Ways to Love Your Brother

Something simple something sleazy

It was a rainy day when I stepped out of the main doors of my school at 4:30 in the afternoon, having entered it during a lovely, sunny day at 9:15 that same morning.

I gave a long sigh, as I shoved my books into my bag and proceeded to run out into the empty street, and to my car. I unlocked the door and got in, placing my book bag on the seat next to me.

Starting the car, warm air shot at me, and my radio softly played Metalica. I turned on the windshield wipers, setting them on slow. Pulling out into the street, I didn't go right back to my apartment, instead, went to the cafe where Gerard worked.

Getting out of the car, I ran into the building, and brushed the rain droplets that didn't soak in off my shoulders.

From behind the counter, I instantly spotted my brother's blackened hair working at making coffee for one of the waiting customers.

Going up to the counter, I ordered a regular mocha and stepped over to the group of people, who seemed to be together, and waited for my drink.

The group got their drinks and left, chattering loudly about something that happened during school, and now it was only me.

I watched as Gerard made my drink, hoe he expertly added the ingredients without measuring them out properly, he stirred it together then handed it to me.

"Hey, Gerard." I greeted.

"Hey, Mikey." he replied.

"H-How are you?"

"I'm good."

"That's good."

"What's up?"

"Nothing really. I'm just getting something before I head home." I took a sip of my coffee, then said the reason why I came here, "You said I could come over sometime."


"How about this weekend?" I asked, looking at Gerard.

"Sure." he gave a smile then quickly asked, "Do you want to stay overnight?"

"What? Why?"

"We could catch up on things. We didn't really get the chance to do that when I came over."

"Um, sure. That sounds fun." I took another sip of my coffee, "And I'll bring my bass."

"Definitely bring that. I really want to hear you play."

"I will, don't worry."

*_*Saturday after work*_*

Travis and I entered out apartment, and I went into our bedroom followed by Trav, and had help getting out of my clothes. There wasn't that much help putting my clothing back on, but oh well.

I grabbed my suitcase and bass case, also making sure that the piece of paper Gerard have me when he left was in my pocket, for it held his address on it.

I placed a kiss on Travis' lips, holding it out much longer than I intended to, then got help moving my small amp into my car, which was rewarded with another kiss.

"Have fun." Travis said.

"Okay. Don't let derrick and Jason get you too drunk tonight. By the time I get home, I'll have missed you too much."

"I'll be waiting." he answered.

We shared another kiss, then I got into my car and pulled out of your parking lot.

You would think that finding an apartment on a campus would be easy. You just go to the street it's on and 'va la!' it's there. Truth us, it's not. I had major difficulties finding Gee's apartment let alone the very street it was on.

But after stopping three times for directions I finally got there.

As I pulled into the parking lot, I saw Gee on his balcony. I honked twice and waved. He waved back and disappeared into his apartment, only to come back out the main apartment door.

"You found the place." he said, pulling me into a hug.

"You're place is impossible to find." I replied, a laugh coming out.

"Let me help you with your stuff."

Reaching into my car, I pulled out my amp which I handed to Gerard, insisting that I handle the rest.

Gerard lead me up a couple flights of stairs to the third floor, and into his apartment.

It was big. Much bigger than the small one Travis and I shared. The apartment walls were a brilliant white, not that off white almost beige color of our walls. It also reminded you of those pictures of celebrity pads that you saw in magazines. The kitchen was pretty retro along with the living room.

"Wow." I said, looking around, "This place is amazing."

"It's a lot bigger than the one I started off with." he answered.

He led me through the rest of the apartment and to a guest room.

"This is where you can sleep." he said, offering the room.

"Thanks." I entered the room, and set my bag on the bed, "Um.... Listen. I should have called, but Travis is leaving with a couple of our friends, and I'm not looking forward to spending Sunday all by myself, so I was wondering-"

"Mikey," Gerard said. He was leaning against the frame of the door, one hand in his pocket, and the other still holding my amp, "It's okay if you stay until Monday."

"Thank you." I replied, smiling, "Put the amp where you want it. I don't think you want to hear me play through my door."

"No, of course not." he agreed.

He turned around and I followed him to the living room of the apartment. He set the amp down next to the couch, so I proceeded to rest my bass against the wall.

"I'm really happy you agreed to come over, Mikey." Gerard said, "I want to talk about all that's happened.

"I do too." I agreed.

"Do you wanna play your bass?"

"Do you wanna hear me play?"

"Smart ass." I heard Gerard mumble as he moved some of his furniture out of the way of a plug.

Setting everything up, I plucked the strings on my bass and smiled lightly at the sound of the low hum that broke the silence in the room.

I messed around a moment, then found a song to play. I started near the middle of the neck of the bass and slid down, hitting at least 12 notes along the way and went into 'Long View' by Green Day.

All of the other songs I chose were about seduction, sex, even masturbation. I didn't announce the title of the songs. I didn't sing the lyrics. I merely stared at Gerard with intensity, letting him know these were all for him.

After a while I knew I hit a spot because he started to squirm. Trying hard not to let me notice, he grabbed a pillow and set it on his lap.

I changed the song to 'Touch Myself' and as I watched him suffer on his couch, I myself grew hard behind my instrument. I softly hummed the notes to the lyrics, a sweat forming on my brow.

Finally not being able to take it, Gerard leaped up from the couch, the pillow falling off his lap and onto the floor, and he came over to me, quickly removed my bass, and kissed me full on.