Status: Sorry I've been really busy but I'll try to update :)

The Forgotten

Oh Luna

My. Sister. Was. Here.

Those words flew in slow motion through my head. One minute we were in the room and the next we were flashing through the house heading towards where the scream erupted. The kitchen. Abel held on to me and in mere seconds- thanks to his speed we were there.

I saw my sister on the floor. Laughing? She was laughing? Why in hell was she laughing? It was then I saw that she was with Lucas and they looked... happy? She noticed me then with the others and the smile faded and replaced by a tense fake one. Well there's a nice welcome, I thought sarcastically. Abel sent me a confused one as well but warned me to keep a poker face. Fayanne seemed to know what was going on.

"Luna why'd you scream?" she asked. She clearly knew my sister.
"I'm sorry but Luke here startled me," she responded automatically and Lucas stiffened beside her. Caleb looked like he could care less and was staring at me. I spared him no glance but concentrated on my sister. She looked different; drawn, pale, distracted?
"Luna?" I called before Fayanne could ask another question.
"Are you alright?" I asked, then my brain spoke through my lips, "Do you know who I am?"

"Should I?" she asked confused, Luke looked pained. My throat constricted and tears welled up in my eyes.
"Never mind," I managed to choke out. I tried not to show that I cared.

"Why doesn't she know who I am?" I whispered to Fayanne.
"It's for her own safety," Caleb grunted.
"I don't have parents anymore, now I don't have a sister," I narrowed my eyes at Caleb till he looked away.

Abel held my hand reassuringly- obviously he could hear my unwanted thoughts.
He asked his sister, "Who did it?"
"Abel..." she began.
"I know you Fayanne, you're element doesn't cover memory loss or alteration..." at that statement Abel completely lost me, "which organization was it?"
Then his voice came to me even as he was speaking to his sister, 'Vampires are gifted sometimes- it’s a rare ability aside from other abilities like the speed, immortality etc,' he tried to explain. 'Later,' I thought, 'Tell me more later. I have a bad feeling,' I was getting nauseous, 'Nelly! We have to get Nelly!' My mind and body was pushing to get outside that the thought wasn't in my head when I got to the door.

"What? Selene?" Abel exclaimed and spun me around.
"Its Nelly! She doesn't remember me either!" I wailed as I fought for him to let me go, "We have to go to her now!"