Sweet Poison

The Chosen Child

The child sat on an old wooden chair, staring directly into Carreau's eyes. He paced backward & forwards as the single eye followed him around the dimly lit room.
A sliver of sunlight had crept through the wood of the boarded up windows. A sea of brightness slashed between the two, preventing Carreau from taking his prize.
"What are you waiting for child, you could have run ages ago!" Carreau was becoming increasingly annoyed at the situation. The boy still stared through him. Un-nerving as it was, Carraeu could feel a strong aura radiating from the boy. A strength he knew, that was not possessed by either Verrine, nor himself.
A grandfather clock, leaning against the back wall, its pendulum swinging lazily back & forth catching the light at its apex & sending shimmers of white darting across the ceiling.
"If your that desperate, then why don't you just brave the sunlight come get me?" The boy asked, venom in his tone as he leaned forward. He knew exactly how much time he had before the sun went down. He also knew that simply running was pointless, the only way out was to run past the lanky vampire he saw before him. Looking down at his thin & bare legs, about as long as Carreau's shin, he knew that was impossible. He decided to wait it out & hope that Verrine arrived in desperate need of attention as she was when he was brought to this run down cottage earlier that morning.
Hours passed & neither of the two moved from their positions, the strip of light moved like the tide as the the sun moved across the sky outside, until, finally, it faded.
Carreau's smile creaked across his face again. He turned slowly to face the boy. His hair obscuring his features where it hung by his nose.
The boy squirmed in his chair, grasping to escape the inescapable predicament he found himself in. As Carreau moved forward, like a predatory spider, the boy darted between his legs & flew towards the door. Freedom was in his view when a black figure pressed a gloved hand against the faded wood.
Pulling the handle viciously, he couldn't even make the door move. It stuck in place, solid as steel where it lay in the only passage of escape from this slightly damp & desolate drawing room.
He felt sharp pain in his neck as he continued to struggle frantically trying to force the door open. His vision went fuzzy & the door faded out of sight as he collapsed to the floor. The last thing he saw before he lost consciousness was the appearance of two heeled shoes daintily dancing across the floor in front of him.
He awoke with a start. Opening his eye to the faces of Carreau & Verrine looking deep at him.
"What did you do to me!? Why are you looking at me like that now!?" The boy growled at the pair where they knelt intrigued like infants.
They stared at the exposed eye where the patch the boy usually wore had loosened itself & fallen off. There, where the eye should have been, a red stone, shining & precious like a blood coloured ruby was embedded there.
"My jewel!" Verrine interjected, "My darling I remember you know."
"Shut up!" The boy snapped. Picking his eyepatch from his lap, he proceeded to tie it back around his head.
"A name?" Carreau thought aloud. "Didier." He announced, the boy looked up into the eyes of his new sire & into a new life.