Ways to Love Your Brother

s.m.i.l.e to be h.a. double p.y.

Gerard and I had fallen asleep sitting on the floor. When I woke up, I was moved to the guest room I was appointed to, dressed and tucked in.

At first I thought everything was fine, that is, until I moved.

Pain shot through my rear end, clouding my eyes and making me dizzy. The pain only got worse as I stood up and went to the kitchen, where Gerard was standing shirtless, in front of the stove making pancakes.

Coming up behind him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and placed a kiss on his shoulder blade. I then rested my head on his back.

"Good morning, Mikey," Gerard greeted.

I didn't reply. I just gave a sigh and hugged him closer.

He turned around in my arms, after clearing the pan of cakes, and kissed me.

"It's nice to be able to do this again," Gerard said, pulling away just a little bit.

"Yeah. I've been missing you," I replied, kissing him again.

As we kissed, I reached behind my older brother, and grabbed the plate of ready pancakes. Pulling away, I placed a kiss on his cheek, and walked away, eating a cake as I went.

"Hey," Gee called, "No fair!"

Turning off the stove, he chased me over to the couch, where he latched onto me, pain shooting through me, and pulled me down nearly causing me to spill the pancakes. In stead though, I swallowed the mouthful I had, and set the plate down on the glass coffee table.

Laying there together, his lips landing on mine, engaging me in a heated kiss. His hands roamed here and there all the while tugging at my shirt, trying to remove them as fast as he can.

Once my shirt was gone, things got more heated, and faster. Our hands went to each others pajama bottoms expertly pulling them down. Gerard was commando, and I was in briefs.

Gerard's hands slid down my waist, playing with the lining of my briefs. His fingers warm and soft, lightly tickling me as he moved back and forth.

Making love on a couch is actually quite rough, even with lubrication, and on your flipped side. The space your aloud is so small you have to be careful when you move, or else you'll fall off.

Making love with Gerard.... The feeling is beyond words. He just knows how to move, how to touch.... He knows how to make me scream, call out.

By the time we were both finished, my back side hurt more even with the lube.

Gerard rested his head on my sweat, shinny chest, his arms wrapped around me, and mine around him. We weren't tired, we just laid there, in each other's arms, feeling more at home than ever.

Gee shifted, moving his chin onto my chest, his face looking at mine. We stared at each other for a moment, then we brought our lips together, and when we pulled apart, we were smiling.