Ways to Love Your Brother

Under Pressure (a)

School was finally out, the five of us were aloud to hang out all day without interruption. Ray, Matt, and Frank have finally come to ease about us being together. Us being me and Gerard. We would all hold "band meetings" again like always. Ray and Matt bringing their girlfriends, and Frank brought his new boyfriend, Steven.

Like the old days, we would just sit around, eat junk food, argue about what the name of the band would be, and then, we just talked. It was a bit more interesting now that there were other people to join in on our awkward conversations.

Cristina, Matt's girlfriend, and Darcy, Rays girlfriend, both knew that Gerard and I are gay, and for their own safety, as well as ours, they knew we were together, and thankfully, they didn't think anything if it. In fact, they're a part of the, literally, .05% of the people in the world that actually support incest relationships, having read Flowers in the Attic and many other books of that kind. Did I also mention that they thought we were cute?

Over the summer, I got a job at Barn's And Noble, working in music. Which was pretty cool. I just manage the register, but it was still pretty cool; I was just too young to do anything else really.

Having a job, I was able to earn money and split it as evenly as possible into three saving piles. One for the bass I hoped to buy, one for the lessons in case I got lost in teaching myself, and the last one for spending money,

Mom was happy that I now have a job, and wasn't so dependent on her for money and more, and my father was just thrilled because I was "learning the value of a dollar." Gee was the only one who didn't like it.

"You're never here anymore," he would complain, hooking his fingers in the lining of my pants, pulling me close to him, placing our lips together. Pulling away slightly, he added, "How an I supposed to satisfy myself when you're not here?"


Not answering me, he pulled me close again, and lead me to the closet, but not the attic. Standing in the attic, Gerard wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed me fiercely.

Being kissed like this from Gerard was great. His lips worked mine in pace with his, his tongue slipped in and out of my mouth. His hands wandered over my ass, around my waist, and back down. His teeth would occasionally latch onto my lower lip, and would kiss me like that before releasing it and diving back in for more.

When we heard the door open, Gerard instantly reached into my pants and grabbed a hold of my underwear.

"No! Gerard, please," I cried breaking the kiss, but my cries were too late. "AH!" wedgies were horrible. Gerard did this evil laugh, then I noticed he wasn't trying that much, so it only hurt a little.

"Gerard Aurthur Way, put your brother down this instant," mom cried. Giving a convincing frustrated sigh, Gerard put me down. "Don't ever touch your brother anywhere like that again. Do you understand me?"

"Y-Yeah, mom. I understand," Gerard looked at her with shock, "I was only joking."

"Well don't."

"What are you afraid of, mom? That I would hurt Mikey? I love him mom, I would never do anything to harm him."

"You love him?"

"Yes. I love him, just like I love you, dad, grandma, grandpa.... Is there something wrong with that?"

Mom didn't answer, she just stared at Gerard, eying him with a distasteful look. Finally, she said, "Mikey, you'll be late," Gerard reached in his pockets and took out his car keys. "I'll be taking you," she added.

"Can I go to the restroom fist. To fix my pants?"

"Sure. I'll be waiting in the car."

Going into the bathroom, I fixed my pants, and headed out to my mom's car, and she took me to work.

*_*After Work*_*

When I got home, I went up stairs and found Gerard sitting on his bed, sketching in his sketchbook. He didn't look up at me, he didn't say anything to me. Thinking little of it, I placed the check I got on my dresser, and stripped down to my boxers, and pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms.

Going over to Gerard, I looked at his sketchbook and saw a picture of a bloody dagger lying on a floor somewhere. The drawing was really random, but beautiful in a twisted way.

Looking at Gerard, I saw that he had a look of pure hate in his eyes, with a hint of sorrow as well. Taking the book from him, he let it go without a fight. Opening my arms, Gerard entered them, pressing his face against my bare chest, and started to silently cry.

"I hate her, Mikey. I hate her," he wrapped his arms around me, clutching me close to him.

"What did she do?"

"When she got home, she yelled at me. She accused me of making you gay. That, because you looked up to me, I must have influenced you somehow."

"Don't listen to her. She doesn't know what it's like," I told him, "Don't blame yourself."

"But did I," he looked at me, tears silently falling down his face, clinging to his chin.

"No Gerard, no. You didn't do anything," I held his face in my hands, wiping his tears away with my thumb. "I love you Gerard, I'm the one who came up with that, not you. I'm gay, Gerard. I've always been that way. You didn't do anything to me."

Staying quiet for a while, Gerard pondered over what I had said. Looking at me, she smiled and brought our lips together.

I've never wanted Gerard more than I did then. Not only did I want to show Gerard that what I said was true, I wanted him to feel better, take his anger away. But he wouldn't let me.

"Stop," Gerard said, "She's across the hallway."

With my lips at his neck, I answered, "We'd better be quiet then."

Kissing him fiercely, I pushed him down on his bed, and ran my hand up his shirt. His hands were at my hips, and I moved so my knee was in between his. Moving my leg up as slowly as I could, I rubbed my leg against his hard, making him gasp.

"Oh my God," he whispered, "Oh my Mikey." I really like the sound of that last one.

Making my way back down, Gerard had enough of my teasing, and flipped us over. Slipping his thumb into the lining of my pants, he pulled them down. Kissing his way down, I felt him wrap his mouth around me, and it was pure bliss. Except for the fact that I couldn't make a sound.

When I was almost there, Gerard stopped leaving me in a painful spot. When I begged him to continue, he shook his head 'no' and he undid his own belt, and grabbed for the baby oil under his bed. Using some, he entered me, slowly, teasing me.

He got faster, and soon he came, much sooner than I thought, but it turned out he had been jacking off while he was blowing me. But not long after I came, did we hear our mother outside our door. Or someone was anyway.

Getting off of me, he pulled up his pants, and I pulled up mine. Throwing the bottle of baby oil on the floor, we threw old clothing on it, and I got in bed just in time for our parents to come into the room.