Status: I may add more if you all really want me to, but it is intended to end where it ends

Brontophobia - The Fear Of Storms


Brendon jumps as thunder crashes, shaking the small apartment. He whimpers slightly and pulls the blankets up around him. Gabe slips his arm around the trembling boy next to him. The wind howls causing the lights to flicker, and Brendon shutters and sinks into Gabe’s arms.

“It will be okay, Bren,” Gabe whispers kissing Brendon on the top of his head. The lights dance again as a large attack of thunder fills the air, followed by a bright flash of lightning, and another sound of thunder ripping though the air. “Look at me Chico; this will be all over soon, let’s do something to get your mind off of this.” He purrs biting Brendon’s ear.

“Gabe, stop it,” Brendon says hitting Gabe away, he opens his mouth to say something else, but all that comes out is a high-pitched scream, when the lights suddenly flip off, and thunder once more shakes the apartment.

“Chico, its okay, its okay baby,” Gabe whispers as Brendon shutters as lightning brightens the room. “Look, babe, I’ll light some candles, I’ll make some hot chocolate, and we can cuddle and talk the storm away, okay Chico?” Brendon nods slowly looking up into Gabe’s soft chocolate eyes, the eye contact broken when Brendon jumps because of another rip of thunder.

Gabe gets up, leaving Brendon alone on the bed. Brendon hugs a pillow trying to make it give him the same comfort that he had received from Gabe's arms. When lightning flashes again, he jumps up, and follows Gabe into the kitchen. Brendon stands in the doorway watching Gabe open and close doors trying to find something.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Brendon asks, his voice a soft whisper.

"Can't find the hot chocolate," He grumbles, muttering a curse word in Spanish. He opens a cabinet and slams it closed angrily.

"Gabe," Brendon whispers squeezing the pillow close to him, his eyes wide with terror. Another burst of thunder shakes the apartment making Brendon squeak and hug the pillow tighter.

"Brendon," Gabe sighs "I'm going to go get some hot chocolate" he walks over Brendon.

"No, you can't go out in that, you'll die," Brendon cries clinging to Gabe as soon as he gets close to him, tears creeping into his eyes. "Don't leave me alone, I can't be alone during this." Brendon sobs clinging to Gabe. A flash of lightning lights up the room, and Brendon starts shaking.

"Chico, it will be okay, I'm just going across the street. I just want to get some for you because I know how much you love hot chocolate." Gabe says, trying to calm down his frightened boyfriend. "I promise I won't be gone long." He lets go of Brendon and steps away. Brendon stands there looking longingly at Gabe.

"Don't worry, babe, it will be okay." Gabe starts to leave, turning to look at Brendon.

"Gabe, we don't need hot chocolate. Just please don't leave." Brendon cries sitting down on the ground holding the pillow.

"Don't worry; I'll be back before you know it." Gabe smiles reassuringly. He goes over and hugs Brendon, kissing him on the top of the head.

"But..." Brendon starts, but stops, knowing Gabe will get his way no matter what he says.

Gabe kisses Brendon and leaves. Brendon slowly makes his way back to the bed, dragging the pillow behind him like a little kid does with a baby blanket.

He curls into the bed hugging the pillow crying, jumping every time a flash of lightning lights up the room, or thunder shakes the small apartment. Every few seconds he glances at his phone waiting for Gabe to come back. After ten minutes, Brendon starts to pace the room, assuming the worst. He pauses when he hears something over the blasting of the storm. Sirens.

Brendon's heart leaps into his chest; he knows it has to be Gabe, who else would be crazy enough to go out in a storm as bad as that one. Without thinking about his fear, Brendon grabs his jacket and runs out of the apartment into the storm.

The second he gets outside, he immediately regrets briefly forgetting the storm. He seriously debates about heading back inside when a bang of thunder shakes the air.

He can see where the sirens are coming from, across the street near a downed tree. There is an ambulance, and a fire trucks their lights flashing lighting up the sky in between bolts of lightning.

Brendon tells himself he needs to go over there, and prove that Gabe is fine, not the source of the tragedy that the emergency vehicles suggest. After a pause, a deep breath, and a roll of thunder Brendon runs into the storm's powerful wind.

He runs over to the emergency vehicles, his eyes shut tight as to forget the storm rolling around him. He stops at the end of the downed tree, unable to move any more. Underneath the trunk of the tree lays someone that is just clinging to life. The telltale purple hoodie informs Brendon of his fear, that Gabe is the reason for the ambulance. He tries to tell himself to move forward, and hold Gabe's hand as the tree is lifted off, but he can't. He can't bring himself to move, although he had the feeling all along. He drops down to the wet ground, tears starting to poor down his face, almost at the
same rate at the rain falling from the sky. A sob escapes from his lips, as he shakes on the rain-drenched ground.
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Feedback would be much loved <3

JAzz <3