveway.

"Bye Mom!" I yelled, opening up the front door

"Bye baby!" She called back

I let the door slammed shut behind me before sliding into Stormy's car.

"Ello love." She greeted me once I had gotten into the warm, safe car and buckled myself in, "Are you ready to shop until you drop?" She asked, backing out of my driveway and headed down the wet road onto the main road.

"Yes." I commented leaning my head on to the cold glass window, making sure that my glasses didn't hit the window, "Why are you in such a good mood? I asked, letting my green eyes meet her golden-brown ones.

"I don't know. I just woke up in this amazing mood." She grinned, her eyes sparkling with un-announced joy, "It seems unreal to me."

I nodded my head and let out a silent yawn as Stormy lean foreword to flick on the radio. Soon some trashy pop song graced our ears as the radio came to life.

Stormy tapped her fingers lightly to the music as I dozed off into my own little world not noticing the yellow Jeep Wrangler that was behind us with two passengers that had one thing on their minds.

Protect those that are theirs.
♠ ♠ ♠
arty's lounge wear
mall wear

hope ya like?
comments are wanted.