Status: Sorry I've been really busy but I'll try to update :)

The Forgotten

The Dream Forest

I was dreaming.

I was currently running through the forest. I don't know why I was running- all I knew is that I had to. My imagination was so vivid that I knew I was in a Renaissance era type dress. It was pretty and the same blue as my eyes. There were no shoes on my feet and I had to hold the skirts up of the dress. The floor was hard and my feet hurt from all the cuts I got. I was also exhausted- this was the most realistic dream I'd ever had.

I heard a menacing growl, so I turned mid-run and wished I hadn't. The biggest goddamn wolf was on my tail. This was werewolf straight from a Van Helsing movie. Its fur was crimson red, eyes were not yellow but wine red and its teeth was covered in blood.

I faced forward and focused on not tripping and running faster. That was when the whisper came.
"You should just stop..."
"What?" I huffed. My chest was burning, my pulse was pounding in my head, "Who are you?"
"I am Jynx..."
This is a dream, just a dream! Wake up Selene goddamit! I thought frantically.

"Abel!" I screamed, the voice had started to overlay and it took on a bass making whatever it was ten times as scary. Its words echoed through the forest.
"Foolish witch... The Immortal cannot help you... He will never be able to help you!" Jynx laughed scratchily and I don't know why but I started to cry.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" I yelled and as usual I lost focus and tripped. I turned and the wolf-creature stopped a few feet from me.

Jynx laughed until its laughter disappeared ominously... The wolf edged closer growling.
"Stay away from her Viech!" hissed a voice, a familiar female voice.
"Aunt Charley?" I asked quietly as the wolf backed away. She stepped out of the shadows and towards me. She spared me a small smile then turned back to the wolf. It howled and threw itself at her. I couldn't move.

Charlotte shouted some words at it and it poofed- literally. The wolf disappeared.
"Oh. My. God." I whispered.
"Who brought you here?" she asked me all business as she inspected my wounds.
"What do you mean? This is a dream," I asked with a frown, "All I did was faint."
"Ah so you did it..." she mused. I observed her outfit; she was in riding gear. My aunt was younger than mum by a lot and beautiful like Luna and because of that youthfulness I looked like her sister rather than her niece. She and I were the only two dark haired members of the family.
"What do you remember?" she asked.
"Um yelled at mom and dad- nothing unusual," I muttered, "They didn't want me to see Abel, my new boyfriend, and then this weird pain kept whacked at my brain...god that hurt."
"Ah, the vampire prince," was all she said. Aunt Charlotte always knew everything plus this was a dream so its obvious she'd know about my wonderful new boyfriend.
"That's all?" shed asked.
I nodded.

"Where am I?" I asked.
"A forest," she answered with a grin.
"Ha. Ha," I said. I grinned as she helped me up. This was my favorite relative- my only female relative actually. My dad had brothers and mom never talked about the rest of her (apparently dead) family. While I was thinking the scenery changed. I mean it.

The forest turned to an old fashioned cathedral that seemed familiar but I can't remember ever being here. Well I guess my head was messed up and this was my way of dealing with it. A dream; a really weird dream.
"Oh wow I'm guessing you'll tell me I'm in a church?" I asked snidely.
She laughed, "Yes silly but this is Romania. This is where you were born."
"Excuse me?" I blinked, "I was born in America aunt Charley."
"This isn't a dream Selene," she murmured, "This was your first life. You are a witch like me but not your mother. This year- 1954- was the first time you met Abel Evermore. This was where you were murdered."

"What?" I stuttered. I felt numb but a weird sense of realization settled over me.
"I'm trying to say that someone killed you in every life, not at the same age," she said and then led me towards the front of the pews where I saw the puddle.
A bright red blood puddle.

Lying there was a blonde version of me- everything else was the same besides my hair. But leaning over me was someone that I recognized but never met in person. The woman who- undoubtedly- killed me.
"You have to stop her Sel," Charlotte said, "or she'll keep killing you and Abel will never know."
"But I don't know her!" I whispered, "This is the first time I'm seeing her!"
"Selene," Charlotte said, "You are Abel's bondmate and he is first in line for King. She will want you dead."
I looked at the deadly gorgeous woman looming over my blonde self. She had pale blonde hair and the same sea green eyes as Abel. I recognized her. It clicked audibly in my brain.

Her name was Samara Evermore.
She was the founder of Evermore Enterprises and she was Abel's aunt.

"She goes by the name Jynx," Charlotte said but she was fading, "Remember not everything is as it seems. Don't worry baby girl, I'm on my way to you..." she faded.

Everything was fading.... I held on to the pew and cried as everything around me fell apart and vanished. The last thing left in the vast emptiness was my blonde body so pale and fragile and then that too faded as I woke up.