Status: Sorry I've been really busy but I'll try to update :)

The Forgotten

My Undead Best Friend

"Selene you will listen to my words," Nelly continued in that ominous tone of hers, "Your sister is in danger."
I just stared at her, my dead best friend in her bloody red dress, her skin now paler than Abel's but the weirdest part were her eyes. They were glowing and red. So I did the unexpected; I laughed.

I grabbed my stomach and really laughed. Abel and Nelly looked at me. Then something amazing happened.
"Is she okay?" Nelly asked Abel; her eyes dulled to a amber. Including her goddamn dress. But the even weirder part was when Abel answered her.
"She was fine a minute ago," Abel shrugged, "Maybe you startled her." He sat down at my sister's desk while I slowed my laughter.

"You can see her?" I asked.
"You can see me too," she said quietly. She sat down with a plop on my sister's bed. But I was a little more shocked that my vampire could see and talk to my dead best friend.
"You ignored me for awhile," she continued.
"I didn't mean too," I whispered, "I didn't like what I could see. I still don't."
"It's okay," she grinned, "Its cool being dead when you hang with the right crowd."
"You have an aura!" I exclaimed seeing the bright yellow light that surrounded her.
She laughed at my expression, "Its weird, I know."

Of course it was weird! Only living people or things had auras; she had a bright blue before she died. Abel had a teal colored aura that barely showed but hers made me wonder. Auras are people's spiritual essence; the color of their souls and emotions. Spirits don't have auras. I was getting a complex.
Abel's thought came to me, 'I told you it would be difficult to be on my side of the world.'
I glared at him, "I said I would deal okay?" I said it out loud. It hurt to think that if I said to leave he really would and never come back.

Nelly, meanwhile was observing with a rapt expression.
"Let me just say that you two make a cute couple!" she exclaimed into the silence that followed, "I have an aura because I'm no longer a wanderer."
"Yeah, " she tilted her head to the side, "I'm no longer a wanderer. You see spirits have categories too. There are wanderers- those that died violently and too soon and can't find the light," she said without any expression, "And then there's some more but I shouldn't be dwelling. You see I'm up for a promotion; I'm going to get my wings!"

"You're going to be an Angel?" I exclaimed.
"No!" she laughed, "I'm far too young and not that virtuous to be an angel. I'm just going to get wings like Abel. Anyway I'm already solid."
"What?" I was incredibly confused.
"I can't explain it but the basics is that a super powerful vampire King or Queen can call up souls for favors. In return the soul gets somewhat solid but it depends on the spirit's willingness and age. Try and touch me Selene," she added when she saw my doubtful expression.

An image of me trying to touch her and my hand going through her popped into my head. Abel's face reddened as he laughed and then said, "Go ahead my love." Nelly threw me a glare probably guessing what I thought.

I shrugged and moved over to her thinking if I don't 'think' nothing would happen. What if I fell through? What if my hand got stuck? Think of all the many more psychological damage I would sustain? I stood in front of her and she smiled. My heart cracked a little. She was closer to me than my own sister. Losing her once was hard enough. If my hand went through her now I would lose my mind.

I pictured myself sitting in a rocking chair old as fuck while Abel wiped drool from my mouth. He glared at me.

Nelly outstretched her hands and I placed mine in hers gently. I felt skin, I felt a normal person's hand! Oh my god she was real. We then went one to hugging and squishing each other. Abel tactfully cleared his throat.
"Wait," I said and let go of her, "What about other people? Can they see you too?"
"Yeah," she shrugged and then went back to lounging on the bed.
"Hello?" I said sarcastically, "You died! Your face was on the news for almost three weeks as a 'Gruesome Murder'. I think people will recognize you."
"Chill Sel," she used that line on me when she was exasperated, "I can make them see whatever they want to. I can also pop- literally- in and out wherever I please. Being dead has its perks. Look the reason I'm here's because Abel's dad wants me to help his kid okay? My main focus is protecting you but we can stretch my barrier to protect your sister. Its your parents fault you know?"

"How?" I exclaimed confused again.
"They are the leaders of the vampire hunters," she said with wide eyes, "Didn't you know? Its hell of luck to be a bondmate to a vampire hater."
I couldn't even speak so the words came out quieter than expected, "They'll split us up... They know what he is?"
"Yes," Abel said quietly, "They know and they'll try anything. They will also probably try to kill me."