Status: finished

Never Perfect Boyfriend


I couldn't stop staring at Aaron, he didn't look any older than when I had gone to sleep the night before. He still had a stone hard chest, impeccable skin, he was beautiful. Just as beautiful as when I remembered.

"What's wrong, baby?" Aaron sits on the bed with me, now fully dressed and ready to go to the ski area.

"Nothing... nothing. I'm fine." I push my hair out of my face and breathe out of my nose.

"You're lying." Aaron takes my chin, "Look at me, Scar."

"You promise you'll never leave me?" I look at him then, and he looks surprised.

"I won't ever leave you, I've told you that a thousand times. What's wrong?" Aaron pulls me towards him so I'm resting my head on his chest.

"It's just... I had the most... awful, and yet romantic dream ever." I look up at him, and he's waiting for me to keep going.

"Tell me about it."

"It started with Josh, and then Ryder. Then you came along and it was our same story, our same lives. But you left me because you were under a lot stress. So I started going out with a guy named Josh, and I slept with him, and you got mad at me. Then I was going out with a guy named Ricky who was an alcoholic. You kissed me in my car after you apologized. Not five minutes later Ricky broke up with me because he caught us and it goes on and on. I get raped and we have sex and it's..."

"Wait, wait, wait. What?" Aaron looks down at me and I nod vigorously.

"SEE!" I look down, "I'm a freak!" I put my hand on my forehead. I hear his soft chuckle from above me.

"This is why we don't eat ice cream before bed time, love. Sugar gives you the craziest dreams. I swear." Aaron gets up and starts to gather his stuff.

"I'm just scared now. It was traumatic. I like, wanted to die in my dream. And it was over the course of like fifteen years!" I exclaim jumping up.

I walk over to him and cross my arms.

"Maybe you're too horny over not having sex with me yet. That's why you slept with not real me in your dream. Was I good?" Aaron smiles and I laugh lightly.


"No seriously."

"You were amazing." I roll my eyes, "Now can you please tell me I'm nuts and then help me find something to wear to watch you ski." I smile and he shakes his head.

"You need to move faster. Like, right now. I'm already running late." That's BS, Aaron is never late. He's Aaron... We leave four hours early for the plane and sleep for two hours, and wait for two hours just so we don't accidently miss the freaking plane.

Like hell he would let us.

I groan and walk to my dresser, "I'm going to look like crap now and it's all your fault!" I yell and throw open the doors and start grabbing things.

I feel two arms wrap around my waist and he kisses my neck, "You never look like crap. You're beautiful." I hear him whisper.

"Stop. We'll never leave if you keep doing this." I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. He puts his forehead on mine and then presses his lips to mine.

"Ahem." We both pull away to see some man.


Aaron looks at him, I look at him. Who was he?
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I said it was over, but I reread it, and I just couldn't resist.