Status: Sorry I've been really busy but I'll try to update :)

The Forgotten


I opened my eyes feeling more than a little stupefied. It took me a moment for my memory to return.
“Oh!” I exclaimed and I sat up. The room did a swirl around me.
“Relax sweetie,” soothed mom as she gently pushed me down, “You took quite a spill there.”
“Yeah I could’ve sworn I heard your skull crack,” Luna said smiling but her eyes were worried. I saw the flash again; her pale face, blood trickling down her mouth and her wide eyes frozen in gruesome horror.

“Abel’s been worried about you dear,” Mom said breaking me out of hyperventilating, “He’s quite strong, he brought you from the kitchen.” I didn’t need to look where she was looking to know he was still here. I felt his emotions from the time I saw my sister’s body.

He knew what I could do now.

‘You saw your sister’s death?’ his question popped into my brain. I just tilted my head to look at him taking in his worried ocean eyes, thick lashes that anyone would die for, sensuous lips and then sighed.
“I think I should go to bed,” I said as a dismissal and his eyes darkened. No seriously they did. They went from a worried sea blue to an emerald green. Wow. His emotions were stormy to match.
“I’ll help you up,” Mom said as she shooed away Dad and Abel. I saw that Lucas was sitting with my sister but his eyes were intently on me.
‘Why won’t you talk to me?’ Abel asked in his way before I was lost on the stairs. I didn’t reply though I knew he could read my other thoughts as if I had spoken them. My heart was cracking as I walked away but I didn’t stop.

My mother was freaking me out. She made me feel as if I had a concussion and was hallucinating.

She made my bed, tucked me in, brought me chocolate milk while I stared at her as if she had been abducted by aliens. All this because I brought home an Evermore? It was nice but slightly unnerving. After about a half hour fussing over me she finally left. I put my iPod on loud and scratched Midnight’s ears. I felt as Abel came to my window.

He opened it and slid in as quiet as a ghost. I glanced at Midnight but he could care less. He just got up, jumped to the floor and stretched then lied down to sleep again. “Get out,” I muttered softly not looking at Abel. He completely ignored what I said and proceeded towards my bed. He took off my ear-buds and switched off the iPod before placing it on my nightstand.
He took my face in his hands, ignoring the shivers his touch sent through me and fucking kissed me.

I felt as if my bones melted. It was enough to make me forget that I was mad at him; mad at myself, to forget my sister would die tomorrow. Heck I even forgot my own name! Was it Mary or was it Jane? I tried to grab him to keep him in place but that was impossible because he was way stronger than I. He pulled away as if I hadn’t been holding him with all my strength. He grinned at me before he dropped to lie at my side. I went straight into his arms and held him as if he were all in my head.

“Am I forgiven?” he asked, I blushed in the dark.
“I should be asking not you,” I said then frowned, “I just don’t like this secret that I have. I hate having to talk about this curse. And now I realize that you probably don’t like talking about your parents. I’m sorry.”
He smiled and kissed my cheek, “You silly girl I absolutely love you and have no idea what I would have done if I hadn’t found you. No it’s not that. It’s just the simple fact that I don’t care about my parents rank.”
I tried to ignore that he said he loved me.

“So you saw what I saw?” I asked quietly.
“Yes but it’s not a curse my love,” he said gently, “Haven’t you helped your parents?”
“Yeah but I failed to help my best friend,” I said it so quiet I was sure that he didn’t hear but he did.

“What happened?”
“I could touch her,” I said almost inaudibly, “Her name was Nelly. She and I were best friends for as long as I could remember. I could touch her and see nothing but flowers, she was so young her death wasn't set,” I swallowed remembering the day, “We had to meet her boyfriend at the park and then I would go home. But something happened.”
“Go on,” he said and stroked my hair. I cried and told him.

“She was wearing a white dress because it was Monday. She always wore white on Mondays,” I choked up but continued, “She was dancing around the park waiting for Michael to show up. We were fifteen so the park was still cool to us. There was a guy watching her awhile now I didn’t notice until after. He snatched her that day while I went to buy something. When I turned around she wasn’t there; just her scarf.”
I got up and he let me. I walked straight to the closet and pulled out a beautiful white scarf and showed it to him. “I was able to find her, I can't explain how, but I lied and told the police that I saw him before and heard him talking about snatching a girl.” I curled up next to him again clutching the scarf.

“I... I led them to the place; it was the same evening so I thought she’d be okay. But she wasn’t. He cut her up after raping her. She was hardly recognizable. Her dress was blood soaked and she was barely breathing when they got to her. The man was arrested. The end,” I said.
“You’re not telling me everything,” was all he said.
“She died Abel,” I said and looked him dead in the eyes, “She died because I failed to help her. She knew about my 'curse' and thought it was cool. I let her down, I let her die!”
“What happened after that Selene?”
“What do you mean what happened? That’s it!” I almost shout at him but he shook his head and then I knew.

“Oh,” I said quietly, “I saw her a few times after in a blood red dress. It freaked me out so I ignored her till she went away.”
“She crossed over?”
“Nope,” I said, “I would know. But she’s out there somewhere, I have a feeling she thinks I can’t hear or see her.”
“How did these visions happen?” Abel asked, “Were you born with it?”
“I developed it later on in life,” I said quietly, “After Nelly’s death I went on to wearing black and hating life.”
“Maybe we can get you to see a clearer vision tomorrow?” he suggested, “Just try please.”
“Okay fine,” I grumbled.
“Thanks love,” he smiled.
“Yeah whatever,” I said.


“Try harder!” Abel exclaimed. We were sitting in a circle surrounded by scented candles. This was absolutely ridiculous.
“I am!” I seethed.
“Just try,” he growled.
We were getting really pissed off at each other. I had told my mom that I wanted to stay home- very bad headache and she said yes. I was incredibly shocked but she must still be worried about my head. I, however, was a little worried about Abel being in the sun.

But all he did was laugh when I suggested it.
I muttered a few choice words and then try a whole other round of concentrating.
It’s not until the things in the room seemed unreal that I looked around. A ghostly apparition of my sister popped in with a really hott guy and I showed Abel the picture in my head. The guy somehow managed to fight my sister in her room and rip her throat out. I turn to Abel as he muttered, “Caleb.”
“You know him?”
“He’s my brother,” Abel said as the candles blew out and Nelly appeared.
I hardly have time to react.
“You will listen to me Selene!” she shrieks with blood red eyes in her bloody ruined white dress, “Hear me!”