Status: Sorry I've been really busy but I'll try to update :)

The Forgotten

Who Are They Really?

I sat up with a gasp.
I guess I scared my mother because she cursed and she never cursed around her daughters. I was lying on the floor, Abel's ageless face was looming worriedly over me. He helped me up. I saw then that my parents had donned black slacks and black shirts; my dad had a gun and my mother was stationed at the back door. We were trapped.

"Dad what the hell?" I yelled as Abel grabbed me and pulled me towards his chest. My dad smirked.
"Immortal move away from the girl," my father said, "Or I will shoot."
Abel did otherwise - he scooped me up. My father pulled the trigger: he hardly blinked when I screamed in fear. How many times had he done this?
Abel growled- very animal-like and said, "How many times must you be taught that bullets don't harm us?"
My father laughed, cold and hard.
"Who said the bullet was for you?" he asked with a hard grin.
It was only then I felt the cold and pain, the black tshirt meant that I couldn't see the blood spreading, but I could damn well feel it.
I looked at Abel, his face was a mask or pain and horror. He was also feeling grief- he could possibly lose me again.
I turned to my father and asked, "Why?"
"I'm not your father," was his answer, "We are not your parents. They were replaced a couple weeks ago because we knew they couldn't deal with this....delicate situation."

"What are you?" I asked as my mother/replacement came closer with a deadly smile. For an answer they began to change; their faces morphed into something else entirely. It was a mixture of the wolf and human. A hybrid. There arms and legs were hairy and reddish brown while their faces looked like an experiment gone wrong. I clutched Abel closer as he ground his teeth in frustration.

The mom-hybrid edged closer with my dad-hybrid. I felt something strange in Abel's emotions, I looked at him and saw even more pain in his face.
'I never wanted you to see me like this,' he thought
'Just do what you have to,' I thought.
I was focused on my head aching and trying not to black out leaving Abel to face these creatures with me as a dead weight. My thoughts were disrupted when Abel began to change.

Not physically but like the wolves but his body was defining itself. His skin grew even whiter and colder, his eyes went from warm forest green to a flat black and his teeth grew till they were sharp fangs. He was a predator, a beautiful yet deadly predator. The final change was when his black wings burst out from behind him; they were bigger and shinier than the last time I saw them.

He didn't or rather wouldn't look at me as he growled at the hybrids when they came closer.