Bite The Bible.

Chapter 5

Johanna had been missing for 19 hours. At least to her family she was. This made going back to her house to get some things off limits. She had to avoid her family discovering she was alive. Well about as alive as a person can be when their heart has stopped beating.

With the exception of Adam, her family or anyone else in the covenant would kill her upon discovery. With her missing the first place they would go was her apartment. It took her a few minutes to figure out what she was going to do but soon she decided on a tactic.

Rosemarie. the woman who kept her alive throughout her college years. Not that her college years were long ago. Johanna only got her masters degree two years ago.

Anyway, Rosemarie was a psychic she had met while waiting tables her freshman year. Johanna had just broken up with her boyfriend and was upset. She didn't let it show much but Rose knew. After setting down the hot cup of tea in front of the Grey haired woman she took Johanna's hand and looked up at her.

" Sit." She had demanded. Johanna was taken off guard and tried to politely explain that she had work to do, but Rosemarie would not take no for an answer. Whether she liked it or not, Johanna was going to sit down.

It took the old woman a few minutes to any thing but what she said had made Johanna's jaw drop. Ever since that afternoon Rose would show up at the cafe every once in a while and talk to Johanna.

Soon Johanna began to go and see her away from work. Rose had always given her free readings. She became the mother that Johanna never really had.

She was the first one Johanna went to that night. It was Eleven O'clock by the time Johanna parked her shiny black car outside of Rosemarie's house. Rose was outside before Johanna could even get out of the car.

" Oh dear." She said in a tired voice. It was obvious that Rose was asleep before Johanna came. " What's wrong?" She said and held the door open as Johanna made her way up the path that lead to the front door.

" Rose.... I'm so glad to see you." She said and had to hold back the tears that threatened to fall once again. Johanna wiped her eyes and brushed her fiery hair out of her eyes.


Once inside of the familiar house, Johanna sat down on the squishy red couch and took a few deep breaths. Rose sat beside her patiently and waited for her to be ready to talk. When finally Johanna calmed she looked up at Rose and sighed. " I need to tell you something...."

" I know..." Was the response she received.

" Of course you do...I'm a vampire." Johanna simply blurted out the words. But that didn't seem to be the hard part. The hard part was going to be explaining her family history. And harder than that would be asking for her help. Johanna was raised to rely only on herself.

Trust nothing and no one, her father told her.

Rose didn't seem to have a bad reaction. In fact all the woman really did was stand up and pull a thick leather bound book from a dark mahogany book case. She flipped through the pages for a few minutes and occasionally glanced up to study Johanna.

" Yes... it appears you are, dear. " She said and smiled sweetly. " Don't worry though. We're just going to have a figure out an alternative lifestyle..."

By the time Rose was half way through her sentence, Johanna was shaking her head and sighing. " May I see the book, Rose?" She asked and held out an open palm. Rose placed the book in Johanna's hand and sat back down on the couch. After sinking into the cushions, Rose gave Johanna a wary look.

" Be careful with that book. It's old."

Johanna nodded and flipped a through pages. She saw some disturbing illustrations of animalistic men and women devouring corpses. Some were being sexually intimate with their prey, but more were simply overcome with the blood lust.

Finally she found what she was looking for. It took a moment for her to decipher the old writing but she eventually made out the words. " How to kill a vampire." She held the book up and showed it to Rose.

" This is what my family does....." She said and bit her lip. Rose seemed to be in deep thought for a moment. Finally she spoke.

" When you say your family does this include you?" She asked and looked at Johanna. With a nod Johanna began to explain what happened with the male vampire she was supposed to kill, and what she was going to do now to try and earn back her family's trust and approval.


" Well it seems that you've gotten yourself into quite a predicament." Rose said somberly and looked at her. " Of course you can stay here, Dear."

Johanna let out a small breath of relief. " Thank you so much, Rose." She said and put her head in her hands. " I don't know what I'm going to do. I mean I know of a few vampires that are on my family's list. I guess I can go after them. And I suppose being one is going to help my chances of finding some and there's Adam....."

" Shh..." Rose calmed the rambling girl and smiled a bit. " We can work on all of this tomorrow.
Just try and relax tonight." She said and smiled a bit before standing up and walking into her kitchen. Johanna wondered what Rose was doing in there but she didn't have to wait long for an answer.

Rose came out after a minute or two, holding a coffee mug filled with a warm, dark red liquid. " Drink this." She cooed and handed the cup to Johanna. She hesitantly brought the mug to her lips and took a sip.

It took all of her strength not to spit the drink back into the cup. It was one of the most foul things she had ever had in her mouth. " Oh..." She was able to sputter out as she put the cup on the coffee table in front of them. " What was that?" She asked with a look of disgust on her face.

Rose gave her a small knowing smirk. " Cow's blood." She said and smiled a bit.

" Well I am never drinking that again. " She said and a shudder ran down her spine. Rose just sat there and arched an eyebrow with the same smirk.

" Oh? You want to earn your family's trust? You'll be drinking cow blood..." She said.

" No more human blood for the vampire." Johanna sighed and put her head in her pale hands again.

This was going to be a lot harder than she thought.

Why the fuck did Rose have Cows blood in her kitchen anyway?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry ti took so long for me to get that out. I've been working... : [
I promise I'll update sooner next chapter.
But please comment and tell me what you think... PLEASE.

~ The Skylar ~ <3