Status: finished

Never Perfect Boyfriend

Aaron Davis

I know I told you that I had fifteen boyfriends, one a year. Never lasting more than a year. But for the last three years, I was alone. Completely alone. I still taught at that old school. I had the occasional hookup, and that was it.

I don't know what I'm doing here. I shouldn't even be here. I'm in Canada. Toronto. The Olympics...

I lean on the metal gate, I'm in front of the crowd, staring at the hill. I watched as every girl came down, crashed, did well, and won. My eyes scanned the top, waiting for the men to start. I never understood ski racing, but this was something I had to understand. This was something extremely important.

There was a large screen showing everyone at the start. I saw Aaron standing behind Axel lund Svindel. My heart pounded in my chest. He was taller, if possible. I smile quickly, and a single tear drops down my cheek.

When Axel went and Aaron was in the gate my hands gripped the metal harder. My stomach literally on fire and my eyes brimming with tears as I realized what he was holding, and what he was wearing.

Memories of that fateful night flashed before my eyes, but a smile erupted on my face. He was not only wearing the helmet I signed and put a giant heart on, the helmet he replaced a few years ago, was on his head. And in his hands were the old poles from over ten years ago. They were ducktaped, too small for him now, and worn. But he held them in his hands as he got ready to go.

More tears fell down my face as I watched him take off from the start. He was nailing the run, making every turn perfect, speeding down the mountain at a rate I couldn't understand.My stomach fluttered more as he got closer the the end.

Aaron was beating every guy by over a second, he was winning, he would win.

As Aaron crossed the finish line, he spun around and looked up at the timing board, he saw his name underrneath 1, and threw his fist in the air. the pole still attached to his glove, and it nearly snapped as he brought it back down to the ground.

Aaron was swamped with news reporters and journalists. I walked slowly over towards him, and stood in the background, but not far enough away to listen in.

"Where did you get those poles?" Someone asked him. I flushed and looked down, feeling a bit embarrassed that he would use them here of all places.

"A girl that I cared very much about when I was younger did. I wanted to honor her." Aaron smiles. I feel my heart melt.

"Who's Scar? Is she your gilfriend?" Someone else asked.

"No... she's not." Aaron says quietly, "We don't talk anymore. It's been nearly three years."

The questions followed over and over again, and finally they let him go. When they finally left, and I was the only one left standing by him, he saw me. I immediatly looked down and shuffled my feet on the ground.

"Scarlett?" Aaron asks. He places his skis on the ski rack, locking them quickly before walking over to me. he had put his jacket and ski pants back on, and he looked like he was about to go back out.

"Hi." I mutter. I never felt so quiet. I was twenty seven and I couldn't even talk to my ex boyfriend?

"Wh-What are you doing here?" Aaron asks quickly. I look up and feel my lower lip wobble.

"I... I don't know. I just came to watch you." I say and look back down, feeling the tears starting to rush back into my eyes and my stomach heaving. I feel his hand on my shoulder and look up.

"I'm happy you came... I didn't think you would." Aaron mutters. he has his helmet off and hanging around his arm.

"You... you used my poles." I look over at them. Aaron blushes and nods.

"Yeah..." Aaron awkwardly takes his hand off my shoulder and I back up a little.

"I... I'm going to go now then. Bye." I turn quickly and start to walk quickly towards my rental car. The tears were flowing freely now. And since they were, my eyes were blurring and I trip, falling down. Great.

By now the sobs were welling in my throat, and I couldn't breathe. I wanted to run away, to try and get away from this embarrassment. I felt a pair of strong arms pick me up and crush me to their body. I bury my head in Aaron's neck and hold on tight, afraid that if I let go, he would disappear.

"Let's go skiing." Aaron whispers against my hair.

"I can't ski." I mutter, holding on closer.

"But I can." Aaron says, he picks me up in one arm, and walks us over to his skis and grabs them with the other. Before I know it, I'm off the gondola and looking down a small hill, small enough for us to go straight down without him needing to turn.

"I can't do this." I mutter, looking down at my snow boots. Aaron puts on his skis, then slides over to me and places me right in front of him and my feet on his skis. He wraps his arms around my waist, and slowly starts to push us down the hill. My arms immediatly grab onto his hands and I feel panic rise into my body.

"Relax. I've got you." Aaron whispers in my ear. Soon, we're moving, and I feel the smile creep onto my face. I laugh a little too, feeling happiness throughout my bones. As soon as it started, it ended and Aaron picked me up and stopped us. I turn around look at him.

"Ugh... thanks for the ride." I smile, shaking my blonde hair out of my face. Aaron only smiles.

"I'm sorry." Aaron suddenly says, his smile turning into a frown.

"For what?" I whisper. He reaches out and takes my hand, his gloved hand huge against mine small one.

"Everything I ever said to you. Those few years ago... I'm an asshole, and I don't deserve you being here." Aaron says, I reach forward and pull his goggles up, only to find him crying, "I love you." He chokes out and pulls me forward.

I don't know what happened really, but I remember this, when he kissed me, a thousand lights went off, and a thousand sparks erupted. He opened his jacket pocket and pulled out a ring.

Like it had always been there.

I said yes.

Just wait for the last chapter of this story. That's the ending of everything. And the last thing I have to say.