Status: Just Gettin' Started.

Landscape Windows

Unless She Sucks

"Casey, I can't do this let me back out please?" I begged for the millionth time trying to push my way through him and make a quick but shameful get away to the nearest exit. "Sure thing when hell freezes over. This is your shot, this is NOT the time to get stage fright kidd-o" He huffed and pushed me back over closer to the stage. "Now stay Matt, I'm serious. You need this." I stomped my feet before moving aside so the band that was before me could file off stage.

This was it, I was going on stage and I was going to kick ass. After the aforementioned ass kicking, I'd follow the flow of things and hopefully, hopefully I'd actually make it somewhere. I wasn't planning on it, I suppose it was the cynical side of my personality showing, but at least if I crashed and burned, I expected it. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins, along with this fluttery feeling in my stomach. I wasn't quite sure if it was because I was going to throw up or if it was excitment and as long as the first didn't happen, I'd be fine with it remaining.

I looked from the side of the stage and saw tons of kids and young adults milling around, judging silently other kids who maybe weren't as hip as they were or maybe it was because they simply carried the wrong presence with them, never the less, in 5 minutes I'd have their attention, their eyes would be focused on me and I'd have to give them a show to remember, if not I better hope that they all suffer some sort of head trauma before this could get out into the public domain. Gossip moved fast now a days, but bad gossip? Moved ten times faster.

The lights dimmed themselves and the mic screeched a little before the owner of the Grange took the stage and introducecd me. He never introduced anyone apparently I was a different story. "Alright, all of you hipsters shut the hell up. I'm here to introduce a semi exotic soloist. It's her first show, so you assholes better treat her good. Unless she sucks."

Sweating bullets is not my thing however, it didn't seem to matter because at the moment it was currently starting to form on my forehead real attractive, I know. I walked over to the stool they'd put out for me with my head down and big steps. I slid onto the stool and cringed when it lifted up every so slightly from the ground, that was the last thing I needed. Falling off my ass in front of a huge crowd because of a stool, a stool. I moved the mic around a little and coughed nervously.

"So I guess Hmazz got the whole name thing down pretty well, I don't have much to say. Other than if I suck you guys best not tell me because I might be short but I'll kick the shit out of you." I grinned and repositioned my guitar, looked out into the crowd and saw them all grinning back at me. "Let's make this a goodnight, kay guys!" they all cheered back at me and that gave me the confidence I needed to stop pussy footing around.

I flicked off my the sandals I'd been wearing and rested my feet on the stool, introduced the songs and took a deep breathe before letting myself fall into the familar feeling of the strings and chords that I'd played so faithfully since I was 6.

"We find ourselves constantly looking at the sky,
We're always expecting rain, and yet we don't know why.
Constantly dancing in circles, for the gods to untie the skies.
And watching as we always make our own demise.

Well tell me now, do you find it exhausting?
Don't you realise what time it's costing?
We look to the sky and hope to find ourselves.
Well why not, come down to earth
And just breathe.”

I finished off the last song and just sat there for a second before the cheering started. I smirked and slid off the stool, much more gracefully then when I had gotten on it the first time, and for the first time since this show started, I let myself breathe.