Bite The Bible.

Chapter 4

~Flashback: Christmas of 2000 at the Lockheart household.~

Johanna stared down at her empty plate and frowned even more deeply as he stomach growled. This uncontrollable bodily function earned her a glare from her mother and look from her brother Adam that said, " I feel your pain." Of course this was what it was like at Christmas every year.

Adam and Johanna had to put up with this year after year. But what more can you expect from a family with such strong morals? Note sarcasm...

Poor Johanna and Adam sat there for at least three hours while their parents prayed and expected them to do the same. They were joined by the entire congregation. " Family." As their parents called them. But believe me when I say that these people were not family to Johanna or Adam.

The Fellowship Of Holy Blood was... er ... is a cult. If you haven't gotten the point yet, they kill the undead. For good. Now along with this little tradition that Ezra Lockheart started about 1000 years ago, they also met up on a daily basis to pray. And plan vampire kills of course.

Why should Christmas be any differed. The Fellowship Of Holy Blood prayed their hearts out as the siblings drowned. Finally Gianna Lockheart became fed up with all of this havoc.

" That's it." She whispered angrily. " Both of you up to your rooms."

Johanna and Adam plastered fake frowns onto their pale faces and trudged up to the room they shared on the second floor. Secretly they were almost in tears from the relief. Now they could pray without the children. Well that and move into the basement to further study the corpse of a Swedish man who was born in the 1600's.

At the time Johanna was Thirteen. Adam was only Ten, and all Ten year olds have a healthy appetite for adventure and occasionally trouble. Why should Adam be any different. Johanna knew he was hiding something the minute he looked up at her with a small smile. A smile that screamed that he was hiding something.

Johanna rolled her eyes and held out her hand. " Give it to me now..." She said and looked into the boys eyes. They were the same color as hers.

" Give you what?" The little boy answered as innocently as possible, which turned out to be not innocent enough.

" Whatever it is that you're hiding form me you little maggot."

With a small sigh and a weak stomp at the wood floor, Adam placed in Johanna's hand what appeared to me small and pointy. It was off white. Almost a custard color. To Johanna it seemed like a shark's tooth. But too small. Perhaps it was a human tooth. One that was a bit too sharp.

" What is this?" She asked Adam and sat down on the edge of her bed. The boy shrugged and leaned against the wall on the other side of the room.

" Adam... Where did you get it?" She asked again, this time with the scary big sister voice.

" I found it on Dad's desk... jeez..." He exclaimed and threw his hands up. Johanna immediately stood and shook her head.

" Dad told us not to go in there!" She said and narrowed her eyes at him. " Do you know how mad he's going to be when you give this back to him?"

This obviously struck something in the younger sibling. " Give it back to him? Who said I was going to do that?" He asked and stuck his tongue out at her.

Johanna held out her flat palm with the tooth on it. " Give it back to Dad right now!" She told her younger brother.

Now we shouldn't immediately write Johanna off as an obedient child. It just so happens that at this time she had yet to find out what her parents really did. As far as her and her brother were concerned their parents were just really religious. And they were supposed to be too. But that was all about to change.

Victor Lockheart burst through the door with a smile on his face. He had decided to let his children come back down to eat now. They had finished with their prayers and the... other part of the evening and now the kids could come back down. That is until he heard what they said.

" Give me what?" He said just as his icy blue eyes landed on the vampire tooth in Johanna's hand. The look on her face was rather priceless if you ask me. But really the situation was much too serious to laugh at.

" Dad... it's his..." She said and pointed at Adam. Upon doing so the tooth fell to the ground and her father bent down to pick it back up. With a deep fatherly sighed he looked at his children with a disappointed scowl.

" Adam... you will be punished for taking things from me. You are to stay out of my things at all times. You knew of this rule." He scolded. " But we shall deal with that later. Now we have to have a very serious talk. Sit down. The both of you."


Johanna recalled the events of that night so many years ago as she sped down the road once again. After she had killed the man she did the only thing she could think to do. Run.

It was the logical choice, right? I mean what else was she supposed to do. " Hey I'm a vampire and I just drained this guy. We cool, right?" She didn't think so. So now she was on the run. Not only from her family but from the police too.

Johanna had hit rock bottom. Or so she thought. So now she had to begin to try and restore some normality. And for her that was the acceptance of her parents. What could she do to restore their trust?

Perhaps kill a fuck load of vampires and prove that she isn't like them? Yeah. That's basically all she had so far. " We're gonna be ok..." She said to herself as she drove in the direction of the city.

New York City was a good start. Crowded, easy to blend in. And absolutely fucking packed with the undead.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so there we have it.
Her master plan.

~ The Skylar ~ <3