More than just sibling rivalry

Wanna Fight With The Light.

“Aaaaahhhh Shit! “I yell, after tripping over my own feet. Looking up there’s something glowing in my face. I swat it away. “Sshhhhhh, I want to help you. My names Andrea.” So whatever the hell this light is, I mean Andrea, tilts what I think is her head to the side, as if listening to something only she can hear. Placing what now looks like a finger to lips, grabs my hand, and yanks me forward. “We have to head to the forest. It’s coming. Run now!” “Where the fuck is the forest, what are we running from and where the hell am I now?!” I whisper hastily. Not even paying attention to me and my profusely bleeding calf, Andrea guides me away. “Great!” I say, sarcasm dripping from the dragging out of the word.

“There are traps everywhere,” She calls out behind her shoulder, still holding my hand, “so be careful.” The air suddenly turns icy cold as I hear the crunching of leaves and twigs coming from behind me. A croaky voice suddenly cries out, “Time for a feast to remember.” “What the hell are they talking about?!”

“Fudge sticks, I thought that she wouldn’t notice.” Andrea looks like her glow or aura or whatever is getting dimmer, she’s also starting to have a faint chatter. “Who?” I ask. “The Queen. Oh she is quite horrid. Quickly now, we’re nearly there.” “Whe-.“ But before I could finish the word, something slimy and cold had a hold of my ankle, tripping me over. I fall heavily on my back.

I yell out with warm tears down my face, I feel dizzy and weak while getting up slowly. “Come on, we need to go.” I feel something pulling on my arm. “The Forest isn’t strong enough to hold her back for much longer.” I had that slimy feel on my leg again, it was weak but it was able to drag me a little away from the weird glow yet Andrea finally gets me to my feet and drags me further away. We don’t get far until a dark shadow fills our view of escape.
An evil laugh fills the sky, “I have you now, I have waited many years for this day. You will finally be defeated.” She turns to me, in a serious voice she explains, “Oh, look what we have here. Got yourself a little soldier have we?! Never mind, I’ll win anyway.”

Blinking lazily, I stare at this ugly creature in front of me with a confused expression-well I hope it is. Once coherent words are able to come out of my mouth, I turn to Andrea with a now ‘what-the-hell?!’ look. “Now what the fuck have I gotten into?!”
“You are my warrior and saviour. I shall give you my life-although I find that kind of pointless- to save many others. Do not fail.” Suddenly my eyes go wide as she disappears.
My cheeks start to get warm and I feel a strong sensation building in my stomach. Yelling out and crouching over, I finally realize what she meant. I am hers, theirs and my own saviour.

Some chick steps forward into my line of sight with an evil look planted on her face, staring me down she says, “Finally the war between us can finally begin the end.” “Hello there, and what are you talking about. A war, you crazy girl, why would I fight you? I barely know y-. Ahhh fuck. You.” Turning to the sky I yell with all the sarcasm I can muster, “Thanks for telling me Andrea!”

“Hey Nicolai, I was wondering when I could see you again. What a pity it’s like this.” “Yeah, well. Sorry the feeling isn’t mutual, Clementine.” A smirk upon my lips. “Aww Nic, you never learn do you. This isn’t some petty sibling fight any more, the hurt in these conflicts is very much painful.” “Bring it sis!”
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hopefully it's not as bad as i thought it would be.
maybe you'll like it, maybe not.

its just my random way.