Status: Completed.

Saving Sloane Winters


Tristan B. Forjac
Keywords I, plan, for, what, I, want, Sloane Winters, Richardson,

I’m a real good planner, you know.

I guess it came from the family; mum’s a wedding planner, dad’s a professor at Monash Uni (they plan ways to torture the kids with overused algebraic equations), Uncle Terry’s a town planner, and so it goes.

They all planned for different things; ceremonies, homework schedules, what should go down by the park next.

And me?

I planned for the things I wanted, and it just so happens that they usually worked out.

Take my twenty two year old brother, for example. When I was thirteen, and he was in Year 12, he wanted to get a sport scholarship for some awesome uni in Sydney. He wasn’t smart enough to form his own exercise timetable (a reason why he was applying for a sport scholarship) so I did it for him, and planned when he would go to the gym, or do a hundred push ups. He got the scholarship, and moved his pimply face and his crap hip hop music to Sydney. Why I did it, you ask?

Because I wanted him gone, so I could have his bedroom—instead of the too small attic.

Or maybe when I was five, I planned an imaginary trip to the Melbourne Zoo, and got an A+. Not one of my best feats, I tell ya, but I was five.

Or maybe when my dad was sick, and the doctor’s forbid him from working for two months—he asked me to write down his Psychology class’ curriculum and assessment schedules.

Or maybe when I planned to steal this girl that I really, really, really liked from a guy that I didn’t particularly get along with.

I know that the little cogs in your minds are spinning, you think that I’m trying to steal Sloane Winters away from Teak Richardson, don’t you?

You guys read too much internet fiction.

But oh, how it was so true. Did I feel selfish? Did I feel guilty?

No, I didn’t.

You see, when I plan for the things I want—I really want them.

And I really want Sloane Winters for myself.

So I’ve got a plan, and it’s done. Not down on paper, but in my mind.

The mind is where the evil plans are born, the mind is where you know you want things.

And I told you; I want Sloane Winters.
♠ ♠ ♠
THANKS TO MY GIRLY Emily for this lovely banner.