Status: Sorry I've been really busy but I'll try to update :)

The Forgotten

The First Meeting

My life was boring before Abel.

My parents ignored me; that was better than them arguing with me. My classmates bickered about me- which I could do without any day and my big sister, Luna, absolutely ignored me as well but this was worse because she acted like she didn't even know I existed. Luna is Barbie perfect, she’s strawberry blonde, has green eyes and is basically a model.

I, however, am dark haired with icy blue eyes; which just states that I am the complete opposite of Ms. Perfect. I love wearing black- though I’m not Goth- I just wear it to annoy my folks and everyone around me.

One night after a major brawl with my parents, I scrambled out my window and unto my roof. I always go there to think. Some nights I contemplated jumping off- this was one of those nights. But before I had a chance- he was next to me.

He always came. At first I thought he was a figment of my imagination. He's been popping up on my roof now for 5 days. He never speaks, just watches me.

He was absolutely amazing, his dark hair fell almost to his shoulders, and his eyes were so blue - bluer than mine- they were depthless like the ocean; his lips were rosy without taking away any of his masculinity. He was pale though and the black in his clothes made it seem as though his skin was glowing. As always he was wearing a bulky coat as if to hide his back, which was his one and only flaw. He had a humpback. Or at least a very bad spinal problem.

This was the first time he actually came close to me. Usually he'd sit on the far side and gaze at me and I'd just pretend he wasn't there. I know its weird but that's what I would do. Its like he didn't think I could see him and I didn't want to break the silence.

“Hey,” he said and smiled, “I’m Abel.”
My heart stopped and restarted.
“I’m Selene,” I murmur my eyes on his lips.
“Selene like the moon,” he says and then grins revealing teeth that so were sharp and white any dentist would be proud.
“Yes,” I say and then realize what a mess I must look like. My tear-stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes must be hard to see in the dark but I got a weird feeling that he could indeed see my entire face.
“I’ve never seen you around before,” I mumbled with my face averted staring at the trees. I would much rather be staring at him.
“You’re upset,” he said finally noticing my stiff posture.
He made his first mistake.
He touched my face with his cold fingers. A burst of electricity that shot through me makes my body come alive. He felt it as well because he jerked his hand away swiftly and puts distance between us.

“What was that?” I asked breathlessly. His face is sad and distant and all I want to do is comfort him. Its like I know him now.

“I can’t let her get hurt by me,” he muttered to himself. He got up to leave.
“Please don’t,” I said and scramble to my feet, “Help me understand!” I know this is silly but ever since that touch I felt as if I were drowning and he pulled me out. I was missing a part of my soul and he fixed it. I became numb at the thought of him going.

“I’m not like you!” he shouts, “I’m not human! I cannot love you,” he said it so quiet I thought I imagined it, “You are mine now but I don’t want you. Because I can’t let you get hurt because of me. I’m different than the others.” The words echo….You are mine….it thrills me yet scares me even though he said that he didn't want me.

“What are you?” I asked in a small voice.

He looks at me and then lets the coat fall off his shoulders. He doesn't have a hump.
In the glistening moonlight I see his black wings.

“Vampire,” is all he says and then he shoots up into the sky and disappears. I blink to clear the tears. I felt a sudden emptiness that makes me clutch my chest in agony. I didn’t care that he was dangerous but all I knew is that I wanted him.

I felt like I belonged to him after that touch. A black feather caught my eye and I picked it up. He would be back. I knew it in my heart. He wouldn’t be able to stay away, not after that powerful connection.