Status: finished

Never Perfect Boyfriend

Number One: Lucas Summers

When I was fifteen, I had my first boyfriend. His name was Lucas Summers, and he was four years older than me. Yes, a senior.


I sat around, looking at my new highschool, a new life, a new place to be. I was only fifteen and new to the school district. So I basically didn't know anyone. No one would call me ugly for what I look like, soft blonde curls and a slim, but curvy figure.

I finally got the guts to walk up to the building and head to my locker. Number 1154. As I approached, I noticed a lot of older looking people, realizing that they had placed me in the senior hall.

Great, not only is this school famous for having a huge student body, but also for its supreme freshman hazing. So basically, I was screwed.

I got to my locker and opened it up. I noticed that no one really seemed put off by me, but then again, no one was really noticing me. I smiled at that, feeling a rush of easiness run through my stomach. They thought I was one of them. I was, though, a few inches shorter than the average senior.

It quickly became clear that I was in the way of something. I look up and realize my backpack is blocking a really tall guy in Marc Jacobs sunglasses and a tight fit polo shirt with khaki shorts. He looked country club perfect, yes, but he was also grimacing at me.

And now everyone was staring.

I move to the side a bit and he moved in. His hands were big, but barely fumbled with the lock, in fact, he twisted and turned it fast, pushing the button up and throwing it open smoothly. Wow. He slipped his sunglasses off and then turned to look at me. I had not taken my eyes off of him, so I blushed and fumbled with my locker.

Which only made my cheeks turn redder because now that his gaze was situated on me, I was so nervous I couldn't even open my locker.

The familiar hand came and took my combination out of my hand, then settled back in my hand before he reached in front of me, grazing the front of my boobs by accident, and opening my locker just as smoothly as he did his. I turned to look at him cautiously to find a small smile on his face.

"You're new here." He says, his voice is low and deep, but extremely sexy.

I feel my face turn even more red, if possible, "Is it that obvious?"

"No, I just know everyone." He smiles and I finally start to notice him, and realize why everyone else was too.

He was so beautiful. A face that was chiseled out of stone, tanned with a body toned to perfection, and an angelic smile with dimples long across his cheeks. A dark mess of hair on top of his head topped him off. But the strange thing was, he was staring that way, the same way I was staring at him, to me. In complete awe.

"I'm not that obvious, am I?" I run a hand through my curly hair. He smiles and nods.

"I'm sorry, but people this beautiful don't come around this often. Except well..." He shrugs.

"Yourself." I nod in understanding.

"Are you a senior?"

"Well... um, no. I'm a freshman." I put my backpack into my locker and get out my books.

His eyebrows raise, "Damn freshmeat, you won't be touched this year. No one will dare." He leans against his now closed locker and smiles another award winning smile at me.

I laugh, "I guess I'm lucky then."

"Yes you are... and your name is? I guess I should have asked you that first." He stands up straight and crosses his arms.

"Scarlett Walbrin. And you?" I ask, leaning against my locker. He smiles.

"I'm Lucas Summers. And you can basically call me your new boyfriend." Lucas says, a satasfied smirk on his face.

Okay, you're probably thinking I would say no, say that I would like to get to know him better. But Lucas doesn't really take no for an answer with that sort of statement. From there on out, I got to know him as his new girlfriend.

Lucas was my first love. I wasn't in love with him, but I didn't not love him as well. The saddest part of the end of this relationship? Lucas moved to England to go to Oxford. And we lost touch.

A few days after our one year anniversary, Lucas and I mutually broke up. It was sad, but I had a new guy under my belt already.

Ryder Taneli. He's number two.
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Here's the link to the pic of Lucas and Scarlett.