Ways to Love Your Brother

Lets get these teen hearts beating faster faster

Getting home, I swung my book bag off of my shoulder, and onto the floor, at the foot of my bed. Sighing, I pulled off my shirt, and flopped down onto my bed.

"Ay Mi-Key," Gerard yelled with his mouth full of food. I rolled onto my back, and smiled at the half naked, wet haired, strawberry pop-tart eating, Mario boxer wearing, somewhat skinny brother of mine. God, just thinking of that started to turn me on.

"Ay bro-der," I yelled back with a fake mouthful of food.

"Ha, ha.... Hilarious," Gerard made a face at me, before locking out door, and casting his pop-tarts aside.

"What are you doing," I said, laughing.

"I want something else," he said, crawling onto my bed, and straddling my waist. I smiled, as he brought his warm, tender lips to mine.

Like all of Gerard's kisses, his were sweet, and yet full of passion. They were tender, yet harsh. His taste was bitter, yet sweet. His lips moved rhythmically, yet were slightly off beat.

As I adored his sweet, addicting kisses, I was never sure if mine were good enough for him. I was almost certain he was looking for more, trying to make me give more. I was afraid that everything he tried to push me, I wasn't fulfilling his need, kike he was mine.

As his hands slid over my stomach, and onto my chest, another feeling came to me. It was the feeling of unfairness. Gerard had, had his turn, and if I didn't stop him, he would have his turn again, and the scale would start to tip.

Pushing him away slowly, I looked into his golden brown eyes, and smiled. I pushed my hand through his hair, and let it settle on his back.

"What's wrong," Gerard asked, confusion clouded his face.

"Is mom or dad home," I asked.

"Not at the moment," he answered. I smiled, and started to undo my belt, "Why?"

"I'm making us even," I answered. I pulled my pants off, and threw them onto the floor. Getting off my bed, I quickly dove into our attic, looking for the baby oil. I found it lying on the floor, and grabbed it.

Walking back to my bed, my heart started to pound. I've never done this before. I have no clue what I'm doing. I might do everything wrong.

Crawling onto my bed again, I unscrewed the lid, and took some of the oil on my fingers.

"Are you sure you want to do this," Gerard asked, raising his eyebrow at me.

"Yes," I answered, as I took a deep breath. Gerard rolled over onto his stomach, and lifted himself onto all fours.

Sighing, I pulled on his boxers, and shifted them to his knees. Taking the oil that was on my fingers, I placed it over his opening. Then pulling down my own boxers, I took some of the oil, and covered my penis with it.

Screwing the lid back on, I placed it on our bedside table, and sat back on my knees, and took yet another deep breath.

"I'm ready when you are," Gerard said.

"Right," I answered, nodding, even though he couldn't see me.

Positioning myself, I took my last deep breath and inserted myself into my older brother.

It was a weird feeling, but it was great. I pulled out a bit, and pushed back in. It was incredible. I mean, I know I "fucked" Sombra, but doing her, was nothing like this. This was much better.

The feeling was so great, that I began to pump faster, and faster, going deeper, and deeper into Gerard, who was enjoying every moment of this.

As I released, I lingered for a moment, before pulling out, and collapsing onto my bed ,next to my brother.

"That was horrible," he said laughing.

"It was my first time," I protested.

"Well.... When I feel up to it, I'll help you improve your skills, but for now, I'm happy," he smiled, and held my face in his hands.

"Being grounded won't be that bad," I said.

"Nope, it won't," Gerard smiled, and sat up.

"What are you doing?"

"Besides you," I smiled, "Taking a shower," he stood, "Do you want to join me?"

"Hell yeah," I answered. I jumped up, and grabbed two towels. Closing out door, I locked it.

"What did you do that for," asked Gerard.

"In case Mom comes home, you can just say I locked you out of our room, and you didn't mind."

"Why wouldn't I mind," we entered our bathroom, and Gerard turned on the shower.

"Would mom believe if you said you were trying to think of a way to get me back?"


"Then say that," I said, pulling my boxers off again. Gerard smiled, and did the same.