Status: Active

Human Indulgence


Vibrant flickers of candle light echoes throughout the space, the dim light expanding to each tiny crevice of worn oak and stutter of pencil lead upon an opulent desk. Auburn enchantment graced the room with such radiance that the liveliest of plump ruby petals were scarcely noticed, as beams of emerald twigs lay upon a desolate window sill. The vivid tones shrouded a room of solitude and aimless sketching, as dancing glimmers waltzed between brass doorknobs, as excitable shadows graced darling figures upon impressionable.

A bewildering face of 19, laced with venturing pupils portraying that of a Summer’s sparkle of teal waves. His skin burned with traces of sunlight, tinged with slight brownness, and his lips curled into a restless smile. At his left hand, a hat, and his right, a woman. The linen of his fine jacket pouch crumpled, after an urgent struggle, as fingers voyaged through obscure items in search of a vigorous key. Leaps of pale skin blurred before amused pupils, as the binding of metal, and tracing of latches, lead charcoal statures to a land of amber cravings. Bright radiance reflected upon his face, as solemn steps disturbed the serenity of his abode.

Thrusting the wrists of the pile of fine silk before him, a feminine presence enhanced the beauty of such a cave of delight, her ballet shuffles sweeping the distrusting floorboards beneath. She walked with a bounce, as each touch of a delicate slipper fondled each panel of abandoned bark, moaning in turn. Upon entrance, she had thrust a commanding thigh to the ever-peeling mutated tones of wallpaper, trapping her young accomplice in a suggestive position. Her adjacent arm slammed to the slight left of his boyish cheeks, merry with started ambition. The ruffles of her dress collided with the midnight tone of his evening suit, as their clothing became mangled, as did their thoughts of later. In sexual ridicule, the female brushed a slanted lip against the blushing tones of his. A wince fluctuated his tense shoulders, longing to aid the peculiar scathe, though resisted to fulfill a far awaited yearning. He had never been in love before, and as a prudent youth, believed it to be the ultimate synonym of lust.

The warm breath lingered in his mouth, as his partner tilted her head, sealing the gap between hairlines. Strands of tempting maroon and adolescent straw became entangled in a lover’s web.

“Do not tempt me, sir” teased her voice, the melodic particles drifting through his drum, as the jewels of her lips pressed lightly against his earlobe. A shiver rolled down his aligning spine.

“And why ever not?” Ripples the waves of his speech, with an intense laughter.

“because it is to resign from resistance. To give into temptation is to give into all temptation” Spoken with lustrous wisdom, the women sighed and positioned her lips parallel to his, once more. Hovering in plain vision, yet the fragrance of her touch neglected to advance. The male’s marble eyes darted from her devious expression to the crimson pincers floating carelessly. Anxious for the stroke of another, without caution or regard, a breathless whisper muttered a symphonic lullaby

“For your figure, I would bargain my soul” Met with the smirk of a hypocrite, and faithful kiss, the man’s eyes slumbered in shadow for a second, before awakening in torment. The eyes of the fiery beauty had transformed into a murk of blazing reflections. The once chestnut eyes suddenly raged with temper, yet allure, as flusters of colour swirled around the rim of perfect mercury spheres. Sienna, vermilion, amber, and quiet gold enhanced her eyes, almost hypnotic to sight. Masculine lips crippled under scalding temperatures, burning with an enjoyable taste of ash. His face fell in astonishment at both the immediate spark which scarred his mouth, to the continuation of a darling vice, which endured the crispness of his mouth.

With a mighty flex, the female reversed their positioning against the wall, watching with a chuckle as he stumbled through a barrier of tasteful lavender velvet, now dirty with knotted seams and folds. In the mind of man, it had not registered that such a divine being could cause his lip to wither with such searing agony. Well, in context, as his disbelief was met with the fancy for his demon.
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Thanks to silk tea. for creating the beautiful you're all staring at :)
Comments would be much appreciated<3