Ways to Love Your Brother

Some sectrets were meant to be told

When lunch came around, I grew very nervous. What if Frank lied, and tells Gerard everything? Then he'll hate me forever. I don't want that to happen. The bell rang, indicating that chemistry was over. Gathering all of my books and pencils together, I made my way to my locker.

Twisting in my combination, I felt a drop of sweat roll down my face, and hung on my chin. Wiping it away with my shoulder, I opened my locker, and started shoving my books in.

"Hey Mikey," said a voice from the right of my locker.

"Hello Gee," I said not looking up. I wanted to keep my eyes as far from Gerard's as possible. I couldn't trust my eyes at this point.

"Do you want me to walk you down," he asked.

"Um... I-I think Frank might be looking for you," I stood, gripping my lunch bag until my knuckles were white.

"Are you okay," he asked.

"Um....," Frank then came around the corner, saving me from spilling my feelings.

"Hey Gee," he greeted, "What's up," while Gerard answered, I took my chance and practically ran down the hall to the cafeteria.

Collapsing into a chair, I pulled out a peanut butter samich, a large carrot, and a bottle of V8. I told my mom not to pack anything healthy, by she never listens.

Unwrapping my carrot, I saw Gerard and Frank get in line for lunch. I took a bite, and chewed it slowly. Swallowing, I saw Frank lead Gerard to another table. I felt relieved, knowing that Gerard wouldn't be sitting with me.

Keeping an eye on Gerard, I tried to read his body language. Was he nervous? Was he joking? What were they talking about?

All of these questions were driving me insane. I needed to know!

"Hey Mikey," came a female voice. Looking away from Gerard and Frank, I turned to a girl in a tight white tank top, a pink mini skirt, and knee high white socks, the side of the shirt was cut and tied in little knots along the side; something that she had obviously done herself. Her auburn hair was put in a pony tail, and curled so it hung in graceful curls that fell down her neck.

"Hello Sombra," I said, smiling. She sat next to me... well not quite next to me, more like on me.

"Why are you sitting alone?"

"Gerard and Frank wanted to talk alone," Sombra literally moved onto my lap now. I grew nervous, and stole a glance at Gerard and Frank. Gerard was staring at us with a horrified look, shortly after, Frank turned around.

"I could keep you company," she said, leaning in, I could feel her hot breath hit my lips. Placing a hand on her shoulder, I pushed her away.

"Sombra, what are you doing," I asked timidly.

"I've heard you had a crush on me for a while," she smiled, leaning in she held her mouth next to my ear and added in a whisper, "and to be quite honest, I've always had a thing for you too."

"Sombra, that was in the seventh grade," I protested. It was true, I did have a crush on her, I mean come on, the most popular girl in the school, who wouldn't, but now, I still had a little crush on her, but nothing big.

"Maybe I can change that," she said leaning in again, and placing her lips on mine. I froze, and felt her wrap her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to deepen the kiss.

Feeling more comfortable, I started to kiss back, her fingers slipped under my beanie, and entangled themselves in my hair, the beanie falling to the floor. Her tongue slipped into my mouth, then an image of Gerard came into my mind; I pushed her away.

"What's wrong," she asked.

"I'm sorry," I answered, looking at the table, "I can't do this... I...love someone else," Sombra looked hurt, "I'm sorry. You are... very beautiful, and extremely tempting right now, but I need to stay loyal to what my heart tells me," Sombra looked at me, smiled, and nodded understandingly, "Would you like to eat with me?"

"No, I'm sorry," she answered, I nodded, and she pushed a soft kiss onto my cheek, before gliding off.

Sighing, I took a bite out of my samich, and swallowed hard. The bell rang, and I stuffed everything back into my bag. I'll just finish it at Frank's house.

Standing, Frank came over.

"What was that," he asked.

"She came on me," I answered, ashamed, "she said that she liked me, and then kissed me. I started to kiss back, but Gerard came into my mind, and I pulled her away."

"Oh. Gerard freaked out."

"What did he say,"

"He said that he liked a Mike. I wasn't sure if he meant you, so I asked what he was, and he said that he was a freshmen. You are the only Michale, Mike, or Mikey in this grade," a smile crossed my face. My ideas, and fears went away.

"Thank you Frank," I smiled, we reached out lockers, and started spinning in the combinations.

Opening my door, I noticed a piece of paper that hung in the vents of my locker. Grabbing it, I read the hand writing, and realized that it was from Gerard. Grabbing my books, I stuffed the note into my pocket, and headed off to class.