Status: Finished.

Stranger Than Fiction


The next morning, my family and I were on a plane to California.

“M-Jasey? Are you awake?” Anna asked, shaking me. She almost called me Megan.

“Mhm, I am now, Anna,” I replied.

She sighed, “I hate this.”

“Me too, hun, me too.”

“Hey, at least you can sing along with that All Time Low song now.”

I giggled, “That’s why I chose it.”

“I figured as much.”

I love my sister. She’s 16 and I’m 22. We’re very close with each other.

The captain came on the speakers and said we were about to land. I woke mom and dad up and then got ready to land.

The program had set up a job for me at the hospital, which I was amazed that I had a new job. I’m a CNA and would like to go back to school to be an RN. I told Anna that I’d help her find a job. Mom was a stay at home mom anyway, and Dad was a technician.

It didn’t take long for us to land and get all of our stuff together. They had an escort waiting for us. All of our bags got put into the car and we were off to our new home.

“Oh my god! It’s in a gated community? Holy shit!” Anna called.

“Anna, language!” Mom scolded.

“It has to be huge,” I said.

“Actually, it is. It’s a five bedroom, four and a half bath house,” Dad said.

My eyes widened, “shit.”

“Awesomeness,” Anna said, pumping her fist to mine.

Life might just be better now, I don’t know.

We pulled up to our house and noticed four cars in the driveway.

One for each of us. Wow. I guess they felt bad that mine got blown up.

“The Honda is yours, Anna. Jasey, you get the beetle, and the other two are ours,” Mom called.

My car is a 2009 purple beetle. I didn’t know they made purple ones, it’s crazy whack. I love it though.

Walking into the house was just a dream, I guess. The inside was amazing.

Anna and I looked at each other and raced up the stairs. I got the biggest bedroom other then the master bedroom. Anna’s room was pretty big too.

My room was going to be painted purple, if you can’t tell, I love purple. It would have to wait though, because I’m so freaking tired. I fell asleep on my huge bed.