Bite The Bible.

Chapter 1

Johnathon Reed was the name he was given at birth. However that was almost three hundred years ago. Nowadays he went by the name Vladimir. The chicks loved it and he himself adored the irony. It goes without saying that Johnathon Reed A.K.A " Vlad", was a vampire. Now just because he was a vampire doesn't mean that he was a lonely tormented soul. The only thing that was tormented about him was that he was changed before he could grow some stylishly sexy facial hair. According to him at least.

I mean, have you seen Interview With A Vampire?

So anyway, that morning as Johnathon woke up. ( And when I say morning I of course mean night.) The first thing he thought was. " Fuck, how much did I drink last night?" followed by images of a blonde girl with great tits screaming for her life. Just that thought gave him a hard on. The fact that he was just waking up helped too. John padded across the living room floor and to the kitchen. Upon opening his fridge he pulled out a pouch of dark crimson liquid and ripped it open with his unnaturally large incisors.

Drinking blood isn't how the average person thinks it to be. It certainly doesn't go down smooth. Not with all those little chunks of livery carnage. To some that image makes the mouth water but for me honestly I can hardly stand it. So do forgive me if I skip the details of John's breakfast. Know that it certainly didn't leave him satisfied, and therefore he would be going over to his girlfriends house for dinner.

Oh Johanna. She was unlike most girls. A feisty red head. Johnathon always liked redheads. They were so much fun to play with before the final kill. That's exactly what he was planning on doing tonight. The final kill. He had his fun with the girl and he was ready to end with the fatal blow. Well not really a blow. More like a quick puncture wound followed by some rigorous sucking. He smirked at the thought before grabbing another pouch of blood and draining it quickly.


After a shower John rubbed the fog off the mirror to reveal his dark reflection. Now he wasn't the type of person who you would refer to as naturally beautiful. But over all these years, John sure as hell learned how to look sexy as fuck.

It was needed in his line of work. Fucking and Sucking as he liked to call it. His nightly routine of finding a trashy little girl with daddy problems and luring her into a dark deserted alley way before fucking her and then sucking the blood right out of her jugular.

Obviously this made Johnathon no money whatsoever. How did he pay his rent and still afford to make himself presentable to the ladies? A few years back he knew a woman. Her name was Muriel and though he would have usually just drained her and left something stopped him. Perhaps it was the fact that she was rich as balls. Yeah, that was probably it.

With his charm and good looks he got her to leave her estate to him. Did I mention she had terminal cancer? Well she did.

Breaking free of his train of thought John brushed back his mane of sandy blonde hair and smirked into the mirror. He gave himself his most predatory growl before drying his hair off with a towel. " All the ladies want you..." He reassured his reflection before striding into his bedroom.

It took him just a few minutes to choose that nights outfit. Johanna liked the type of guy who cleaned up nice. So his choice for that night was naturally a plain black tee shirt with a Grey cardigan. Khakis too, just to be safe. With one last glance in the mirror he was out the door and onto the streets.


Three quick knocks. That's how he knocked on his girlfriend's door all the time. For some reason he thought she would like it if he knocked with quickness and precision. Either way she would always wait at least Ten seconds before opening the door. He didn't know why but it always ticked John off.

" Hey you." She said as she opened the door. She had been expecting him. He usually came over every Thursday night for dinner. Johanna always looked nice. And although she never really tried, the red headed girl looked almost painfully sexy. At least it seemed that way for John. Maybe that's why he decided to keep her for more than 3 hours.

For the second time that night he had to shake himself free of those thoughts. He was there to kill her. Before walking in he looked her over once. She was in a pair of black jeans and a red sweater. Nothing to out there. But that's just the way she was. Never anything too risque. What would daddy think?

" Sup baby?" John asked her as he walked in. After closing the door Johanna turned only to find her self face to chest with John. He tilted her chin up and kissed her lips once before turning and walking into the living room. He took a seat on the dark blue couch.

Johanna walked in right after him and smiled. She didn't sit down and John took this as a bad sign.

" Wine?" She asked and smiled sweetly.

" You know I don't drink, sweetheart." He replied. Of course he was lying. That man drank more than a fucking sailor. But shit like that was what Johanna loved to hear.

" Well... tonight's a special occasion. A glass of wine won't hurt." She smiled and bit her lip like a little girl with a secret. Meanwhile John sat there panicking. Special occasion? Johanna left the room to fetch a bottle, leaving John to wonder about what special occasion this was. Poor guy can't catch a break. Oh well... now was as good a time as any.

The vampire stood and took a deep breath. He could smell her. Hear her practically feel her. He was no longer Vladimir or Johnathon or even Christopher. A name he went by about Twenty years back. He was vampire now. Ready to kill whatever got in his way. Her blood was already calling to him and he couldn't even hide how much it turned him on.

This was the last time he would ever have her to himself before taking her forever. He smirked and walked into the kitchen. She was pouring two glasses of wine for her and him when he came up behind her. One glass tipped over and fell on the marble counter top. She cursed and turned to look at him. " Johna..." She was cut of when his lips found hers.

There was no love in his kiss. Hardly even passion. Just primal lust. Lust for her body and lust for her blood. He couldn't decide which he wanted more. Within moment's her jeans were torn off with strength that no human could muster. She didn't seem that surprised but of course this was something totally overlooked by the feral vampire.

Within moment he had her pinned to the counter and he was inside her. It was just liked the first time. She bled. And Jesus it was so fucking hard to him to control himself. He could almost smell it now. He could smell it. That's how aware he was of everything and all of his senses as he moved in her.

Johanna herself was completely taken off guard by his impulsive actions. She wasn't able to prepare her body and immediately pleasure ran up her spine and she had to work hard to hold back a moan. She wouldn't make noise. Not now. As Johanna wrapped her arms around his neck to steady herself his mouth was still on hers. Only for a moment before he pulled away and began to kiss right under her ear.

Johanna released one arm from it's iron grip around John's neck. She placed one hand on the counted beside her and desperately searched for something. It wasn't easy with her boyfriend continuously slamming into her body.

Now Johnathon was so overtaken with his actions that he didn't even notice what Johanna was doing. It was time and he wasn't going to hold back anymore. he was so close and just as the lesser of his two needs was about to sated he would satisfy his first. Now her pulse was at his lips and his mouth was fucking watering it was so good. He could hear her two. it wasn't really a moan of pleasure. More like a battle cry. But he couldn't care less. He was inside her skin. Her blood was in his mouth. It was so fucking good he didn't even notice the stake in his heart until he was dead well... really dead. For good.


When Johanna woke up the first thing she saw was the face of her now dead for good vampire lover. Well he was never really her lover. More like a task she had to complete for the approval of her family. The emotion that flooded her was immediate relief. It was over. She had done it. She could now finally be accepted into the fellowship.

Then she felt the tenderness on her neck. Dread. The only word that could really describe how she felt upon discovering the two puncture wounds on her pale flesh. " Jesus..." She whispered. " Help me. "

There she was. Johanna Lockheart. A vampire hunter. Turned into the very thing she was born to kill.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well there it is!

I hope I actually get readers. Please comment and tell me whether I should continue or not <3

~ The Skylar ~