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The Black Limousine

Chapter 9

“Kristina?!” someone yells, shaking me.

“Guys, calm down. I think she’s still alive …”

“Kristina! Wake up!”

My eyes flutter open, and I look around. I sit up, my head throbbing. “What’s going on?”, I ask, immediately meeting a pair of fiery eyes.

“Kristina!”, a boy sighs, hugging me.

“Who’s that?”

“Your name is Kristina. My name is Luke. And he’s Keith.”, a boy says slowly, his eyes a glowing silvery-black.

“Okay, I’m Kristina. You’re Luke, and he’s Keith.”, I say slowly, unsurely.

“Why doesn’t she frickin’ remember!!”, the boy with fiery eyes, Keith, growls.

“Because she frickin’ died, Keith. Your memories tend to be a little foggy when you just died. And then you frickin’ wake up!!”

“I’m thirsty,” I say, frowning.

“Yes, you probably are. C’mon, we’ll take you to get something to drink.”, Luke says, smiling reassuringly at me.


“Out in the woods.”

I nod, following them. They moved so quickly, and I felt slow and clumsy in comparison. “It’s okay,” Luke says, smiling as he opens the door. I nod, walking out behind Keith, who was looking at me sadly. “Now, smell the air.”

And I smelled the air. I smelled something delicious, and I went running for it. I could hear them following me, even as I attacked a deer. “Well, looks like she’s starting out vegetarian.”, Luke says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

“It smelled good,” I mumble, going back to its throat. Blood … I think, lifting my head and licking my lips. “That didn’t taste as good as I thought it would.”, I say, scrunching up my nose. “How does Trevor live like this? Whatever demons eat, how can he just live on blood?”

“You remember?”

“Yeah. Beth’s a snob, you’re a demon, Luke’s a vampire. Anna and Philander are married, and Trevor is their son. I’m the daughter to a long line of hunters. And I died … how long ago?”

“About a week ago,” Luke says, shrugging.

“Worst five bucks my mom ever spent,” I mutter, rolling my eyes. “And why does blood still taste so horrible?!”

“Because it was only your first hunt. You haven’t gotten a taste for it yet. And that animal isn’t the most delicious of them all.”, Luke says, rolling his eyes.

“It better not be,” I mutter. “It tastes like ocean water. Or like ear-wax.”

“How do you know what ear-wax tastes like?”, Keith asks, raising an eyebrow.

“Got dared in third grade.”, I say, shrugging. “I also tasted dirt. Which tastes better.”

“Okay, I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.”, Luke says, staring at me oddly.

“Says the boy who was born drinking blood.”, I say, gesturing toward the dead fawn.

“Hey, at least I don’t eat flesh, corpses, and basically everything human.”, Luke says, gesturing to Keith.

“Hey! I don’t eat all of that! I can eat normal food!”, Keith says defensively.

“Even as a vampire that’s gross beyond belief. But I’ve probably eaten grosser.”, I say, shrugging.


“Oh, once someone dared me to drink blood. It tasted better then than it does now.”, I say, shivering. “But it was worth it! I got frickin’ fifty bucks!”

“Fifty bucks?”


“Sweeeeeet!”, Keith says, smiling at me. “My girl knows how to get a quick buck!”

“Where are we?”, I ask, looking around.

“Kentucky,” Luke says, smirking. “Best for hunting inconspicuously.”

“Yeah … but isn’t it a little … forest-y?”

“That’s the point.”

“I meant, aren’t people gonna notice a group of teenagers in the middle of the woods? And suddenly showing up for a high school?”

“Actually, speaking of that … you’re just a friend who our parents adopted.”, Keith says, smiling sheepishly.

“That’s more believable than me being one of y’all’s sister.”

“That’s why you’re adopted.”, Luke says, rolling his eyes. “Thanks to Trevor, we can pass for one big family.”

“Okay, so I’m the ‘adopted’ sister … do I still go by Kristina?”

“Actually, we thought about that. You could actually go by any name you want.”, Keith says, smirking.

“Any name at all?”

“And feel free to change it. But, let us know ahead of time.”

“’Kay,” I say, deep in thought. “Robin,” I think out loud, smiling.

“Huh?”, Keith asks confusedly.

“Robin. I want to be called Robin.”, I say, smiling.

“You want to be named after a bird?”, Luke asks, raising an eyebrow.

“The Gypsies saw them as bringers of good luck.”

“Nice choice,” Keith says, smirking.

“Thank you,” I say, smiling.