Status: finished

Never Perfect Boyfriend

Chapter 11: Greshy Graham.

My heart knew where to take me. And so did my brain really. I ran to the ski area, and I knew that he would be here.

I ran through the pretty, glass doors and ran past the receptionist who called my name in disguest. As I ran through the hallway I found my body starting to slow. My eyes feasted on what was in front of me. What was looking right at me.

And yet, it wasn't looking at all. Because the guy I needed, the guy I was in love with since I was only seventeen, was kissing another girl.

An insanely beautiful, perfect girl. And I couldn't stop staring. It was like I was stuck in place and I felt nothing at first. And that's when I knew. He lied.

"I haven't gone on a single date..." Lies. All lies. The lying, cheating, son of a---

"Aaron, sweetie, let's go outside. This is wayyy to public." The girl's voice was soft too, like velvet.

I quickly hit behind the water cooler I was stuck behind. I stared through the water, and was silently praying for my fair skin and light hair color or I'd be way too noticable.

"I can't. I have to go." And just like that, he leaned away from her and left. I quickly stood and pretended to be walking.

The girl saw me and smiled, "Hello. Can I help you?" She asked. Her smile was painfully contagious.

"Um, no. I was just looking for my sister. But, is that Aaron Davis?" I whisper, looking past her and at the door that he had just left from.

"Oh, yeah. That's my kind of dating not commited boy." The girl flipped her dark brown hair and smiled again.

I pretended to be happy, "Aw, how long?"

She giggles, "Since he turned eighteen and dumped his ex-girlfriend. I think her name was... ugh, Samantha? I don't know. It started with an S and he had this weird nickname for her. Anyway, he said that he still loves her and everything and that he won't have a serious relationship. So we've been kind of fuck buddies since then."

"Oh, really? Because I heard he was a virgin..." I cocked my head to the side. She stared at me strangely.

"How do you know? He told me he had sex like three years ago for the first time with a girl who meant a lot to him." She flips her hair again, "Who cares, right?"

I nod, "Yeah, but I should be going."

The girl saunters after me and that's when I noticed that Aaron had been standing in front of me, but behind her the whole time. And next to him, was his good friend Greshy Graham. I don't know where he got the nickname, and personally don't want to know. But he's had a long term crush on me.

He began to walk past me, "Hey Scarlett." His voice was low, sexy.

I grabbed his hand and shoved him to the wall, "I have been dying to give you something." I whisper, Aaron still standing there.

"Oh yeah?" Greshy's voice was happy, as if he wanted me so bad it hurt.

I smile and look up through my eyelashes and then plant my lips on his. He was startled at first but then gave in. Soon though, it was over. I let him go and then turned to look at Aaron.

"Bed buddy huh? Maybe I should get one after all of my serious breakups too." I find my eyes glaring into slits at the guy.

"Scar, don't." Aaron's eyes were welling up but I didn't care. He reached for me and I stepped away.

"I'm tired of you hurting me all the time. Keeping things from me, lying. I'm done with you, Aaron. And it's a shame because I was coming here to tell you that I didn't want to wait another four years to be with you. But that doesn't matter now." I stare into his eyes and I feel my resentment radiating off of me.

"Scarlett, I didn't want to upset you."

"Too bad, isn't it? I'm so done. Just, so, so done. I should never have broken up with my student, or even Damon for that matter!" I yell, but I realize my mistake way too fast.

"Student?" Aaron walks up to me so he's in my face, "You were screwing a student?"

"He graduated, and then I had sex with him."

"You're disguesting." Aaron's voice was so mean, it kind of hurt.

"And you're a pig. You left me and then you expect me to fall at your every whim."

"But you do. It's not my fault you can't resist me." Aaron smiles and grabs my wrist.

"Let go of me." I say, trying to push him back. But he doesn't move and his hand wraps even more around my wrist.

He leans down so fast I can't stop him, and his mouth covers mine. But it isn't the Aaron I'm used to. He is too mean, to rough and he is hurting me.

I pound on his now rock hard chest and he finally lets go.

"God you are such a filthy whore."

I feel my mouth drop.

"Why else can't you keep yourself away from me?"

My eyes water up and tears spill out. I slap him hard across the face and then run away.

And now, I know, I should never have come.
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