Bite The Bible.

Chapter 2

" You fucking asshole! I can't believe I ever even kissed that disgusting mouth of yours. Jesus Christ!"

She used the name in vain and Johanna knew that it were wrong. God what would her parents think... She shook the thought from her mind and did it again. " Christ!" She spat at the dead vampire on the floor. She kicked the carcass and it hardly even budged.

" Fucking bitchsquealer!" She hissed and held her head in both her hands. Curtains of shimmering red hair covered her emerald eyes and hid the sight of crimson tears running down her face in two perfect lines. She was crying.

Johanna lifted a hand to wipe one tear off her face. Bringing her hand to her tongue to lick off the salty water as she usually did, Johanna noticed something. Her tears tasted good. Too good. She looked down and in place of transparent liquid on the tips of her pale fingers there was red. It was blood. Shit she was crying blood. It was too late now and she knew it. Johanna was a vampire for good.

And it was all thanks to that rotting pile of waste on her kitchen floor! She let out yet another frustrated yowl of anger. Her parents were expecting her to be at there home with the body in... She glanced at the clock. Fuck! 3 hours!

Johanna sighed deeply. If she wasn't there her parents were going to assume her to be dead. Maybe that was a good thing. God knows that those freaks would rather her be dead then be one of the undead. You see that was the whole point. Johanna was born under unfortunate circumstances. Her parents were the leaders of The Fellowship Of Holy Blood. Long story short they were vampire hunters. Jesus freaks. And Johanna had been trained all her life for this moment.

The moment she would make her first kill and bring the dead undead back to her eagerly waiting parents. After she proved herself to be able to kill that which was already killed, then she would be accepted into the fellowship. Then she would be a true part of the Fellowship Of Holy Blood.

And now that was all gone. Thanks to the man that she just killed. Johanna had given everything to be excepted by her parents. She gave all of her time. She gave her virginity to that monster. She even gave her innocence by taking his life. Now what? Was she evil just like him? She didn't feel evil.


After much debate, Johanna lugged the body into the trunk of her shiny black car. Courtesy of her parents. They thought it would make it easier to pick up vamps. Anyway, dragging a dead vampire to her car in the middle of the night turned out to not be as easy as she thought. Which wasn't even easy to begin with. Living in New York city isn't a very good thing if you want to get rid of a body. There are so many people all the time around there.

Finally she managed to get the body in the car without anyone noticing. As she sped down the highway and towards the more rural part of the state she blasted the radio. Hopefully it would drown out all of her thoughts. But all it did was make her more angry and sad. The most she could hope for was that her parents wouldn't notice her change. That was unlikely.


Johanna took a deep breath as she pulled into the driveway of her parents farm. " Relax and be a reasonable as possible. " She told herself. Her parents couldn't possibly be mad if she explained to them the entire story.... Oh who was she kidding. They would probably stake her on the spot.

Just that thought told her to turn around. Johanna was just about to listen to her instincts and drive off, but she saw someone running to her car. A man. As he got closer she saw that it wasn't her father and she breathed out a sigh of relief. It was Adam. Her brother. She knew that even if she was a vampire he wouldn't condemn her like the rest of her family.

Out of all the Lockhearts let's just say that Adam was the most... Liberal. That's the right word. When Adam reached the car he tapped on the window twice to get her to open up. She lowered the window and kept her head down at the same time so he wouldn't see her chalky white flesh or fully dilated pupils.

Adam was breathing heavily so it took him a moment before he spoke. " I can't believe it. I thought you were dead. Everyone did..." He sighed before opening the car door and pulling her into a hug. At first the caring brother just held his sister out of pure relief. But then he noticed something. Her body went rigid and her skin... her skin was like ice. " Jo...." He said and extended his arms to look at her.

Johanna still had her head down with her hair in her face. Adam knew that something had gone terribly wrong. " Jo... move your hair." He brushed some of it out of her eyes before she had a chance to even listen. " God Jo...." He mumbled and looked down. " I can't believe this... " He took his hands off her and stepped back. A hand ran up to his own ginger hair to pull at the roots. " You have to go.... You have to go right now before mom and dad see." He said and pushed her back in the car.

Johanna stood and stopped him. " Wait... Adam.... Mom and dad... they'll understand if I explain...." She said in a sad attempt at him letting her stay. " Adam... I was gonna do it.. but then he bit me.... I killed him though... Just like I said I would. " She pointed to the trunk of her car and looked at her brother with wide eyes. They were already filling with the blood tears that Johanna was just growing used to.

Adam looked at her and nodded soberly. He walked to back of her car and opened the trunk. He had to hold his breath. Adam had never really seen a dead body before and this one smelled worse than his parents had warned him off. Johanna was the first child to be tested seeing as she was Three years older than her brother.

" Jesus..." He said and bit his lip. If their parents could hear the way these kids have been speaking lately both of them would be staked.

" Johanna. I'll take the body.. you have to go. Mom and dad will kill you! And if they don't we both know that everyone else will. There are at least thirty freaks in that house just waited to dance on this guys body! They'll dance on yours too.." He said and walked to her. He took his sister and pulled her close.

While all of this was happening Johanna was still trying to get her tears under control. What the fuck was wrong with her? All these years she had been trained to a robot. A vampire killing robot without any emotions. But tonight she was a child. A child without a home to go back to. Johanna hated herself for it.

" Adam... I'm sorry..." She managed to choke out. Adam's face held no emotions. He just turned around after kissing Johanna's forehead and took the body from the trunk. John was already rotting away. At least Johann had the courtesy to close his eyes.

" Go.." Was the only thing Adam said before walking away with the body. Johanna didn't hesitate to get in the car and drive off as fast as she could. As she drove down the unwinding road there was just one thing one her mind.

" Where the fuck am I going to go before the sun comes up?"
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Okay... second chapter.

Please tell me what you think... please....

~ The Skylar ~ <3