Sweet Poison

Standing 6ft 4 inches, with black hair, Carreau is an imposing figure amongst the underworld. However, he is servant-like towards Verrine & his 'children'. He becomes disillusioned to the life of a vampire & seeks aid from some unlikely sources.

Ancient & insane, Verrine's body is frail &, as a regular occurrence, changes color & shape depending upon her emotions. She has killed countless people over her long lifetime, which she has no recollection of how long actually is.

An orphan age 10, taken by Carreau & made a vampire. He is sharp tongued, bitter at the fact that he can never grow up & carries a strong hatred of Verrine. He also carries an overly effeminate figure & fashion sense, often wearing heeled shoes in order to make himself feel taller.
  1. Becoming
  2. The Seizure of Innocence.
    Careau & Verrine attempt to feast upon a nearby orphanage.
  3. The Chosen Child