Status: Sorry I've been really busy but I'll try to update :)

The Forgotten

Hey There Soul Sister

This was new.

Abel really wanted to protect me, but he also wanted me to be able to protect myself. I felt my heart expand with love for him and then quickly pop, he was doing this because he was going to protect me and if he failed - as in died trying - then it was up to me. His thoughts came through so he couldn't deny it.

"Okay," I said.
He looked taken aback, "You'll do it?"
Charlotte spoke at that instant, holding on to Nelly's hand, "Are you sure?"
"Well unless it kills my chances of ever being a witch?" I asked. I sorta liked the prospect of being able to wield magic.
"No you'll still have your magic," her face was wiped of all emotion. Nelly was staring at me.
"Can you give me a minute with her?" I asked Charlotte and Abel.
"We'll be right outside," he said and took Charlotte's elbow, she smiled at me as they left.

I sat down on the duvet, we were in a tactfully remodeled 16th century study. It was pure beauty and in other circumstances I'd have looked around but I faced Nelly. She sat down on a plush chair and looked at me expectantly.

"Your name is Janelle Burson, you were born March 5th 1992. I was your best friend for 14 years since we met on a playground. You put gum in my hair and we became friends as our mothers argued. You were murdered after a man who'd stalked you for 5 months cornered and raped you then tried to cut you up. You came to visit me asking for help but I ignored you cause I thought I was crazy," the tears began to fall, "I touch people and see visions of their deaths, I didn't see yours so I couldn't save you. I fell in love with a vampire prince who's been in love with me for my past 3 lives for over 80 years now. My parents were taken away from the house and replaced with creatures and my sister doesn't remember me. Now you, Nelly, don't remember me either."

I stopped and took a deep breath.

"My name is Selena Madison," I said softly, "And I've been killed 3 times by the same woman. This time I'm going to kill her before she can get to me."

Nelly stood up and came over to the duvet.

"Why don't I remember you?" she asked.
"Samara wiped your memory while I was upstairs," I sniffled.
"Huh," she said and then grabbed my hand.
"Hey!" I said and was about to pull away when it seemed both of us were attacked with memories.

Memories of my first life, Valentine with Victorya, then the second with Rowan and Claudia and the 3rd with Celeste and Kendall and then finally this one - Selene and Nelly. All the memories; meeting on the playground, laughing on the swings, birthday parties, my transformation into a darker girl while she stood by me, hanging out with her and Michael, the park, touching the wall while helping the police find her, seeing her sliced up and covered in blood, screaming while they pulled me outside, seeing her ghost watching me, pleading with me to see her.

I let go of her hand at that point.

We were on the floor breathing hard. Abel and Charlotte standing in the doorway.

"Did you see-" she started.
"Yes did you?" I continued.

"Well I'll be," Charlotte smiled.
"What?" we both asked.
"Soul sisters," she mused, "You two have always been together as best friends."
I laughed, Nelly smiled, "I remember everything now." She fluttered her wings, "I never got these when I died the last 3 times though."
That was strange, but I decided against dwelling on it till it was absolutely necessary.
"Hmm," I said, "Oh Abel. I'm ready."
His smile fell.
"Are you sure?"

And that was that.

We went up to his room, Charlotte and Nelly following close behind. I laid on the bed and watched as Abel climbed over me, he brushed his nose against mine.

"Don't ask me if I'm sure again," I groaned, he his a smile and then bent to my neck. My pulse quickened and my heartbeat went on pounding loud in my head. He licked my neck and then said, "This is going to hurt like a bitch."

First time I'd ever heard him curse. Even just a small word.

Charlotte and Nelly came on either side of the bed, "Hold her down tightly," they grabbed both on my arms. I didn't even blink. I knew deep down that it would hurt.

He bent back down to my neck and pressed his fangs on my skin.
I felt a sharp pain like a knife plunging into my throat and my eyes exploded.