Status: Just Gettin' Started.

Landscape Windows

That's Kind Of A Big Deal, Right?

All my life, I've never been able to find anything more exhilirating than hundreds of bodies packed together, breathing the same air, sweating together and all being there for one soul purpose, and that, was the music. Concerts were the one thing that made me think that no matter what clique you were that maybe, just maybe, we were all the same people.

Granted, we all had different life stories, different reasons for being where we were and doing what we do, but we all ended up in the same, packed in a plaster walled one roomed building next to the church which challenged every single cliche most of us have ever known. Long lines, foul mouths, cigarettes, pot, and breakdowns, all located in the smallest building I think I've ever seen in my life, next to a church, and yet, despite this the house was always packed, the pot was always brought and most importantly, the music was always good. If it wasn't? Believe me, your band would know, you'd probably have to slither out the backdoor where the scenesters stood trying to look like they knew the scene more than you did, when you did run into these fools, they'd most surely be sympathetic and tell you that they'd never heard better when in fact, they don't know if they have or not because, they don't know music like the real people on the scene do, like I do.

6, a tender age for most filled with problems like trying to tie your shoes or remembering your address, phone number and to always change your underwear. Where was I? Easy, outside at the park with my bestfriend at the time, he was older than me, but now that I look back at things, I've always had a thing for older men. I have to thank him for a lot more than my first schoolgirl crush though, he's the reason I'm standing here, right where I am, watching him on stage at the very venue he showed me when I was just 13. He always aspired to play and watch the mosh pits from on the stage, to be known as "that guy from the band" and he was going to get there. I suppose he rubbed off on me though, because I too, was itching to play on that stage, maybe not causing mass mosh pits or bringing in brutal breakdowns that make even the most HxC kids quake in their converses. No, that's Casey's job, my job however, is to be the boundary pusher, to make amazing edgy acoustic music and be a one woman band.

"Matty babe, did you like it?" I turned around into a sweaty mess of a hug that only Casey could give. I didn't even notice his set was over, I was too busy fantasizing about being on the stage instead of the band that soon filed onto stage after Casey's. "I always do, love. You never cease to amaze." He laughed and shook his head being modest as always, because secretly he knows he could take the entire scene by storm if he wanted to.

"When are you going to finally gonna go play up there, huh?" I shrugged and sighed "I don't know, I doubt I could get a spot, it took you guys years to get your shot." He pursed his lips and tapped his head. "Well babe, that's why being the genius I am put in a good word with Hmazz." My jaw instantly dropped and after a moment or three, I gathered myself and smiled "You did? What'd he say," Questions started to fly through my head and I could feel a feeling of excitement, one that I hadn't felt in a while bubble up into my stomach and out of my throat, it escaped however, as a little squeak.

"Well he said he's heard some of your stuff floating around and I may have, possibly slipped a song or two to him. Consider your self booked, love." Nothing could come out of my mouth, my hands couldn't stay at their sides, instead they both flew to my mouth and then around his waist into the biggest hug I could possibly manage.

"Wait, when? That's sort of a big thing right, I need to know when I play" He laughed and patted my head. "Hold up kidd-o, why don't we get through the rest of the night and we'll figure it all out when it doesn't look like you've inhaled one too many pixi sticks." I bit my lip and nodded my head, turning back to the band playing, my foot tapping to the beat. This, was what I wanted more than anything in the world, I wanted to be something, even if I didn't get the best record deal, even if I was always forsaken to record in my bestfriends basement, as long as someone heard.

I am Matt and in a matter of two weeks I was going to be playing at the Harmony Grange, on the same stage as many other famous bands, and not so famous bands, but they all had the talent and being able to get a set booked was like getting a ticket to Heaven itself and God, did I want to be there everyday of the week and then some.
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Oh gosh, this has been in ready for like, 2 weeks. But I was being too much of a pansy to post it.

I'd like to thank Corrineftw for making me finally post it and giving me the confidence to do so.

The Harmony Grange is a real venue.
In Delaware it is really that little too!