Back In Black

The Beginning

The Brooklyn High cafeteria is filled with strangers. Some are familiar with each other, others are aware of the presence of others, while some just sit and observe. Lunch is a special time at Brooklyn High. It’s the time when the jocks and the preps and the emos all sit together. Sometimes in harmony, sometimes not. It depends on the general mood that day.

Rita Yellow sits on her own in the furthest corner. She fixes her glasses and looks around. She observes everything quietly from the corner, never joining in with the chorus of laughter, but graciously aware of the happiness in the room. Riley Blue grabs a lunchbox from the take away counter and skips over to her bright-haired friends. She laughs mischievously as she watches the drama unfold infront of her eyes.

Lily Purple stared at her boyfriend. How could he? He'd just cheated on her with none other than the head cheerleader - Clarissa Orange. Lily left the room moodily,glaring daggers at the head cheerleader as she passed.

Clarissa Orange was the queen of everything. She won every single thing she ever tried. She didn't try to be a bad person, it's just that the world saw her in that way. She hadn't even slept with that footballer... She lived in a world of champagne and candyfloss, but soon Clarissa Orange would have to learn about a whole other world.

Rita Yellow observed all of this from her chair in the corner. All the hidden looks, all the secret glares. She observed all of this, but she never told a soul, because that's the way she was. Well, that's the way she had always been, until she met with a crying Lily Purple that very lunchtime.

Rita had always been a loner. She found that there was no point in socializing. She finished her lunch and headed into the hallways to get her books for the next class. As she walked towards her locker, she saw a girl slumped down on the floor. She walked over to the girl and noticed that it was Lily Purple. She backed away. Lily Purple had never been friendly to Rita,infact she had bullied Rita a number of times a couple of years before. But now the tables had turned, and Lily Purple’s perfect life was showing cracks.

Lily Purple looked up from the floor to see that no one had followed her out the cafeteria except for the loner girl, Rita Yellow. She had never heard Rita talk before and she had always wondered what her voice would sound like. Rita put her hand out and offered Lily a hand for her to get up. Rita decided to be the bigger person, that’s what she always thought was right. "Are you feeling alright?" Rita asked Lily hesitantly, as if she already knew the answer. “Of course I am.” Answered Lily, though they both knew she was lying.

The darkened hallway seemed to light up as a third person appeared. Cole Sebashtion Brown was new at Brooklyn High. He has never met another student here, and was pretty much invisible, but his looks made him visible to the female population of the school, and a few footballers, but let's not get into that.
At that moment, Rita felt that someone bump into her. She turned around and saw none other than Riley Blue. "Is she alright?" Riley asked as she pointed to Lily. Rita just shurgged. "It's going to be alright," Riley said as she walked over to Lily and gave her a hug. It shocked both Rita and Lily. They were from different cliques. This wasn't supposed to happen

Clarissa Orange had realized that the girl who stormed out of the cafeteria was Lily Purple. "Do you know her?" She asked Josh. "No, never seen her before," Josh said as he tried to kiss Clarissa but she pushed him away. Clarissa walked out of the cafeteria determined to know the truth.

Regaining Lily composure she realized who she was hugging and backed away. Only to see Clarissa stalking down the hall She saw the group of people crowding the girl who had just ran out of the cafeteria. "hey, do you know Josh by any chance?" Clarissa asked innocently. "Know him? He's my boyfriend!" Lily shouted at her.

"I am so sorry. I didnt know," Clarissa said. But what surprised everyone the most is what Lily decided to say. "I forgive you, it wasn't your fault," Lily said though her tears. From that day on, they were best friends

Clarissa was surprised that she had been forgiven. She always thought that Lily had been stuck up she had been wrong Clarissa stalked back into the cafeteria Josh was going to die for this.

Riley Blue stared at Lily. "What?" Lily said finally "Why did you let her off so easily?" Riley Said " Well, she said she was sorry" Lily said "And?"
"And I forgave her" Lily replyed Riley Blue was shocked,and from that day on everyone knew Lily wasn't like how everyone thought. She was different. She could be nice.

Azure watched this from the safety behind her locker door. Azure Green was a curious girl, she could always be found around places where something interesting was happening. Her deep blue eyes sparkled at the scene she had just witnessed. Small and cheery she was often the butt of the jokes however she was bright and was often the problem solver amongst her friends.
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I couldn't get the rest.
I helped u post it :)