Status: finished

Never Perfect Boyfriend

Ricky Murphey

There really isn't much to say about Ricky. He was never really there for me, and he wasn't really a good guy either. Ricky, kind of like Ryder, was an alcoholic. Except Ryder had a reason to be addicted to the drugs, Ricky drank to drink.

This was the year I had turned nineteen and was going to a good state college that was only a half hour away from my home.

And that bothered me. Ricky was always saying how much he was going to change. He was going to go back to college and try to finish his degree in medicine. But he never does. He just sips on tequila and rum all day long.

I don't know why I hadn't broken up with Ricky sooner than one year. I guess it was because Aaron was back in town. And I had to take Izzy to ski racing practice where I saw Aaron all the time. I didn't make myself obvious, I tried to just drop her off at the front of the ski area. She'd run to the car and jump in after practice and tell me all about her little crush on another boy on her race team.

Today, I had just left Ricky's house early. He had passed on the couch again after having shots with himself. I left him so aspirin and water for when he woke up. He never liked it when I just chilled in his house, so I usually leave.

On this particular day, it was March, the end of race season and pretty hot outside. So I had the top to my Porsche Carrera off and I was reading a magazine when I heard his voice.

Usually I was very good at him not noticing me. But for some odd reason I couldn't move. I kept chanting in my head 'please don't notice me, please don't notice me'.

My luck must've been out for some reason because at that very moment, Aaron turned and saw me. His face paled and he almost dropped his skis, but he composed himself and to my dismay, began to walk over to me.

My heart was hammering in my chest as he placed his skis on a nearby ski rack and quickly locked them up. I placed his GS poles, the ones I had gotten him, right next to them and turned to me. He still had his ski bag on and he walked over, placed it into my back seat and then climbed into my car.

I was so surprised I didn't know what to do.

Aaron stared straight ahead, "Drive. She won't be out for at least an hour."

"Where do you want me to go?" I ask quietly. My eyes brimming with tears. I carefully put the car in drive and began to slowly move.

"I don't care. Just stop down where no one can see us. And put the top up. I want this to be private." Aaron murmered. He didn't look at me. I drove down to the bottom lodge and parked at the very back and put the top up like he said to.

I could barely see now, I was holding in the tears so hard, but it hurt to not cry. But I wouldn't cry in front of him.

"Scarlett." Aaron says, and I look over at him. He looks upset, and he puts his hand on my cheek. I can't help it anymore, tears start rushing out of my eyes and I can barely breathe, I'm gasping for air as he grabs me and pulls me into his hard chest. I sob into his jacket and cling to him like he's going to disappear. He rubs my back and holds onto me.

Finally I get myself together. Aaron puts me at arms length and smiles weakly.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to call someone? Josh?" Aaron asks. I shake my head.

"We broke up. I'm-I'm with Ricky now." I wipe a few tears away. Aaron nods, a lump in my throat.

"Do you want me to call Ricky?"

"N-no. He's passed out on the couch." I wipe my tears from my face and take one of his hands in mine.

"What? Has he been drinking?" Aaron looks nervous and a wide eyed look on his face appears.

"He's always drinking." I mutter.

Aaron sits back and sighs, "You shouldn't be with him. That's not a good enviroment for you."

"What do you care?" I say angrily. How dare he tell me who to be with and not, "You left. So apparently you weren't good for me either. And you care now? I hadn't heard from you in almost a year, Aaron."

"I'm sorry, I've been busy. And I do care about you Scar. You were my first love."

"Don't call me Scar. That was my nickname when we were together. And we're no not now. So you can just stop causing me all this trouble." I lean back against my chair and release his hand.

Aaron looks hurt, "I didn't mean to do this. I didn't know what I was leaving behind."

"You didn't think. You just ran. I loved you so much Aaron. I wanted to be with you forever. But you didn't give me the chance." I go to escape my own car, but Aaron pulls me back, "What the fuck do you want!? Aaron I told you what you wanted to hear! Now leave me alone you mother fucking asshole."

Aaron still holds onto my arm, "Scarlett I know you're angry with me. But I would never speak to you that way. Ever. Now shut up and let me do what I need to do." Aaron's face is hard as a rock and completely scowled.

He yanks me towards him and covers my mouth with his. My first instinct was to push him away. Then my body kicked in and I wanted him to kiss me. But he let go. I stared at him with half closed lids. Then he slowly pressed his lips to mine again. And I fell into him. Everything about Aaron made me melt. I felt my insides turn to mush and I wrapped my arms around his neck as we kissed. I felt myself being lifted and transfered into my back seat.

Aaron layed me down and hovered above me, but I pulled his body down and started to unzip his jacket. He gladly slipped it off and then ran his hands up my shirt and then under it slowly up my stomach. My hips grinded into his and my hands wound through his hair. His kisses were passionate as he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

Just as soon as the started, it stopped. Aaron returned to the front passenger seat and left me in the back completely confused.

I climbed back up and without a word drove back to the top lodge. I put the top down and Aaron stepped out of my car and grabbed his bag.

"Scarlett, I think we should just forget about what just happened." Aaron says. I look straight ahead and nod.

"It probably meant more to me than you, so I understand." I say.

Aaron chuckles, "Give my best to the boyfriend. He's too much of an ass for you anyway."

My phone beeps and I quickly grab it. Aaron is still leaning on my car door. It's a text message.

A picture of me and Aaron kissing not five minutes ago pops up with a message from Ricky.

"This is how you spend your time away from me? We're done babe."

"Who was it?" Aaron asks.

I whip my phone at him so hard that he murmers an ow.

"Why don't you take Izzy home?" I mutter before driving away. The last thing I saw in my rearview mirror was Aaron looking down at my phone, and then crushing it.

After that, I got a new phone, a few months to recouperate, and then I got, of course, a new boyfriend.

Daniel Jacobson is number six.
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