Ways to Love Your Brother

Without you/This is love

*_*A month later*_*

Closing my locker, I waited for Frank and Darcy to come down the hall. The three of us had lunch together, so of course we sat with each other.

Watching as they rounded the corner, they reached me and we entered the cafeteria and sat down in our usual spot.

Darcy was still dating Ray, Matt and Cristina were still together, as was Frank and Steven. Everyone was so happy together, it was almost painful.

Gerard didn't send anything, he hasn't called, in fact, he hasn't done anything to try and communicate with me, and because I don't know where he is, I can't encourage him at all to write.

My home life hasn't changed. Mom and dad still talk to each other, but I don't talk to them. I do listen to their conversations which are mostly about work, me not talking, debating weather or not they should send me away to an institute, what they're going to do with me, and weather or not I'll ever forgive them for what they did. Never have I heard them talk about Gerard. It was almost as if he was never here. Almost as if we were never caught.

Work was getting a bit better. I was beginning to do all of the things that the older employees could do, and I had also made several friends there as well, one of them, a boy named Travis, who was an extremely close one. We both go to school together only he's a year ahead, and was a gay, popular, jock.

Travis and I worked the CD section of Barn's and Noble together, and were as close as ever too. We started at the same time, so that meant we also had lunch together. I never took him to Frank's for fear of what would happen if I brought a prep over saying he was a friend.

So, I would bring Travis home for lunch, or he would take me to his. We only stayed in each other's living rooms, or in each other's kitchens, and we would only come over for the weekends when we worked.

Even though we were close friends, we never sat with each together during lunch at school, mainly because his friends were hogs and would get mad that he moved on them. He didn't want to cause any trouble also considering that he sat with Derrick and Jason.

I didn't got to sit with him because, mainly I didn't want to get picked on by Derrick and/or Jason, and because I didn't want Frank and Darcy to think that I was becoming a jock wanna be and ditch them for popularity.

But putting these problems aside, we hung with each other after school whenever we could, and we talked about everything during work.

The entire year went by in a fast, and sometimes painful blur. The pain coming from asthma attacks that only came in P.E, Derk the Jerk and J-Jock, and from Gerard not ever talking to me all year.

*_*Next Summer*_*

Walking to my house, Travis and I were on our two hour lunch break, like we had last summer. Entering my house, I saw that my parents weren't home. Entering the kitchen, we made our lunch but when we went to sit down and eat, Travis asked, "Could I see your room?"

Over the year and few months that we had known each other, we had never seen more of each other's houses other than our kitchens dinning rooms, bathrooms, the hallways we used, and our living rooms. Never have we seen any other part of our houses.

"Um.... Sure." I replied. Grabbing my plate, I waited for hip upstairs and to my room, after pointing out the other doors.

"This is your room?" Travis asked.


"Who do you share it with?"

"I shared it with my older brother Gerard."

"Oh yeah! i remember him. He got an art scholarship from some school in New York."

"That's the one."

"Where is he?"

"He just finished his first year of college."

"That's cool."


I put in my Anthrax CD, and searched through the songs looking for my favorite one, while Travis sat on my bed. Finding it, I turned the volume up a bit then sat next to him on the bed.

"Madhouse." Travis said, a smile on his face, "Not bad."

"You like Anthrax?"

"More like love." he said, "Damn, that lead singer is a good piece of man." he let out a long whistle, "I'd do him in a heart beat."

I laughed my agreement, then asked, "Who else would you do?"

Looking at me, his face totally serious, he leaned in and placed a light kiss on my lips, and replied, "You."

Staring at each other for a moment, we both leaned back in, and kissed again.

*_*Next School Year*_*
*_*A few months later*_*
*_*Junior Year*_*

After Travis and I shared our fist kiss, we started dating, and we didn't keep it a secret either. Walking hand in hand down the hallway sitting with each other at lunch, hanging out after school, going to movies on a date everyone knew we were together, and not everyone liked it.

"How can you stand to date that pansy jock?" demanded Frank, "I though you loved Gerard."

"I did." I replied, "But when he doesn't come or writes, I can't help but to think he doesn't love me anymore."

"But why him?"

"you don't even know him like I do. He's fun sweet caring, and you're going to have to deal."

"What if he's using you?"

"Why would he use me?"

"Fine, what if he's just playing with you? Dating you until you decide to sleep with him?"

"He's not like that."

"How would you know? Did you talk to him about this?"

"Fuck you." walking away, I made my way down the hall to Travis' locker. Finding that he wasn't there yet, I leaned against it until he came.

"Hey, Mikey." he greeted coming up to me.

Placing a kiss on his lips, I answered, "Hello."

"Ready for our date?" he asked.

I nodded. Taking a moment, I let him put his books away, then he lead me down the hall ways of our school into the gym.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Being the best basketball player in the entire district has its advantages." Travis said.

The lights in the gym were off, and the windows on the doors were covered so no one could see, and the doors were locked as well. A stereo system was set up in the corner, and it was softly playing Anthrax through it's speakers.

On the stage on the opposite side of the gym, was a table set for two, and a cart filled with food. A dim spot light was settled on the table, giving us light.

"This is wonderful." I said smiling at Travis.

"And it's all for us." he added. Leaving my side, he ran out to the middle of the basketball court, a.k.a. the gym. "Come on."

Running out to him, he caught me by my waist, pulling me close to him, placing kisses on my lips. The kiss gradually got deeper, and the next thing I knew, I was pinned against the bleachers, completely unaware that we had moved back to begin with.

Pulling away, he smiled, "Hungry?" he asked.

"Just a little." I answered.

Taking my hand he lead me to the stage, where the table was set and sat me at one side of the table, while he went to the tray, and uncovered some of the food.

A salad was first, then slices of chicken; he had sparkling champagne which he poured into the champagne glasses on the table. It was beautiful mainly because he thought of it, and because it was a classic candle lit dinner.

After we finished eating, we continued to talk about whatever we were talking about while we ate. then, Travis got up and lead me down to the gym floor, where he pulled out a remote and turned up the volume of the stereo.

The Anthrax music semi-blared through the gym and after pulled me close, we started to dance. One time around the CD, we were pretty sweaty and danced out.

Turning the stereo off, he quickly left my side to blow out the candles on the table. Coming back, he lead me down the flight of stairs and into the boys locker room.

Pulling me close, he placed his lips on mine, and mine on his. Leading me to the showers, he proceeded to take off my clothing and I did the same to him. He then turned on a shower, and we committed our first sin since we've been together in our school locker room.

*_*Next Year*_*
*_*Senior Year*_*

Travis had graduated ad was now attending a college in New York. Ray and Matt had graduated with Gerard their class, so they had been out for a while. So all that was left after Darcy, and Cristina left with Travis, was me and Frank.

The year went by a lot faster than the other three years of high school. I don't know why, but I didn't enjoy the speed either. I mean, yes, I did enjoy not getting bullied by the now graduated Derrick and Jason. And I did enjoy the new friends I had made in the group that Travis was in, and also sitting with Frank. But work was boring mainly because Travis wasn't there.... Okay, yay, that was the main reason.

Another downfall of the year, was that my parents have decided to try and get me to talk. When I didn't answer, they simply grounded me. How elementary of them. Of course I obeyed them. I just did my homework and didn't continue to talk to my parents. Eventually, they understood that they were getting no where with this. Still this didn't stop them from grounding me, or trying for that matter.

Because of this, I was grounded most of the school year, so what fun could I have? But fun or not, I still graduated, and I packed my bags and was excepted into the same college as Travis in New York.