Status: Sorry I've been really busy but I'll try to update :)

The Forgotten


I hated flying.

Well I did now, I thought as Caleb landed in a mini tornado of dust and grass. We were on the ground next to a massive mansion; huge stone walls cascaded around us. The styling was 16th century Victorian Gothic and the walls were a faded grey color. The size was about six average houses width and five stories high. Caleb just continued walking after he landed. It took me a few seconds to move without the world spinning.
"Hey!" I called.
"Follow," was all he said. So I did- into the massive mansion. He turned around and faced me when we were in the foyer.

"Welcome to Evermore Manor," he spread his arms wide and gave me a glorious smile, "Make yourself at home."
"Whoa, hold up big fella," I said and backed a few steps, "I want to go back to Abel."
He stopped smiling and sighed. I wanted to sigh too... He was gorgeous, his features were different when I saw him killing my sister because now his hair was shoulder length and tied, a sort of bronze color and his eyes were a greenish brown.
"I want you here and so you are. Do not try my patience," he said slowly and then went up a flight of stairs. I gasped when he disappeared around the corner in a flash. I rushed up behind him. But it was more of rushing up, and up, and up! Three flights of stairs later I was almost on my knees. My chest hurt from the sheer exhaustion of it.

He stood staring at me in a peculiar way; next to him was a pair of celestial doors and a long hallway. He raised an eyebrow. I collapsed to my knees and took deep breaths.
"Are---you---crazy?" I managed to get out. He smirked.
"I have my moments," he said with a wicked grin. I fumed; I could have punched him in that second.
His mask of superiority dropped and in its place was concern when he asked, "Are you alright? You look red."
"I want to go home," I whimpered exhausted. The day's events were finally resting on me. He growled, "No."
"Why not?" I whined.
He shrugged, "I want you here." And with that cryptic statement he made his way through the Gothic doors. I stumbled in after him a second later. He was wearing jeans. Only jeans when I walked in.

He was perfectly sculpted, an Adonis in human form. I- being the idiot that I was- stared at him with my mouth hanging open until he grinned, "See something you like?"
My cheeks flamed and I turned to walk out. My intention was to walk straight out of the mansion. But when I turned- I ran right into him. One moment he was behind me, the next in my face. I stepped back from his body, every sense in my petite witch's body was warning me, 'DANGER!'
And when I saw his eyes my suspicion was confirmed. They were cold, distant and obsidian black.
"You have to stay."
"Don't I have a choice?" I asked quietly. He shook his head slowly. I backed away further into the room, he stalked in closer. His fangs dropped and I knew that something bad was going to happen if I didn't distract him...

"Caleb?" a female voice called from outside. It sounded kind and was a welcome distraction but it was too far away. He hissed.
"In there," he barked and pushed me towards the closet.
"No!" I screamed before he could cover my mouth or push me in. He growled.
"Caleb," she said and he slowly turned around.
In a flash she was standing next to me.
She was an angel. That was my first thought because of her paleness. Next thought was vampire. Her eyes were blue- bluer than my blue and her hair was long and strawberry blonde, she was wearing a simple summer dress and she looked about fourteen.
"Who are you?" she asked without taking her eyes off Caleb.
"Selene Madison," I answered. Caleb stalked back a few steps.
"I'm Fayanne Evermore," she said quietly, "And you should stay put."
And with that Caleb lunged for her. They both fought silently and quickly. All I saw were blurs and then it was over. They both froze in the middle of the room and burst out laughing.

"Oh Selene," Fayanne said quietly, "This family has a lot to offer you. We're a crazy lot."
Caleb grinned.
"I don't know what's going on but I really want to leave," I said quietly.
"Oh nonsense you can't leave Caleb," she grinned, "He's your perfect match. Your mate. Didn't he explain?"
"No, he isn't," I said confused, "Abel is." There was a loud silence. She turned slowly to Caleb.
"What have you done?" she asked him coldly.
"I haven't done anything," he said cockily, "Her blood responds to the both of us."
She glared at him. He sighed and looked at me.

"Selene you felt the danger but did you actually feel as if I would hurt you?" he asked.
I couldn't answer because it was true.
"I want Abel," I said quietly.
Fayanne and Caleb both huffed sighs and turned to the window.
She muttered something like, "You got your wish..." she then took two steps backward and stood right next to me.

There was then a deafening crash as the window exploded and Abel burst through seething and growling. He was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I ignored both Fayanne and Caleb and fled into his arms. His features softened back to semi-normal as he collected me in an embrace, though his eyes were on Caleb even as he held me.