Status: Sorry I've been really busy but I'll try to update :)

The Forgotten

His Secrets

School was even more dull; not knowing where he was, if he slept in a coffin and how in the world did he get wings? The questions hung on my tongue and during a History exam I was cpmpletely blank.

He didn't want me but no matter how much I kept telling myself that I still didn't believe it. I ignored the stares that adults and kids alike threw me. Eyes front soldier.

As I opened my door I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice the hugh black object hurtling through the air and smacking into me. I fell to the grass with a thud.
"Midnight! Down!" I laughed as I tried to roll my huge Doberman pinscher off me. I named him midnight because of his uber dark fur. He absolutely loves me and hates my parents and Barbie sister.

He barked happily and began to lead the way into my dungeon....uh I mean house. He cuddled with me on the bed while I did my homework- its a habit that I have yet to break. Since the 'big fight' I tend to avoid my parents. I wished I could avoid them forever but life doesn't have a wish granting fountain.

I forgot all about homework and begin to doodle; drawing eyes and fangs. So it startled me when Midnight growled. It shook the bed. I pulled out my earbuds and listened. There was a soft thud on the roof. My heart stopped; its him. Or at least I hope it is.

Grinning I opened my window and ordered Midnight to stay; he obeyed. Dogs are so loyal.

My vampire sweetheart eyes me worriedly as I walk over to him.
"Couldn't stay away could ya?" I asked with my hands on my hips. That does it; he cracks a smile and his face lights up.
"Are you sure you want me?" he asked
Is he kidding?
"Of course," I said and plopped myself beside him. I'm not afraid of him; I knew with all my soul that he would never hurt me.
"Then we must finish this the right way," he said and leaned down to me.
Was I getting a kiss? No. His fangs flashed a second before it touched and I knew that I was getting a vampire kiss.

My pulse raced and adrenaline pumped through my veins; the pain fades leaving behind fireworks that accelerated my heart and soul. I can almost see the bond that grows tighter between us making us one body, one mind, one soul. He finishes with a lick and my wound closes up.

I giggled- I think I must be high. He laughed and placed his forehead against mine, "I'm forever yours."
We stay silent a few minutes and my curiosity overflows. I noticed his back was not bulky tonight nor was he in black. The first question I ask is very obvious, "Where are your wings?"
"I can make them go away and come back when I want," he says and enveloped me in his arms.
"So you're a vampire," I said slowly, "Is there anything I need to know? Why did we bond so quickly with just one touch?"
"Remember how people say there's soulmate for everyone? Well its the same for my people," he said, "But it can get dangerous for the human."
"Because knowing about us puts you at risk," he said grimly, "My people will know about you. My scent is all over you; you're under my protection. They will be curious about who you are."
"Again I ask why? Is your family super powerful?"
"Something like that," he responded; the topic was closed by the finality of his tone.

The hard question," Will you leave me human?"
"Eventually I will turn you if you wish," he said through stiff lips.
"We'll have to exchange blood- most vampire legends are true," he said, "The more blood you have of mine will make the change faster but the pain will be harsh. I don't know since I was born not made."
"I'm not dead Selene," he said with a small smile. He placed his hand for me to feel his heartbeat, "I have a soul."

"So normal feeding doesn't have to come from me?" I asked. Of course it would bug me if he was biting random girls.
"No," he grins, "I can take from you to make the bond stronger but I usually feed from blood banks.
"Do humans know about you? Other than people you bond with?"
"Yes but the less you know about them the better," he said, "But there are groups that are against us and some that are for us."

"Are the wings unusual?"
"Not always," he said but unwillingly, "I grew mine when I turned eighteen."
"Okay I guess that's all my questions for today," I said happy that I got some answers.
He snorted, "Aren't you going to ask me my last name?"
"Oh crap I hadn't thought of it!" I blushed, "So what is it?"
"Abel Evermore," he said with a grin, "And I know that you are Selena Morgana Madison and your birthday is two days after mine. On the 30th of September."
"You did your research," I grinned at him.
"So lets go," he said and stood up.
"Where?" I asked clueless.
He pulled me up, "To meet your parents silly."
"Oh," and with that he scooped me up and jumped effortlessly to the ground.
I left my stomach somewhere up there on the roof. He took my hand and kissed my cheek as we walked to my parent's front door.